Search Bar Sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum's Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons exhibition, "Behold."

Advertise with BOMB

BOMB offers a variety of advertising strategies both in print and online as well as in a weekly newsletter, Weekend Reads. Request a media kit and check out your options below. 

For advertising inquiries, please email Laura Howard: Note: We offer discounts to not-for-profit organizations as well as cross-platform discounts for both print and web reservations.

BOMB Magazine Print Edition

Back cover, spreads, full pages, 1/2, and 1/4 pages 

Online offers advertising on the home page, site-wide, and full-category in the following positions:

Primary Leaderboard (970 x 250) appearing above the BOMB logo 

Leaderboard Footer (940 x 140 px) appearing lower on the page 

Tower and Sidebar travelers are positions which travel alongside content as the user scrolls down the page. Two size options: 375 x 450 px & 370 x 900 px

All web advertising is offered on a weekly or monthly basis. 


BOMB’s complete archive from 1981 to the present offers a primary leaderboard banner on all site-wide and full-category options. 

BOMB Online Directories

MFA: an interactive listing of MFA Programs in Art and Writing, includes featured spotlight positions, a 50% discount off all print and digital advertising, and category specific leaderboards

Residency Programs: an interactive listing of art and writing residencies, includes featured spotlight positions and category specific leaderboards 

Weekend Reads weekly newsletter

BOMB puts out a weekly newsletter every Friday afternoon to our 94K+ subscribers.

Weekend Reads offers Banner advertising and Sponsored Content Boxes:

Newsletters include x3 positioned banners (590 x 150 px). Each position is sold in a x3 month block/x12 emails or via a la cart. 

Full newsletter takeover (all x3 banner positions) also available. 

Sponsored Context Box positions sold individually, per week.
