What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: It’s okay to NOT like everyone you work with

There are some things that can and will never be taught in the classroom. Maybe it’s because those topics are seen as too radical or have been flagged as a lawsuit risk, but truly these are the missing pieces of wisdom that leave many college grads as an incomplete puzzle with still much to figure … Continue reading What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: It’s okay to NOT like everyone you work with

What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: Group projects can be completed alone.

There are some things that can and will never be taught in the classroom. Maybe it’s because those topics are seen as too radical or have been flagged as a lawsuit risk, but truly these are the missing pieces of wisdom that leave many college grads as an incomplete puzzle with still much to figure … Continue reading What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: Group projects can be completed alone.

A Month of Independence: A reflection of where one month has led me since my biggest life change

It’s been once month since my blog post Independence Day which received a lot of encouragement and words of wisdom. Having declared July 15th as my personal independence day has provided me with a date and a benchmark that I will forever be able to look back on and see where one month, one year … Continue reading A Month of Independence: A reflection of where one month has led me since my biggest life change

Strive for Progress Not Perfection

Somewhere between the extended angle and twisted crescent pose, my yoga instructor said "Strive for progress not perfection." And I immediately fell in love with the mantra. Before hearing this phrase on Tuesday, I would wake up with an arm's length list of to-do's that left me racing against the clock throughout the day and … Continue reading Strive for Progress Not Perfection

When You Don’t Plan Everything, Everything Goes As Planned

I just took my first real vacation for the first time in two years. I’m used to working, or at least having some obligation, every day of the week—even including evenings and weekends.  It wasn’t healthy. Because of this ridiculous schedule, I would plan out everything the night before, from what clothes I would wear … Continue reading When You Don’t Plan Everything, Everything Goes As Planned