Attention: this C4MIP website used for CMIP6 is inactive since 2020

 The primary aim of C4MIP is to understand and quantify future (century-scale) changes in the global carbon cycle and its feedbacks on the climate system, making the link between CO2 emissions and climate change. This objective is obtained through idealized, historical and future scenario experiments.

C4MIP is a part of Opens external link in new windowCMIP6. C4MIP is closely linked to the recently initiated Opens external link in new windowWCRP Grand Challenge on Carbon Feedbacks in the Climate System.


Primary Contacts

Scientific Steering Committee

Chris D. Jones (Met Office),  Vivek Arora (CCCma), Pierre Friedlingstein (EMPS Exeter), Laurent Bopp (LSCE/IPSL), Victor Brovkin (Max Planck), John Dunne (NOAA/GFDL),
Heather Graven (Grantham IC) , Forrest Hoffman (ORNL), Tatiana Ilyina (LSCE/IPSL), Jasmin G. John (NOAA/GFDL), Martin Jung (Max Planck), Michio Kawamiya (JAMSTEC),
Charlie Koven (EESA LBL), Julia Pongratz (Max Planck), Thomas Raddatz (Max Planck), James T. Randerson (ESS UCI) and Sönke Zaehle (Max Planck)

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