Consultoría y servicios a empresas

12-week acceleration programs for digital freelancers 🚀 Flash coaching including 1:1 coaching and group meetings

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TEC ONE is transforming the businesses of digital freelancers, such as graphic designers, virtual assistants, software developers, IT consultants, web designers, or other freelancers. Mainly TEC ONE offers 12-week acceleration programs and flash-coaching experiences with Prof. Dr. Werner Korb. The four simple steps in the flash coaching program (1) Book a 15-minute coaching session with Prof. Dr. Werner Korb. (2) In each session, ONLY ONE issue will be discussed and worked out. (3) The next coaching session is scheduled after completing and submission of the homework assigned. (4) Participants of the Tec-One Flash Coaching program can book during the full program with an UNLIMITED number of coaching sessions. If you want to know more, check out the material on this profile.

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Consultoría y servicios a empresas
Tamaño de la empresa
1 empleado
Santa Cruz


Empleados en TEC ONE


  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    #12weekchallenge Week 8 is here! 📊 Are you making data-driven decisions in your business? This week, we're diving into Data Analytics for Young Entrepreneurs We are turning raw numbers into goldmines of insight. In just 7 days, you'll learn: • Essential analytics tools • Customer data analysis • Market trend identification • Action-oriented reporting 🎯 Ready to transform your business with data? Please also subscribe to the #12weekchallenge newsletter! #youngentrepreneurs #dataanalytics #businessgrowth P.S. Already a subscriber? Share this with an entrepreneur who needs to level up their analytics game! 🚀

    #12weekchallenge: Data Analytics for Young Entrepreneurs - Week 8

    #12weekchallenge: Data Analytics for Young Entrepreneurs - Week 8

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    I have been listed on the coaching platform TeleHealth Today since September 2023. For one year now. Now we are launching on Nov, 1st - this year 🎉 ! Let me tell you today: Why I am working in cooperation with Telehealth Today! 1️⃣ Because I love the startup idea - and I love startups in general 2️⃣ Because I like the people there. All the other coaches and experts. It is a small platform and we help each other grow. 3️⃣ Because it is targeted at college students, and I particularly want to help young entrepreneurs. (See also my current newsletter articles for "teen entrepreneurs") What is in for me on Telehealth Today: 1) Free listing of my offers on the TeleHealth Today (THT) platform. 2) THT engages in marketing to prospective patients to generate appointments for me and my business. 3) Access to video chat with my clients directly through the THT platform. 4) Storage of records, history, and transaction records on the secure THT platform. 5) Benefits are free-of-charge (at least until Nov 1st) And listen: THT embraces all dimensions of well-being and health, from physical health to financial wellness, career coaching, and work-life balance experts. So do not wonder why it is called Telehealth Today - for some this might be misleading. If you want to join, send me a message and I will connect you. If you want to book me here on LinkedIn - this is still also possible - of course. Send me a DM 😄

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    This is a very important topic on how to make good #research and #innovation in Human Factors Research and Work and Organisational Psychology. ✅ If you don´t speak German, use the translate to check this important content out. #research #innovation #startups #coaching

    Ver la página de empresa de Honestly, gráfico

    1627 seguidores

    Wie du eine Frage stellst, ist extrem wichtig. Hast du schon einmal eine Umfrage ausgefüllt, bei der die Antwort bereits in der Frage enthalten war? Das nennt man eine Suggestivfrage. Ein Beispiel: ❌ „Sind Sie nicht auch der Meinung, dass unsere Unternehmenskultur großartig ist?“ Es gibt gleich mehrere Probleme mit dieser Frage: 1. Sie geht implizit bereits davon aus, dass die Unternehmenskultur großartig ist. 2. Damit drängt sie die Befragten zu einer positiven Antwort. 3. Sie kann für Mitarbeitende, die eine andere Meinung haben, unangenehm sein. Versuche stattdessen, objektiver zu fragen: ✅ „Wie würden Sie unsere Unternehmenskultur bewerten?“ Warum ist diese Formulierung besser? 1. Es wird nichts unterstellt. 2️. Es bleibt Raum für eine freie und persönliche Meinung. 3. Sie ist offen gestellt und erlaubt es den Mitarbeitenden, positives oder negatives Feedback zu geben. Suggestivfragen = voreingenommen; ergeben keine wahrheitsgemäßen und aufschlussreichen Antworten. Objektive Fragen = sorgen für aussagekräftiges und authentisches Feedback. Was sind deine Erfahrungen mit Suggestivfragen? Schreib uns das gern in die Kommentare 👇 #Mitarbeiterengagement #UmfrageFragen #ObjektivesFeedback

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  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    🎥 Week 5 of our #12weekchallenge for young entrepreneurs is all about mastering video content! Learn how to create engaging LinkedIn Shorts Leverage video for your personal brand! Also discover the power of TeleHealth Today. It is launching Nov 1st, to showcase your expertise - also through video. Get finally ready for daily challenges to boost your video creation skills: Monday: Brainstorm short video ideas Tuesday: Set up your recording space Wednesday: Record your first LinkedIn Short Thursday: Edit and post your video Friday: Explore other short-form video platforms Saturday: Plan your video content calendar Sunday: Reflect on your progress Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your online presence! Click here to read the full newsletter and join the challenge. #YoungEntrepreneurs #ShortFormVideo #PersonalBranding Ready to become a video star? Comment "I'm in!" below and let's get started! 🚀

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 5

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 5

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    📣 Week 4 of #12weekchallenge is here, young entrepreneurs! 🚀 This week's daily challenges: 📌 Monday: Craft a compelling LinkedIn headline 📌 Tuesday: Design an eye-catching LinkedIn banner 📌 Wednesday: Optimize your WhatsApp Business profile 📌 Thursday: Create a content calendar for your brand 📌 Friday: Explore the TeleHealth Today platform 📌 Saturday: Network strategically on LinkedIn 📌 Sunday: Reflect on your online presence journey 🔥 Don't miss out! TeleHealth Today launches Nov 1st. Your chance to join as a solopreneur and start growing your skills, health, and business today! #YoungEntrepreneurs #OnlinePresence #NetworkingTips #TeleHealthToday

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 4

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 4

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    Today is day 2 of week 2 of the #12weekchallenge. Revisit the needs of your target audience and niche. Take just 15 minutes 1. List the specific needs (the so-called "pain points") 2. Identify the unique value your offerings provide (for each "pain point"). 3. Consider how you specifically address the pains and also the gains of your target audience (your niche). Share your findings with the community. Write a comment. Write a DM. Join our community meetings. #TeenEntrepreneurs #ValueProposition #SoloPreneurShip

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    Week 2 of our teen entrepreneur challenge focuses on refining your value proposition and understanding your target audience. I share in this newsletter my journey from academia to entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of focusing on specific customer segments. Mateo Freudenthal is also mentioned - he started his success story when he was just 16 years old. This week, you'll identify customer segments, analyze their needs, create buyer personas, draft and test your value proposition, and refine your approach. Monday, you'll identify customer groups that benefit from your offerings. Tuesday is about analyzing the specific needs of your target audience. Wednesday, you'll create detailed buyer personas to understand your customers better. Thursday, draft a clear value proposition statement for your business. Friday, test your value proposition with potential customers from your target segment. Saturday, refine and polish your customer profile and value proposition based on feedback. Sunday, reflect on your progress and how your refined focus makes you feel. #TeenEntrepreneurs #ValueProposition #CustomerFocus #StartupJourney #12WeekChallenge Join the challenge, share your progress, and reach out for guidance on your entrepreneurial journey - if you want to know more.

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 2

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 2

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    Week 2 of our teen entrepreneur challenge focuses on refining your value proposition and understanding your target audience. I share in this newsletter my journey from academia to entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of focusing on specific customer segments. Mateo Freudenthal is also mentioned - he started his success story when he was just 16 years old. This week, you'll identify customer segments, analyze their needs, create buyer personas, draft and test your value proposition, and refine your approach. Monday, you'll identify customer groups that benefit from your offerings. Tuesday is about analyzing the specific needs of your target audience. Wednesday, you'll create detailed buyer personas to understand your customers better. Thursday, draft a clear value proposition statement for your business. Friday, test your value proposition with potential customers from your target segment. Saturday, refine and polish your customer profile and value proposition based on feedback. Sunday, reflect on your progress and how your refined focus makes you feel. #TeenEntrepreneurs #ValueProposition #CustomerFocus #StartupJourney #12WeekChallenge Join the challenge, share your progress, and reach out for guidance on your entrepreneurial journey - if you want to know more.

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 2

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 2

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    Hey teen entrepreneurs! 👋 Week 1 of the #12weekchallenge starts now! 🚀 This week is all about finding what makes you unique. We'll turn your special skills into awesome business ideas. Here's what you'll do each day (just 15 minutes!): Monday: List your top skills and passions. Tuesday: Identify problems you can solve for others. Wednesday: Create a catchy one-liner for your business idea. Thursday: Present our business idea to others. Friday: Write a short mission statement. Saturday: Polish everything you've created. Sunday: Reflect on your progress and feelings. Ready to start your entrepreneurial journey? Subscribe to the newsletter! Please also join our Thursday group session - DM me to register! Let's show the world what teen entrepreneurs can do! 💪 #TeenEntrepreneurs #12WeekChallenge #YoungInnovators #StartupLife #BusinessIdeas

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 1

    #12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 1

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

  • TEC ONE ha compartido esto

    Ver el perfil de Werner Korb, gráfico

    Innovation in Employee Engagement for Individuals and Teams | Customer Success Manager @Honestly

    Calling all teen entrepreneurs! 🚀 Are you between 15-18 and dream of starting your own business? Join our special #12weekchallenge designed just for you! Starting next Monday, we'll dive into the world of business, tailored for young minds. We'll cover everything from generating ideas to growing your business. Your first challenge: Answer these 4 questions about yourself: 1. What do you love doing? 2. What are you really good at? 3. How can you make a difference in the world? 4. Have you ever earned money, and how? Share your answers in the comments below! Want to know more? Check out the full newsletter for all the exciting details. Let's kickstart your entrepreneurial journey together! #TeenEntrepreneurs #YoungInnovators #StartupChallenge #12WeekChallenge

    #12weekchallenge - Teen Entrepreneurs Edition

    #12weekchallenge - Teen Entrepreneurs Edition

    Werner Korb en LinkedIn

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