What is Reputation Management?

When talking about an individual, your reputation is a huge piece of your personal brand. It's how your peers view your trustworthiness, credibility, accountability, and the value to bring to any given situation. Your reputation makes or breaks relationships, and can be the difference between seizing an opportunity or having it pass you by. Especially … Continue reading What is Reputation Management?

Finding the Right Balance of Self Promotion

On the first Monday of each month, I dust off a favorite post from the blog archives and give you another chance to enjoy the wit and wisdom that’s been shared. Enjoy this month’s treasure – and if it inspires you – be sure to share it with family and friends! How do you feel about promoting … Continue reading Finding the Right Balance of Self Promotion

Using Awards as a Public Relations Strategy

Awards can be a highly effective way to honor good work and inspire people to work to their highest potential. But certainly, not all awards are created equal. It seems like everywhere we turn there's an announcement for a new award opportunity, often tied to a submission fee which leaves you wondering whether the intent … Continue reading Using Awards as a Public Relations Strategy

Finding the Right Balance of Self Promotion

How do you feel about promoting your business or your brand through your personal networks and social media channels? Do you think it's appropriate, even vital, for someone to share news about their business or professional accomplishments? Or do you view this as tacky, uninteresting, or even annoying? It's likely you fall somewhere along this … Continue reading Finding the Right Balance of Self Promotion

7 Tips to Help College Seniors Prepare for the Real World

Though it may seem far off for college seniors, life in the real world is coming at you fast. Sure, you may be thinking about your next steps to become gainfully employed, but are you really taking action to prepare yourself? Right now is the best time to put the effort into doing everything you … Continue reading 7 Tips to Help College Seniors Prepare for the Real World

7 Ways to Better Promote Your Blog on Linkedin

Linkedin has become a powerful tool for promoting your blog and other articles you have written. I’ve personally seen how Linkedin pushes new visitors to my blog every day – more so than any other type of social media I use, even more than my website. But how exactly do you go about effectively marketing … Continue reading 7 Ways to Better Promote Your Blog on Linkedin