Thursday, October 6, 2011

UAX #15 and Chapter 3 of Unicode Standard Updated Again for Unicode 6.1 Beta

The text of Chapter 3, Conformance of the Unicode Standard core specification, and the Version 6.1.0 Proposed Update for UAX #15, Unicode Normalization Forms have been updated for the ongoing beta review for Version 6.1.0. These latest changes move the example code for various normative Hangul-related algorithms into the immediate vicinity of the definition of those algorithms in the core specification. Please see PRI #191 and PRI #206 for details.

Please also note that the public review periods for many open issues, especially the 6.1 beta review, will be closing on October 24 ahead of the November UTC meeting.

New version of UTR #45 published

An new version of UTR #45, U-Source Ideographs has been published. This version corrects the syntax of U-source identifiers to match ISO/IEC 10646 data files. It also introduces a new syntax with "UCI" labels to identify U-sources for unified ideographs which have been "orphaned" of their original sources.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Proposed Draft UTR #50, Unicode Properties for Vertical Text Layout now available

The Unicode Technical Committee has posted a new issue for public
review and comment. Details are on the following web page:

Review period for the new item closes on October 24, 2011.

Please see the page for links to discussion and relevant documents. Briefly, the new issue is:

PRI #207, Proposed Draft UTR #50, Unicode Properties for Vertical Text Layout

The layout of Japanese text follows different conventions than the layout of Western texts. Many of the requirements are described in the W3C Working Group Note "Requirements for Japanese Text Layout". This new proposed draft technical report describes two Unicode character properties which can be used to implement those requirements.

This is a moderated Public Review Issue. An unmoderated discussion takes place on the designated forum:
The moderator of this PRI will summarize the discussion and provide it as formal feedback to the Unicode Technical Committee. Towards the end of the PRI, formal feedback will also be accepted from other parties, if they feel that the summary does not reflect accurately their concerns.
