Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Como Dominar suas Apresentações

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Como terminar a apresentação

Como terminar a apresentação

- You've come to the end of your presentation. After hooking your audience with a great opening and then delivering an interesting and well structured presentation, it's time to close the presentation. An effective closing is just as important as an effective opening. You want the audience members to leave the presentation motivated, inspired, or ready to take action. So let's look at how you can end your presentation on a high note. If you plan to include a question and answer session as part of your presentation, you can start it as soon as you finish explaining your last point. Many presenters put their Q&A sessions at the very end. The danger with this is that someone asks a question that leads the conversation to turn negative, or someone might ask a question that leads the discussion far off the main topic and leaves the rest of the audience feeling confused. Neither of these situations is an ideal way to end a presentation. So, consider doing your questions and answers before…
