According to the new report by Germanwatch, Bulgaria is ranked among the ten countries most affected by extreme weather events in 2022. The Climate Risk Index (CRI) for 2025 highlights the increasing frequency and severity of climate-related disasters, which have a serious impact on human life and the economy:
BlueLink Foundation
Non-profit Organizations
Sofia, Sofia City 248 followers
Online networking, watchdog journalism and research for civil society participation and green democracy
About us
BlueLink is civic e-network for coordination, exchange of information and information technology innovation among environment, human rights and democracy defenders, state and local authorities, researchers and journalists in Bulgaria and across Central and Eastern Europe. BlueLink was launched as a e-network for green and democratic civil society in Bulgaria in 1998. The BlueLink Foundation is registered in public interest in Bulgaria to uphold civil society, democracy, shared European values and environmental sustainability. BlueLink achieves its purpose by supporting internet networking, public interest journalism, policy advocacy and research. BlueLink's main fields of activity include: - creating and maintaining the BlueLink Civic Action Network - a networking, coordination and information exchange hub at; - supporting civic participation in decision making through strategic use of the internet; - building capacity and publishing BlueLink Stories ( and as channels for ethical journalism in public interest; and - research and analysis of internet freedom, technological and social change, civil society, democracy and sustainable development; and promoting policies that foster them.
- Website
External link for BlueLink Foundation
- Industry
- Non-profit Organizations
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Sofia, Sofia City
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1998
257 Slivnitsa Blvd.
Sofia, Sofia City 1202, BG
Employees at BlueLink Foundation
Pavel Antonov
Еxecutive Editor / Co-founder at Board Member at Journalist. Manipulation teacher at Milestone Institute. Independent…
Ivan Koutzaroff
Political Scientist | Expert in Communications & Strategic Development | Researcher | Editor-in-Chief, POLIS Magazine
Агенцията на Европейския съюз за основните публикува изключително ключов доклад "Към Европейски зелен пакт, съобразен с основните права", който предоставя критична оценка на климатичните политики на ЕС през призмата на правата на човека. Докладът подчертава необходимостта от интегриране на основните права в бъдещите законодателни и политически документи, за да се гарантира, че те изпълняват обещанието за справедлив и честен преход и предлага подходи за напредък за ЕС и неговите държави членки. Може да се запознаете с основните тези на доклада, които BlueLink Foundation предоставя на български език:
Justice and Environment, the European Network of Environmental Law Organizations, of which BlueLink Foundation is a part, is pleased to invite you to an online webinar focusing on child rights, with a special emphasis on climate rights. Event Details: Date: 25 February 2025 Time: 11:00 - 13:00 EET (Sofia time) Registration Link: Agenda: The agenda, including the names of keynote speakers, is available in the attached invitation. We encourage you to mark your calendars and join us for this insightful event. Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested in the topic. We kindly ask you not only to participate but also to encourage your colleagues to join and to spread the invitation within your national networks and stakeholders. Additionally, please consider sending it to those whom you successfully interviewed or surveyed. Please note that the webinar will be conducted in English. We look forward to your participation. For more information about the project, please visit the BlueLink page:
BlueLink's Pavel Antonov contributed to this workshop an analysis of challenges and opportunities for climate communication, as observed in Bulgaria. He positioned the analysis in the context of: - declining application of traditional norms of journalism, which bound it to factual, science-based reporting, separation of fact from commentary and editorial from income, and representing opposing view points; and - refusal of any normative commitments of similar kind by internet-based social networking platforms, and recent counter-attack against fact checking and regulation attempts, aimed to prevent disinformation and misinformation. Antonov outlined BlueLink's ambition for restoring normative commitments of watchdog journalism and introducing similar ones in the digital sphere.
🇬🇧Ambassador Matt Field OBE hosted a workshop „Climate in Central Europe: Communication and Ambition,“ which brought together representatives from academia, think thanks, NGOs and British Embassies from across 9 countries in Central Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. ♻️ Our guests exchanged experience, expertise and best practice examples from their work and discussed challenges and opportunities in the region when it comes to discussing climate change. Several contributions touched on the issue how to produce and communicate scientific data in an understandable way. Others stressed the challenges of successfully getting these messages to media in times when climate change would not necessarily be no. 1 concern in the region. We had a very strong examples of the power of bringing the right people together, asking them the right questions and actively listening to their answers. And we learned that the communication does not necessarily have to rely on words only – art can be a powerful tool too. In the panel discussion „Climate Ambition in Central Europe and Cost of Non-action“ the Ambassador Matt Field welcomed Anna Walters from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Robert Jeszke from Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) and Petr Holub from Ministerstvo životního prostředí. 🙏 A big thank you to all who accepted our invitation. You were truly inspiring! Pavel Antonov I Gebhard Ottacher I Barbara Rogala I Jakub Hrbáň I Sandra Vlašić I Ondráš Přibyla I Tibor Schaffhauser Univerza v Mariboru I Natura5 I BlueLink Foundation I Terra Hub Croatia I Fakta o klimatu I Green Policy Center I Climate Lab British Embassy Vienna I British Embassy Sofia I British Embassy Zagreb I British Embassy Budapest I British Embassy Warsaw I British Embassy in Bucharest I British Embassy Bratislava I British Embassy Ljubljana
An exciting new project: "Environment, Rights, Children" (ENRICH). BlueLink is one of seven European partners who will foster protecting children's rights in the context of the impending climate crisis. Over the next 18 months, BlueLink will conduct three seminars on children's rights and participation in environmental and climate issues. These seminars will address the implementation of requirements for the evaluation of children's rights in practice, the presentation of related EU legislation, and the sharing of results from national research. As part of the project, BlueLink will actively contribute to communication activities in all participating countries, collaborating with media outlets to promote planned conferences and disseminate research findings. As part of REACH we will also: conduct surveys and interviews with key stakeholders to assess current levels of awareness regarding children's climate rights; provide training nationally to familiarize key environmental stakeholders with children's participation rights and methods for their application; and hold two international events for knowledge exchange, presentation of research results, and offering specific recommendations to EU policymakers on the guidelines of the EU and the practical implementation of participation policies for children in climate action are also planned. See more at: If you want to stay up-to-date with us, follow our Page.
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A very exciting opportunity to lead a session on tobacco control with some 80 members of Bulgaria's National Children's Council. It is reassuring to see so many bright and energetic young people, able to think critically and analytically and willing to act to make things better! With Dr gergana geshanova and Prof.Emilia Naseva of the @Smokefree Life Coalition, which the BlueLink Foundation is a supporting member of. Thanks to the State Agency for the Protection of Children for the invitation.
До всички защитници на околната среда и климата! Включете се в допитване и получете подкрепа от BeLIFE.Започваме с мащабна консултация, за да разберем по-добре предизвикателствата, рисковете и нуждите, пред които се изправяте. Попълнете анкетата тук #BeLIFE цели да подобри наличните ресурси за екологични демократични права, да изгради капацитет на защитниците на околната среда и климата и да подобри качеството на жалбите за екологични права. Подробностите тук: . участва по линия на членството си в ?@Justice and Environment - една от четирите паневропейски природозащитни мрежи и, които изпълняват проекта. Останалите партньори са Младежи и околна среда Европа (YEЕ), и Асоциация за екологично право Guta, а European Environmental Bureau - EEB ръководи проекта. #SupportEnvDefenders
Познават ли гражданите своите климатични права и имат ли желание да ги отстояват? Отговори търсим с настоящото издание. Свалете безплатно или поръчайте печатно копие: Публикация по проект финансиран от Европейския съюз и координиран от европейската мрежа "Правосъдие и околна среда". Изразените мнения принадлежат на авторите и не отразяват непременно позициите на ЕС. 2023 г. се смята за преломна за съдебните процеси за климата. Социологическите проучвания сочат, че близо 80% от българите смятат климатичните промени за “криза” или “сериозен проблем”, чието разрешаване трябва да бъде приоритет на политическите партии. Същевременно темата почти отсъства от публичните изяви на политиците. В глава 1 на “Нашите климатични права” ще намерите обзор на правната рамка на климатичните права в Европейския съюз и в България. В глава 2 представяме нагласите на широката общественост и гражданските организации по отношение на климатичните права и действията за ограничаване на климатичните промени. Глава 3 представя пресечните точки между борбата за ограничаване на изменението на климата и борбата за чист въздух, здраве и права на жените. Глава 4 разказва за три успешни климатични дела в България. В приложение 1 и 2 ще намерите повече контекст за категориите климатични права и класификацията на климатичните съдебни процеси, както и някои примери на знакови съдебни дела от света. В приложение 3 ще намерите фигури и инфографики, които илюстрират някои от темите в текста.
BlueLink's Pavel Antonov (left) and Plamen Peev (right) took part in the closing conference of the DACE project of Justice and Environment in Brussels. BlueLink Foundation is a network member and DACE project partner. A state has the obligation to effectively protect its people against serious effects of climate change, said Dr Elisabeth Stern, Board Chair of KlimaSeniorinnen - the Swiss collective which won an landmark ECHR decision in favour of climate rights back in April. Six months later in Brussels she was among the speakers who addressed over 150 lawyers, legal experts, researchers and climate advocates from across the EU debated over connecting human rights to climate change at the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels. “Our work reflects upon the increasing global dynamics of the climate change agenda by applying the rule of law and relevant rights”, said Csaba Kiss - a Hungarian environmental lawyer and J&E co-ordinator, who opened the conference. The DACE project explored and promoted climate rights - a novel concept capturing the existing and nascent categories of rights at international, EU and national level with relevance to climate change, including all substantive and procedural rights related to or affected by climate change.
Връхлетелите централна Европа природни бедствия диктуват решителни действия за предотвратяване на по-нататъшна промяна на климата, подчерта от Будапеща управляващият редактор на Pavel Antonov в интервю за "Събота 150" по БНР - Програма Хоризонт. "Налага се критично преоценяване на бездействието на нашите законодатели, на нашите правителства, за да се предотврати това, което се случва", заяви Антонов. България час по-скоро да влезе в крак с общоевропейското усилие срещу промените на климата. За да не се стига до ограничаване на демократичните ни права и свободи за спасяване на човешки животи, трябва прагматична политика, отказ от залитването към нескончаеми печалби и съзнателно самоограничаване на консумацията в развитите демократични общества, подчерта той. Наблюденията му почиват на дългогодишната подкрепа на мрежата за гражданско действие за @Коалиция за климата и отстояване на климатичните права на хората Пълен запис на интервюто може да чуете на .