Moving From Blog Talk Radio

To move your media to Blubrry from Blog Talk Radio, follow these steps:

  • NEW!  If you are using powerpress, Go to Migrate Media in the sidebar under powerpress and choose files to migrate, initiate migration, wait a few hours depending on how many files selected, then update all of the blog post with the migrated media with the new  Blubrry hosted files automatically.

OR if you are not using Powerpress

  • Navigate to and log in. Go to “Manage Account.”  Select your show from the green pull-down menu.
  • Select “Content” and click on “Migrate Media”. This process is automated  but will take a day or two to complete. You will be notified when the media has been moved over. We will move up to 10gb of your media and it will not count toward your monthly upload quota of your hosting plan.
  • You will need to update the media links on your own website. If you are using WordPress + PowerPress we have provided a tool called “Find and Replace Media” that will allow you to quickly update all your media links. If you are not using PowerPress, there is a great WordPress Plugin that is called “Search and Replace.”
  • We strongly suggest you back up your WordPress database before you change over the media links.

Unfortunately, Blog Talk Radio does not give you a way to do a 301 redirect of your podcast feed away from their service. The best way to keep *most* of your subscribers to do the following:

  • Resubmit your NEW podcast feed to iTunes using a slightly different name (to be changed back after it’s approved).
  • 30 days before you quit uploading to Blog Talk Radio, record two versions of your podcast episodes:   one normal and one that you will have an announcement at the beginning of the show that says, “If you are hearing this, you will not receive the new episodes after xxx date. I am moving the feed and the new feed is available at <your website address>.”  Make sure you have your RSS feed available on your website and/or in your post for each episode.  Also put the announcement at the end of the podcast episode.
  • Upload the “normal” episode to your Blubrry hosting account and publish.
  • Upload the “announcement version” to Blog Talk Radio and publish.
  • After 30 days (or four episodes), record an announcement that says, “This feed has moved. Please continue to listen to the show, at <web address here> and re-subscribe.”
  • Upload and publish to Blog Talk Radio.

We suggest you leave your Blog Talk Radio account active for at least 30 days to ensure your listeners get the change. If you are using the free version of Blog Talk Radio, leave it for longer.