


Apple is a unique company in many ways. I am not referring to its product design or the philosophy of integrating its hardware & software. Apple is perhaps the most scrutinised brand in the world – as if ‘under the microscope’ always, across all aspects of its business: from product line, design, financial performance, marketing & more. For example, a product launch from Apple gets much more media attention than any other company in the…

It’s that time of the year again. An Apple event announcing a new lineup of iPhones (among other gadgets) is just over. And like clock work, all that we have come to associate with such events have happened: rumours about what is going to launched, leaks of product features, media commentary and so on. The live event on Sep 12 had its share of opinions on social media platforms. I was amused at the snarky…

I have been out of ad agency life for over 10 years now. As a consumer and as a mere observer of goings on in advertising, I can clearly the see the priority given by brands to what has come to be known as moment marketing. Aside from occasions such as Women’s Day or festivals, brands are putting out social media posts (which have become mandatory expectations from a digital agency) anchored on whatever is…

Ask an average 25-year old advertising or marketing professional in India if they have heard of Ravi Gupta, Mohammed Khan, Kersy Katrak, Suresh Mullick or Alyque Padamsee and chances are that responses will be in the negative. My point is this: new entrants to the field of advertising & marketing are not taught anything about the history of Indian advertising. If someone chooses to make a career in architecture wouldn’t the curriculum and the ‘system’…
