Seu negócio, suas regras, nossas soluções! Na Play Soluções Empresariais criamos soluções personalizadas para atender exatamente às necessidades do seu negócio. Desde a estratégia até a implementação, trabalhamos para oferecer ferramentas que impulsionem seu crescimento sem pesar no orçamento. 🔧 Plataformas sob medida 📊 Soluções ágeis e eficientes 💰 Preços que cabem no seu bolso Porque cada empresa é única, e sua solução também deve ser. Vamos conversar? 📩 Entre em contato e descubra como podemos transformar seus desafios em resultados reais!
Maslow's Hierarchy For Team Building Credit to Adeline Tiah 謝善嫻. Follow her for posts about team engagement. Original post: __________ Ever wonder why some teams crumble under pressure while others thrive? Turns out, your team's success has less to do with talent and more to do with whether their basic needs are being met. Maslow's Hierarchy shows that basic needs must be met first, before humans can reach their full potential - like building a pyramid from bottom to top. I've juxtaposed Maslow's hierarchy against team performance, and what I found will change how you build your teams. Here's the psychology of high-performing teams. 1️⃣ Basic Needs (Security) ↳Team members need to feel safe and secure in their roles. ↳Provide clear expectations and a healthy team culture. 2️⃣ Belong Needs (Community) ↳Team members need to feel a sense of connection and camaraderie. ↳Promote open communication and regular team-building activities. 3️⃣ Esteem Needs (Recognition) ↳Team members need to feel valued, appreciated, and respected. ↳Acknowledge individual and team wins. Offer constructive feedback. 4️⃣ Growth Needs (Development) ↳Team members need opportunities for personal and professional growth. ↳Provide training programs & offer mentorship opportunities 5️⃣ Self-Actualisation (Purpose) ↳Team members need to feel a sense of purpose and creativity in their work. ↳Encourage innovative projects & align team goals with personal values And I have added one more layer 6️⃣ Transcendence (Creating more leaders) ↳Inspire and empower your ↳team to become leaders themselves Check out the image below for 6 tips for Leaders to Build a High-Performance Team ♻️Share this to help leaders build high performance team __________ Follow for more Leadership Infographics.