Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Small Talk
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Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Small Talk
Como formular perguntas
- Asking questions is a crucial part of making small talk. The goal of small talk is to make connections and potentially lay the foundations for a future working relationship or friendship. If one person does all the talking it isn't much of an exchange. Asking questions during small talk shows that you are interested in learning about the other person, not just talking about yourself. So, what should you ask? How do you make sure there's an even balance between the time you spend talking and the time your conversation partner does? Here are some tips. There are plenty of questions you can ask during a small talk conversation, stay away from taboo topics and generally avoid questions that are overly personal. For example, if you compliment the watch the other person is wearing, you can ask where they bought it, or whether they collect watches. You should not, however, ask how much they paid for it because this could be a sensitive topic. You can ask someone how long they've been…
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