Foto de portada de Presto


Desarrollo de software

Te banca.

Sobre nosotros

Introducing Presto, the revolutionary Tech Startup that is changing the credit game in Bolivia! 🇧🇴 Our company has partnered with VISA and BNB 🏦to bring you the latest in cutting-edge technology that allows you to buy now and pay later in 3 payments without interest! We understand that not everybody has access to traditional banking products, which is why we are proud to be the first Fintech in Bolivia 🇧🇴 to offer a credit card 💳 designed specifically for all the people that do not even consider a credit card given the complexity of the traditional products. Whether you have a minimum recurring income or are simply looking for a more flexible and accessible way to manage your finances, our BNPL credit card 💳 has got you covered. With Presto you can enjoy the convenience of making purchases without having to worry about paying for them all at once. Our BNPL system allows you to spread out your payments over time, making it easier than ever to manage your finances and stay on top of your expenses. So why wait? Sign up today and experience the freedom and flexibility only Presto can give you. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take control of your finances and start living the life you deserve! Presto te banca.

Desarrollo de software
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
De financiación privada
fintech, Bnpl y Tarjeta de crédito


Empleados en Presto


  • ¡Feliz 199° Aniversario, Bolivia! Hoy celebramos con orgullo los 199 años de independencia de nuestra querida Bolivia. En Presto nos sentimos honrados de haber nacido en este hermoso país y de haber iniciado nuestras operaciones aquí. Sabemos que Bolivia enfrenta desafíos, pero estamos comprometidos con el futuro y el desarrollo de nuestra nación. A través de nuestra tecnología, seguimos apostando por ofrecer servicios financieros de calidad para todos, contribuyendo al crecimiento y bienestar de nuestra comunidad. Bolivia, te felicitamos por tu aniversario y reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con tu progreso. ¡Viva Bolivia y que sigamos avanzando juntos hacia un futuro prometedor! 🇧🇴💳🚀 #OrgulloBoliviano #Fintech #PrestoTeBanca

  • New announcement! We are pleased to inform you that, in line with our vision to promote the widespread acquisition and use of credit cards 💳 in Bolivia 🇧🇴, we partnered up with Yango and PedidosYa to allow their drivers and couriers to apply to our card through simplified requirements, just their ID, a screenshot of their monthly earnings as shown in their app, and a pin location of their residence. This initiative brings us closer to a growing sector of the gig economy formerly underserved by the traditional financial institutions. Coming up next, new developments tailor-made for independent professionals! #PrestoTeBanca #Fintech #BNPL Nuevo anuncio! Nos complace informarles que, en línea con nuestra visión de promover la adquisición y uso de tarjetas de crédito 💳 en Bolivia 🇧🇴, ahora hemos facilitado que los conductores de Yango y los repartidores de PedidosYa puedan aplicar a nuestra tarjeta con requisitos simplificados: solo necesitan su identificación, una captura de pantalla de sus ingresos mensuales como se muestra en su aplicación y la ubicación de su domicilio. Este nuevo flujo nos acerca a un sector creciente de la economía gig que antes era desatendido por las instituciones financieras tradicionales. Próximamente, nuevos desarrollos diseñados especialmente para profesionales independientes! #PrestoTeBanca #Fintech #BNPL

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  • We are making history! We are exited to announce the 100% rollout of our latest product update, designed to digitize a process that the banking sector in Bolivia 🇧🇴 has managed offline for over 30 years. It is incredibly gratifying to see people completing their home verification using our new technology, fully developed in-house by our amazing tech team. Now, our users without a basic utility bill in their name or a rental contract can verify their address remotely through our app and receive their Presto card 💳 in a few days thanks to this groundbreaking development for our country and the region. This is another step towards our mission to popularize the use and acquisition of credit cards in Bolivia. Presto te Banca. #Fintech #BNPL

  • Because we continue to achieve the goals we set months ago at our launch, we are thrilled to announce that foreign residents living in Bolivia 🇧🇴 can now access the Presto card 💳. This confirms our vision to democratize the use and acquisition of the world's most massive and popular payment method. Starting tomorrow, we will reach out to the over 500 foreigners 🌎 who applied for the Presto card but couldn't obtain it. We are also available to the over 500k foreign residents living in Bolivia, lets go! 🚀 #BNPL #PrestoTeBanca #Fintech

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  • We are thrilled to announce that Presto BNPL 💳 card has emerged as the most issued credit card in Bolivia 🇧🇴 in Q1 2024📈 . It's incredible how we're smashing our goals! With a team of 20 individuals operating from small bunker, we're achieving feats that even traditional banks haven't accomplished, just 9 months post-launch. This is only the beginning, but we're confident that we're on the right path. Our vision is to democratize the use and acquisition of the world's most widespread and popular payment method. In Bolivia, where penetration was less than 2% of the population, Presto has catalyzed a significant shift, with over 60% of our users acquiring their first credit through us, and more than 40% working independently. We're making an impact, and that's what excites us the most, Stay tuned for some exciting news coming your way soon! #BNPL #Fintech #PrestoTeBanca 🌍 🚀

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  • Our CEO Amples Regiani couldn't be more thrilled to announce the succes of our latest partnership with PedidosYa, the leading food delivery company in Latin America! 💼✨ These kinds of partnerships perfectly align with our vision to expand the usage and acquisition of credit cards in Bolivia. 🇧🇴 💳 Get ready for more exciting alliances with major companies on the horizon. Stay tuned for our upcoming announcements! 🚀📣 #Partnerships #BNPL #StayTuned #PrestoTeBanca #Visa

    Ver la página de empresa de Bolivian Business

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    PedidosYa incentiva el uso de pago online a través de acuerdos con bancos y fintechs La plataforma líder en delivery y quick-commerce de Latinoamérica, PedidosYa es aliada de bancos y fintechs que quieran fomentar el pago online (tarjetas y billeteras móviles) a través de ofertas atractivas para los usuarios. “Buscamos concretar alianzas a largo plazo con las entidades financieras, es por este motivo que brindamos asesoramiento, seguimiento, comunicación y cofinanciamiento de campañas en beneficio de los usuarios que tenemos en común”, indicó Diego Sülzer, Managing Director. En el caso de los bancos y entidades financieras, tendrán la posibilidad de incrementar el uso de sus medios de pago a través de PedidosYa, no solo en cantidad de usuarios con tarjetas, sino aumentar la frecuencia de uso. #bb21aniversario #BBMultimedia #bbdigital

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