Create Your Faith Freedom Legacy

planning giving to the BJC

Given the opportunity, most of us would like to leave a legacy to benefit the things we value in our lifetime.

Further your financial goals and continue to defend the separation of church and state with a planned gift. 

If you have included BJC in your estate plans or would like more information about naming us as a beneficiary of a will, trust or financial account, please click below to fill out a simple form. A member of our staff will contact you.

Planned giving helps us consider what and when to give, as well as how to structure philanthropic contributions to meet our personal financial goals. When you make an estate gift to BJC, you automatically become a member of the James Dunn Legacy Circle.

James Dunn Legacy Circle Stories

planned giving to the BJC

“I think it is my moral responsibility to continue the work of BJC for generations to come. I want my legacy to my children and grandchildren to be that I stood on the side of freedom: allowing all U.S. citizens to choose any religion or none at all.”  

“I know, too, that although my retirement accounts are small, after a long career of dedicated saving, they will be much larger in the future. Given all BJC does educating our community, hosting and traveling to events, advocating for our values with legislators and judges, and proclaiming our commitments in the public square every day, I am thrilled to know that one day I might be able to make a much larger gift to this work than I ever could during my lifetime, simply by living and saving as I am now.”

“Marylee inspired us by her life; she astonished us in her death. Not many will be able to make a gift the size of hers. But we all can leave a generous gift within our means to underwrite our support for BJC and its work defending and extending religious liberty for all, even long after we are gone.”

“What we are able to do for BJC now and will do in the future through our estate may not make a huge difference. However, we pray that we will be joined by many others who are able to offer their “meager gifts” to be added to ours. Collectively, we may assure the ongoing success of BJC, securing the religious freedom of all citizens of these United States.”
