[English below] Nós aqui da Lagho apoiamos e fazemos parte de todo movimento em direção ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias que possam colaborar para um mundo mais sustentável e mais seguro para nossas gerações futuras. [English] Here at Lagho, we support and be part of all movement towards the development of new technologies that can collaborate for a greener and safer world for our future generations.
💡Astronergy Factory Tour 2024-Traceability Tour Highlights! 🔍From tracing our raw materials to the heart of our technological innovations and sustainability, our clients embarked on a 6,000-kilometer journey to uncover the secrets of Astronergy's full PV supply chain. ▶This tour showcased how we power a greener world with dedication to excellence in every step of our production. Join us to relieve this unforgettable journey now! #solarpower #AstronergyFactoryTour #energytransition #partnership