Imagineering Files Permit for Installation of Curtains for Test Track Reimagining in EPCOT

    Walt Disney Imagineering has filed a notice of commencement permit for the installation of “overhead trusses and curtains” for the Test Track reimagining project at EPCOT. The permit taps Interamerica Stage Inc. as the contractor and has the standard 1-year expiration timeframe. InterAmerica stage has done countless installations for Disney over the years for new and refreshed attractions and shows. Most recently, they have been a part of the Country Bear Jamboree reimagining and work at Peter Pan’s Flight.

    Going back to Test Track, Imagineering has been pretty tight-lipped about the changes for the 3.0 version of the ride, but they have said that “teams are reaching back into history for inspiration—from the original World of Motion—and bringing that spirit of optimism to the next iteration of the Test Track attraction”.

    Imagineering has only released one piece of concept art for the interior of the ride, showing a forest scene at the former Responsiveness Test section. This section is where your vehicle makes a series of s-turns as it climbs up some 20 feet or so.

    The concept art above would be roughly located where a sliver of sign is visible past the trees in the Test Track 2.0 photo below.

    Going back to the permit, there really isn’t much in the way of information about where these new trusses or curtains would be located. Imagineering has control of the entire building at the moment, including the post-show area, which is expected to be overhauled as well.

    Test Track 2.0 already had a number of curtains hung throughout the ride, and the theming was sparse enough that the curtains were really visible in person. The closest we have to a shot of the curtains would be the photo below, but even then, the edit of the photo doesn’t allow for an easy view of the curtain in the distance. The curtains were utilized to partition off the scenes in the large Test Track building.

    Overall, we remain optimistic about the Test Track 3.0 changes, including Imagineering’s willingness to go back to the World of Motion days to draw inspiration. It’s expected that the ride track itself won’t change, although the vehicles could be rebuilt.

    As always, keep checking back with us here at as we continue to bring you the latest news, photos, and info from around the Disney Parks!

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