Week 2 of our teen entrepreneur challenge focuses on refining your value proposition and understanding your target audience.
I share in this newsletter my journey from academia to entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of focusing on specific customer segments.
Mateo Freudenthal is also mentioned - he started his success story when he was just 16 years old.
This week, you'll identify customer segments, analyze their needs, create buyer personas, draft and test your value proposition, and refine your approach.
Monday, you'll identify customer groups that benefit from your offerings.
Tuesday is about analyzing the specific needs of your target audience.
Wednesday, you'll create detailed buyer personas to understand your customers better.
Thursday, draft a clear value proposition statement for your business.
Friday, test your value proposition with potential customers from your target segment.
Saturday, refine and polish your customer profile and value proposition based on feedback.
Sunday, reflect on your progress and how your refined focus makes you feel.
#TeenEntrepreneurs #ValueProposition #CustomerFocus #StartupJourney #12WeekChallenge
Join the challenge, share your progress, and reach out for guidance on your entrepreneurial journey - if you want to know more.