Our CEO Felipe Cardoso was deeply honored to be invited by Bloomberg to participate in the Bloomberg New Economy event at B20 Brasil #BNEatB20, as he was named a Bloomberg New Economy Catalyst, an award given for innovation and impact in various areas around the world, joining the Bloomberg community of the most influential leaders in the public and private sectors. He had the honor of hearing from distinguished figures such as Jorge Paulo Lemann, André Esteves, Ricardo Marino, Nizan Guanaes, David Vélez, Minister Carlos Fávaro, Fábio Coelho, Bill Gates, Armínio Fraga and many others. Together, they addressed the urgent issues shaping the global economy and the role of Brazil. They shared valuable insights on how innovation, sustainability and public-private partnerships can shape economic growth, especially in times of geopolitical uncertainty and macroeconomic challenges, and offered provocative insights on how businesses can adapt and thrive in this environment. During the Catalysts luncheon, Mike Bloomberg answered all of the catalysts questions and shared with them important and motivating lessons from his entrepreneurial journey. Felipe was privileged to participate in the Bloomberg New Economy International Cancer Coalition meeting, which came together to discuss the revolution in cancer care and harness the potential of public-private partnerships. Several leaders from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Dasa, Amgen and the public-private sectors in Latin America converged on a shared strategy to advance global health equity in access to clinical trials and precision oncology. Thank you Bloomberg and your team, especially Felippe Velloso and Sepideh Shokrpour, for the invitation and for hosting such a remarkable event that brought so many valuable discussion
Serviços ambientais
Hortolândia, Sao Paulo 3.566 seguidores
Transformando ideais em soluções coletivas !
Sobre nós
O processo convencional de reciclagem de embalagens plásticas possui a etapa de lavagem com água para que o material seja limpo e transformado em matéria prima reciclada. São utilizados milhares de litros de água, com geração de efluentes e resíduos. A Eco Panplas realiza a reciclagem de embalagens plásticas pós consumo através da descontaminação de forma ecológica, sem utilização de água , sem geração de resíduos e com rastreabilidade, resultando em benefícios socioambientais de impacto para toda Cadeia Produtiva, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente. . É um novo conceito de reciclagem para que a embalagem plástica volte a ser a embalagem do mesmo produto, completando o ciclo da economia circular e logística reversa, através de uma tecnologia e processo inovador que desenvolvemos. Já temos consolidado para as embalagens de óleo lubrificante em operação na nossa planta produtiva em Hortolândia, sendo possível replicar para outros plásticos. Produzimos mensalmente com uma unidade produtiva 4 milhões de garrafas , gerando 200 toneladas de plástico descontaminado, 7500 litros de óleo recuperado. Isso significa em termos de benefícios socioambientais: 7,5 bilhões de litros de água preservados do meio ambiente, 215 toneladas de plástico contaminado fora de aterros, 306 toneladas a menos de emissão gases efeito estufa, 632 catadores necessários para recolher esse volume de material, 75% de economia de energia e evitou-se o uso de 120 mil litros de água na produção.
- Site
Link externo para ECO PANPLAS
- Setor
- Serviços ambientais
- Tamanho da empresa
- 11-50 funcionários
- Sede
- Hortolândia, Sao Paulo
- Tipo
- Empresa privada
- Fundada em
- 2014
- Especializações
- Reciclagem de Plásticos, Inovação Tecnológica, Descontaminação, Resíduos Sólidos e Embalagens Plásticas
Hortolândia, Sao Paulo, BR
Funcionários da ECO PANPLAS
A ECO PANPLAS é uma das 100 startups mais promissoras do Brasil #100StartupsToWatch, ficando entra as 7 selecionadas na categoria de Meio Ambiente. Link oficial: https://lnkd.in/dsZ7x4uY Depois de meses de indicações de um time de 58 embaixadores de todo o #Brasil, avaliações e deliberações, Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios revelou nesta sexta-feira (18/10) as 100 Startups to Watch 2024. As empresas mais promissoras do cenário de inovação brasileiro foram escolhidas entre 1.979 #startups que participaram do processo da sétima edição da lista, publicada anualmente por PEGN da Editora Globo, em parceria com EloGroup, Innovc Edtech, Valor Econômico e Época NEGÓCIOS. A seleção é um retrato das startups brasileiras e, em 2024, mostra também a resiliência das pessoas fundadoras que conseguiram fazer seus #negócios prosperarem em um momento de incerteza econômica. A maior parte das empresas que integram esta edição está nas fases de tração (51%) e escala (38%).
Rodada de Negócios realizada em Campinas pela JC Capital em parceria com o escritório Couto Zacarias Advogados, reunindo negócios de diversos segmentos e investidores. Foi uma oportunidade única de troca, aprendizado, ótimo networking e exploração de sinergias e novas oportunidades de parcerias estratégicas. Obrigado pelo convite Jennifer Chen e parabéns pelo evento, formato e rede de conexões valiosas que renderão bons frutos de inovação e crescimento para todos.
Bate papo muito legal sobre inovação e sustentabilidade no #Podcast Ambiente Valverde. Ficamos honrados pelo convite José Valverde Machado Filho. Valverde coordenou a formulação da Lei Paulista de Resíduos Sólidos, bem como a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e possui vasta experiência na formulação de projetos de leis, políticas públicas e programas setoriais de resíduos. Pudemos compartilhar um pouco da nossa trajetória e conversamos sobre como a inovação pode ser um grande aliado na construção de um futuro mais sustentável. Assista o episódio em https://lnkd.in/dYuydAHP
WEF New Champions: China's opening up vital for global collaboration. Interview for the China Global Television Network (CGTN), which is China's new international media organization, with TV channels and multimedia digital platforms in five different languages. Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in northeast China's Dalian. CGTN asked what part of the speech left the deepest impression and how it inspired to promote international cooperation. UpLink - World Economic Forum #AMNC24
It was very interesting to be part of the opening event at the World Economic Forum #AMNC in Dalian, China. With Asia continuing to drive two-thirds of all global growth and home to nearly a third of the global population, Li Qiang, Premier of the People's Republic of China, highlighted that the world can' t return to a state of isolation. Countries are interdependent and can enable each others success vs focusing on independence. Businesses should decide how they want to trade internationally. This was greatly reflected in the following days of the event during bilateral meetings with Chinese leaders, the interest in mutual collaboration, cooperativism and openness to business development, new technologies, sustainable growth. That comes in a moment when the global economy approaches a soft landing, with a sense of optimism. However, risks and challenges remain, from geopolitical uncertainty to the governance and regulation of artificial intelligence. #AMNC2024 #WEF #GlobalEconomy #Innovation #Sustainability #Top10Technologies #AI #ClimateAction #SummerDavos UpLink - World Economic Forum
Our CEO Felipe Cardoso was a speaker in the session “State of Play: Circular Manufacturing” at World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 in Dalian, People’s Republic of China. It was a great honor to share the stage with C.D. Glin, President of PepsiCo Foundation & Global Head of Social Impact at PepsiCo and Li Fang, Chief Representative at the World Resources Institute, People's Republic of China. On this occasion he was able to present ECO PANPLAS, discuss how we can move from circular manufacturing as an idea to implemented innovation and the main challenges faced in the scale up of plastics recycling. #AMNC24 UpLink - World Economic Forum
As a World Economic Forum / Uplink #Innovator, our CEO Felipe Cardoso felt honored by the invitation as a participant and speaker at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2024 hashtag #AMNC24 in Dalian, People’s Republic of hashtag #China, under the theme, Next Frontiers for Growth. 1,500 global leaders gathered at the event explored how innovation, entrepreneurship and cutting-edge technologies can promote inclusive and sustainable growth models, support industry and workforce transformation, and help achieve a carbon-neutral and nature-positive world. He had the privilege of engaging with global leaders, innovators, and changemakers over four intense days in Dalian. Incredible meetings and network, in addition to lots of learning sessions. Thank you UpLink - World Economic Forum ’s team for the amazing support, so fundamental to such productive days.
+ 4
Aprecciate to join the session "Landing an Ambitious Plastics Treaty" at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2024. In 2022, 175 countries resolved to develop a global plastics treaty and to fast-track negotiations to deliver the agreement by end 2024. This is a historic opportunity to unlock the systemic change needed to tackle the plastic crisis and end plastic pollution once and for all. As we enter the final lap of the negotiations, what are the essential elements and issues that ensure a comprehensive, robust and inclusive agreement to effectively protect human health and the environment? The esteemed speakers from government, business and civil Society had a conversation about that: - Javier González-Olaechea (Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru) - Leila Benali, PhD. (Minister, Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development - Kingdom of Morocco) - Inger Andersen (Executive Director, UN Environment Programme) - Jim Fitterling (CEO, Dow) - Hein Schumacher (CEO, Unilever) - Douglas McCauley (Director, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory/Professor, UC Santa Barbara) 🎦 Watch the live streaming here: https://lnkd.in/eYdF5Jt8 #WEF24 #Plasticaction Global Plastic Action Partnership
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