🧐 Интересно! https://lnkd.in/d5XD7XmU Моделът, споделен от 6:25 мин. нататък, звучи някак приятно познат. ББР и ЕСО ще финансират изграждането на фотоволтаични централи в общински обекти, като за десетгодишен период ще продават енергията на фиксирана цена, а след това инсталациите ще останат собственост на съответните общини. Чудесна идея, даже вече приложена и работеща на практика: https://lnkd.in/dBhKrfkH. Има само една малка разлика – за изграждането на централата в Габрово не се използваха публични средства, а инвестицията бе направена от гражданите. За съжаление, към момента това е едно от малкото възможни решения за включване на гражданите в т.нар. „енергиен преход“, и единственото на общностна основа, предоставяйки им възможност да инвестират споделено в нови мощности за производство на възобновяема енергия. Изводът е ясен: един работещ модел, даващ възможност на крайните потребители да участват в енергийния пазар, ще трябва да се конкурира с ББР и ЕСО. Не, че не сме горди, че решението, което разработихме с Община Габрово и Община Бургас, се възприема на държано равнище, но дали пък не можеше тези средства да се насочат към мултиплицирането му, а не към неговото пълно обсебване? В крайна сметка, малка субсидия за първоначални анализи и проектиране би спомогнала за създаването на много нови енергийни общности, а инвестициите и съответно ползите ще са и за гражданите, а не само за бизнеса и институциите. 💬 И в този ред на мисли, не трябва ли да помислим по-скоро за реформи, за инвестиции в дигитализиране на мрежата, за инструменти, подкрепящи създаването на граждански енергийни общности? Кога най-после гражданите ще могат да споделят енергията помежду си „без да изпълняват необосновани или дискриминационни условия или процедури“, както е записано в Закона за енергетиката? Защо, ако изградим фотоволтаична централа на покрива на многофамилна жилищна сграда, все още трябва да плащаме мрежови такси за енергия, произведена и използвана на място? Имаме и още въпроси, но… едва ли има кой да отговори. А нещата не са толкова сложни, ако подходим системно – не е като да не знаем как: https://lnkd.in/d6pv-hfC. Само че, ако включим гражданите, спираме корупцията. И май това е големият проблем – и за санирането, и за енергийните общности, и за много други обществени сектори, които решително отказваме да реформираме. #LifeTANDEMS #NetZeroHero #energycommunities
About us
The Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect is a non-governmental, non-for-profit organization and its mission is to support the efforts of the central, regional and local authorities in the sustainable development of the country through more effective usage of the energy. In compliance with the Bulgarian Energy efficiency Act requirements, a consulting subdivision has been established - EnEffect Consult LTD. Its main activities are in the field of energy audits, building certification, researching and analyses.
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External link for Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect
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- Architecture and Planning
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- 11-50 employees
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- Nonprofit
Sofia, BG
Employees at Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect
🔥 The Cozy Wood Stove – A Hidden Health Risk Burning wood in household stoves and fireplaces is a major source of indoor air pollution—often unnoticed but highly harmful. The fine particles released during combustion can exceed urban pollution levels, leading to serious health issues, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer. 👉 Experts emphasize that even eco-labeled wood stoves can pollute indoor air beyond the safe limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite well-documented risks, there are currently no regulations to control indoor air pollution from these stoves. ➡️ The Council for Good Indoor Climate (Rådet for Godt Indeklima) and various other organizations and specialists are actively working to raise awareness and develop solutions and alternatives. This aligns with our efforts through events like @More Comfort for Cleaner Air, which recently highlighted the importance of sustainable heating and proper building insulation as key measures for improving air quality and indoor comfort. High-quality building renovation not only reduces energy costs but also creates a healthier living environment. 🌿 For cleaner indoor air and a healthier planet, consider alternative heating options such as heat pumps or electric heating—safer and more sustainable solutions. Find out more at: https://lnkd.in/dSzHZbWU. #BreathCities #CleanAirFund
🌍📢 Two webinars in February will focus on climate resilience in the building sector! The Mission Implementation Platform for Adaptation to Climate Change (MIP4Adapt), in partnership with the EU Cities Mission, is organizing online events to explore key solutions for adapting buildings to climate challenges. 🏢♻️ 🔹 Public procurement in the building sector: How to integrate climate resilience measures into public tenders? 📅 February 20 (Thursday), 15:00-16:30 CET 🔗 Registration: https://lnkd.in/dumfR3xN This session will showcase successful practices from local authorities and regions, innovative solutions—ranging from nature-based to technological approaches—and opportunities to align adaptation efforts with climate mitigation measures. 🔹 Building adaptation solutions: How can buildings become more resilient to climate change? 📅 February 27 (Thursday), 12:00-13:30 CET 🔗 Registration: https://lnkd.in/dvd6maM5 This session will explore real-life case studies and successful initiatives, highlighting effective methods that have been practically implemented and addressing key challenges in building adaptation. 💡 A unique opportunity to connect with cities and regions already implementing successful climate resilience strategies! 🌱 #MissionCities #EUMissions #HorizonEU
📣 Multi-Level Governance: A Key to EU Climate and Energy Goals 🌿 At EnEffect, we recognize that multi-level governance is not just a concept—it’s a crucial catalyst for advancing the EU’s climate and energy ambitions. We’re excited to see how initiatives like the NECPlatform project have already paved the way for transformative multi-level energy and climate dialogues across 6 Member States. Since 2022, these dialogues have been instrumental in crafting National Climate and Energy Plans (NECPs) and in accelerating the implementation of the Green Deal. 🌎 This final event of the NECPlatform project will be an excellent opportunity to dive into its findings, discuss real-world challenges, and explore practical solutions for overcoming obstacles in the path toward a sustainable future. If you’re unable to join in Brussels, don’t worry—the event will be webstreamed live! ➡️ https://lnkd.in/eajHc2ip LIFE Programme CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Energy Cities North West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA) Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane ZERO - ASSOCIAÇÃO SISTEMA TERRESTRE SUSTENTÁVEL
📣At an event last week in Bucharest, Romania, the DiVirtue project focused on new technologies for education, such as virtual reality (VR), VR laboratories, and 3D printing. During the event, the learning center was showcased, which uses innovative teaching methods through VR technologies. 🤖Participants had the opportunity to learn about the progress in developing VR laboratories, visiting the one in the Bucharest University for Architecture "Ion Mincu“, which can offer unique possibilities for testing and developing training scenarios. Emphasis was also placed on 3D printing, which provides new perspectives for creating educational resources by integrating technologies into the learning process. 🌱The DiVirtue project continues to lay the foundations for modern educational methods by using innovations that are changing approaches to training and preparing specialists in various fields. Go and follow the LinkedIn page of the project for more news ➡️ DiVirtue
🌱 Last week, we held several events in Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, and Gabrovo, where important topics in the field of energy efficiency and sustainable building renovation were discussed. ➡️ In Stara Zagora, we examined the challenges of renovating multi-family buildings, as well as the opportunities for integrating renewable energy systems and energy communities. In Plovdiv, we focused on EVN's models for energy efficiency, photovoltaic technologies, and electric mobility, while in Gabrovo, we discussed the role of local authorities in creating and managing energy communities. 🫶 We continue with the visit and training in Ruse on January 30th and 31st, where we will meet with partners and hold discussions on best practices in energy efficiency, as well as the latest innovations in building renovation technologies and materials. The program includes presentations on the experience of BRTC and training sessions for external participants, focusing on energy renovation procedures and common mistakes made during project implementation. 🌎 We look forward to continuing our successful work and expanding the reach of our initiatives in Ruse. Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce #energysavingLLC #GabrovoMunicipality EVN Bulgaria #SHEERenovPlus #passivehouse #FIABCIBulgaria
📣 А Draft Action Plan 2025-2028 was created by the Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement, under the EU Urban Agenda framework. You can share your feedback to refine and shape the final plan. 🌎The action plan aims to bring together cities, regions, and national governments to promote innovative and responsible practices in public procurement as a strategic tool for sustainability, social inclusion, and economic development. Key actions include: ➡️Building capacity for public procurement as a strategic tool ➡️Advocating for better regulations ➡️Increasing funding to stimulate strategic procurement To contribute: Fill in the mandatory Public Consultation Form https://lnkd.in/emdnixnt Review the Draft Action Plan and submit your suggestions directly into the document https://lnkd.in/ezaUQUrQ Your feedback is highly valuable and will be integrated into the final version of the Action Plan. 🤲 IPTF - Innovation Procurement Task Force Urban Agenda for the EU
Иновации в действие 👏 Националният доверителен екофонд (НДЕФ) обяви покана за проектни предложения по Инвестиционна програма „Минерални води“ с краен срок 10.04.2025 г., а Фонд ФЛАГ ще предостави допълнително финансиране чрез инвестиционни заеми за: ✅ Дейности извън обхвата на безвъзмездното финансиране; ✅ Доставка на оборудване и интегрирани решения. Допълнителна информация за кандидатстването е достъпна тук https://lnkd.in/dcyz4iAb На 4 февруари НДЕФ ще организира и информационно събитие с участието на представители на Фонд ФЛАГ по отношение на възможностите за допълващо финансиране и техническа подкрепа. National Trust Ecofund - Bulgaria SMAFIN Expanded LIFE22-CET #FLAGFICET LIFE Programme
Националният доверителен екофонд (НДЕФ) в партньорство с Fund FLAG (Фонд ФЛАГ) публикува Покана за набиране на проектни предложения за финансиране по Инвестиционна програма „Минерални води“ (ИПМВ) Набирането на проектни предложения от страна на НДЕФ е с краен срок на приемане на документи 10.04.2025 г. Допустими кандидати по Поканата за кандидатстване са общини, управляващи ресурси - минерални води. НДЕФ предоставя средства под формата на безвъзмездно финансиране в размер до 50% от стойността на реално изпълнените СМР, но не повече от 1 000 000,00 лв. Допълващо финансиране Фонд ФЛАГ ЕАД може да предостави финансиране за реализация на проектите в следния обхват: ✓ Финансиране на дейностите по проекта, които са извън обхвата на безвъзмездното финансиране от НДЕФ до пълната стойност на реално изпълнените СМР, предвидени в съответния работен / технически проект. ✓ Финансиране на други дейности, вкл. доставка на оборудване, които следва да бъдат извършени с оглед постигане на интегриран и завършен характер на проекта. На 04.02.2025 г. е планирано информационното събитие от страна на НДЕФ, в което ще се включат представители на Фонд ФЛАГ, за да дадат допълнителни разяснения по възможностите за допълващо финансиране и техническа подкрепа.
НДЕФ в партньорство с Фонд ФЛАГ публикува Покана за набиране на проектни предложения за финансиране по Инвестиционна програма „Минерални води“ (ИПМВ)
Check out ComActivate Project's latest report on individual refurbishment roadmaps! 🧐 You can explore renovation passports, key roadmap elements, successful models, challenges like financial navigation, and practical recommendations for local adaptation and user-friendly tools. The full report is available here https://lnkd.in/dxFNA7Xc
Happy New Year! 👉 We are off to a good start, with a brand new report. Read our latest publication, an analysis of existing approaches to individual refurbishment roadmaps 👀 - How to use renovation passports for long-term planning - Vital elements needed for a renovation roadmap - Successful models, like the Woningpas, casA+, iBRoad - Challenges, such as difficulty naviagting the financial help available or engaging all relevant stakeholders - Recommendations include adapting roadmaps to local context and making sure tools are user-friendly and accessible Find the report here: https://lnkd.in/dxFNA7Xc And don't forget to sign up to our quarterly newsletter on the project. Next one will be out in March. https://lnkd.in/eQ5TtYBt
🌱💡 During the Forum: "Applications of RES in Construction," organized by #BAUAcademy, Stanislav Andreev presented the opportunities unlocked by energy communities to increase the share of RES in urban environments through attracting private financing. The presentation focused on the main benefits of energy communities, as well as concrete examples from the pilot initiatives in #Gabrovo and #Burgas, which are already implementing these solutions within the framework of Life TANDEMS. Despite challenges such as lack of political support and the need for real legislative reforms, these issues are being addressed through innovation and collaboration between local institutions, residents, and the private sector. #EnergyCommunities #EnergySharing #RenewableEnergy #LifeTANDEMS