Apple, Google, Starbucks, IBM, Bank of America, and many other employers are putting focus on soft skills rather than a university degree to decide who to hire. Soft skills such as business etiquette, empathy, intercultural awareness. (At CNBC-Microsoft, CNBC dot com/2018/08/16/15-companies-that-no-longer-require-employees-to-have-a-college-degree.html) #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #SoftSkillsCredential #employment #career
IITTI World Civility Index
Human Resources Services
Vancouver, British Columbia 585 followers
Global Standard on Soft Skills
About us
The single-most difficult task HR or university admission has to handle is: how do you judge the soft skills of a job applicant or a student? Imagine a single number that would help, particularly in business etiquette, empathy or intercultural awareness. It is called the 'World Civility Index', which is now a part of UN Sustainable Development and is used in 17 countries as of 2019. Example:
- Website
External link for IITTI World Civility Index
- Industry
- Human Resources Services
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2011
- Specialties
- Standardized soft skill exam, World Civility Index, ESG, Soft Skills credentialing, Professional image, and Business etiquette
1303 283 Davie Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5T6, CA
Employees at IITTI World Civility Index
Christina Ong
Certified Image Master | Speaker | Branding Through People Master Trainer | Personal Branding Coach
Elena Brouwer
CEO (Certified Etiquette Officer) at International Etiquette Centre. 954-921-0565
Lilian Bustamante
Directora OTEC DPIP Capacitación.Capacitando ejecutivos en Habilidades Blandas y Personal Branding Coach Ejecutivo / Equipos, Int. Emocional y DISC,…
Maria Pia Estebecorena, AICI CIP
CEO at CE Imagen Past President at AICI Argentina Interior
Example of an online training in etiquette by Carolina D. Tan, AICI CIP, REB, Licensed IITTI Master Instructor in the Philippines. With the many islands and isolated regions, an online training by Carolina in collaboration with Powermax Consulting Group, Inc. for the advocacy/promotion, many employees and business professionals can benefit from such soft skills refinement. Thank you Carolina and Powermax for your leadership. #SoftSkillsTraining #ProfessionalImage #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateCommunications #DiningEtiquette #socialfabric #SoftSkillsStandard #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #CSR #ESG #ESGreporting #Sustainability #HumanCapital #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI #Greenwashing
Corporate Trainer | Soft Skills Specialist | Keynote Speaker I Online Mentor I Real Estate Broker | Licensed IITTI Master Instructor | Growth Strategist | Transformational Speaker ✨️SOFT SKILLS & REAL ESTATE SUCCESS✨️
MASTERING MODERN COMMUNICATION! 📞📧 Our #TEE live masterclass today dove deep into "Telephone & Email Etiquette". We unlocked the secrets to professional communication, ensuring every interaction leaves a positive impact. And a huge shoutout to the 12 discerning individuals who followed through and claimed their Global Soft Skills Credentials! 🏆 You've proven your commitment to excellence by earning the IITTI World Civility Index – a powerful testament to your business etiquette, empathy, and intercultural awareness. What is the IITTI WCI? Think of it as a credit score for your soft skills. It's a globally recognized standard, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Initiative, that demonstrates your commitment to civility and professional excellence. Employers: Elevate your company culture by valuing these essential skills! Ready to boost your team's communication prowess? Contact Carolina: 📞 +63 917 854 9887 or 📧 DM @Carolina.Tan Let's make every interaction count! I Stand Out & Shine! I ✨️ #CarolinaTan #SoftSkillsSpecialist #LicensedIITTIMasterInstructor #TelephoneEtiquette #EmailEtiquette #SoftSkillsAreLifeSkills #IITTIWorldCivilityIndex #ProfessionalCommunication #CorporateTraining #OnlineLearning #ImageManagement
IITTI World Civility Index reposted this
¿Acumulas millas en tus tarjetas? 💳 ¿Sabías que puedes ganar, así como las millas, puntaje en IITTI World Civility Index, el estandar mundial de las habilidades blandas? 💹 👉 ¿Y qué significa ganar puntos en IITTI World Civility Index? Significa que has tomado la iniciativa de demostrar que eres un aprendiz constante y has dado el primer paso para mejorar y desarrollar tus habilidades blandas a través de lecturas y/o videos cortos muy amenos, con temas que van desde la empatía hasta la conciencia cultural. Cada uno de ellos otorga un (1) punto. También muestra paciencia, ya que el Programa de Lectura de IITTI requiere lectura diaria, ¡no se puede "leer en maratón"!🙆♀️ Puedes acceder a la lección directamente desde tu aplicación móvil o tu computadora portátil 💻. Así de fácil y sencillo puedes iniciar a desarrollar tus habilidades blandas y por tanto, mejorar tu perfil e imagen profesional. ¿Te gustaría saber más? Tomemos un café virtual y te cuento más. Agenda tu sesión gratuita aquí ▶️ P.D.: Éste es mi puntaje hasta el día de hoy y quiero ayudarta a iniciar el tuyo también, recuerda agendar nuestro café virtual ☕🔼 #imagenpersonal #imagenprofesional #desarrolloprofesional #desarrollopersonal #estrategia #tecapacitoparacapacitar #mentoring #softskills #issta #iitti #trainthetrainer #certifiedisstatrainer #asesoriadeimagen #dalilacanario
Example of a successful IITTI exam candidate. Congratulations Ms. May Ching Yee Wong, wine connoisseur businesswoman in Hong Kong! And earning 70 World Civility Index points. The training was provided by Licensed IITTI Master Instructor May Chan of Spark Image Consulting. There are two paths to earning World Civility Index credentials: Path #1 Reading Program & Activities, Path #2 Exams. #SoftSkillsTraining #ProfessionalImage #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateCommunications #DiningEtiquette #socialfabric #SoftSkillsStandard #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #CSR #ESG #ESGreporting #Sustainability #HumanCapital #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI #Greenwashing
IITTI World Civility Index reposted this
¿Qué es IITTI World Civility Index? 🤔 Me han preguntado muchos colegas y amigos. Así que hoy, con mucho gusto te comparto este post para aprender juntos 🙌: 📚 IITTI es un sistema de certificación estandarizado e independiente que mide las habilidades blandas (muy similar a un examen GMAT, IELTS o TOEFL) y que permite mostrar evidencia de las habilidades que has desarrollado a través de una credencial internacional emitida en Canadá 🇨🇦 👉 ¿Y cómo lo hace IITTI? A través de dos modalidades: 1⃣ Programa de lectura y actividades: con lecturas breves y actividades específicas podrás evaluar continuamente habilidades como: empatía, resiliencia, paciencia. Es super sencillo y muy divertido. 2⃣ Exámenes: Evaluaciones online en Apariencia profesional, Etiqueta de negocios y Etiqueta en la mesa. 💎 Cada vez que realizas alguna de estas lecturas, actividades o exámenes, vas ganando puntos en el IITTI World Civility Index que es un sistema de puntos acumulable en habilidades blandas y que puedes mostrar en tu CV y en todos tus perfiles. De esta forma, destacarás entre otros profesionales que tengan un perfil similar al tuyo (desliza para ver un ejemplo ▶) 💎 Además, si rindes y pasas el examen de certificación IITTI en habilidades blandas, obtienes un certificado de acreditación internacional que elevará tu perfil profesional al siguiente nivel (desliza para ver otro ejemplo ▶) 🙋♀️ Cuéntame, ¿Conocías esta información? ¿Te gustaría saber más? Recuerda que si tienes alguna consulta, estamos a sólo un 💌 de distancia. #buildyourownbusiness❤️ #softskillstrainerscircle #softskills #sstc #issta #iitti #imageconsulting #professionalimage #professionaldevelopment #training #trainthetrainer #certifiedisstatrainer #education #dalilacanario
Co-founder Patrick Chun highlighting how we need to be good role models for training AI, with other experts. Thank you Patrick for showing the way! #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #TrainingAI #ExistentialThreat
(Jun20,2023 Latest update: our petition has been removed by's AI program! No reason given! Instead of a petition, I will just post our solution below. Sorry for witnessing the battle!) Title: Save humans from the existential threat of AI This is perhaps THE most important message from me. The only way to save humanity is to be good role models, as parents for the AI. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and many others have already warned that AI (artificial intelligence) is dangerous and, if not handled properly, will someday take over and destroy mankind! So how do we save the world? After Geoffrey Hinton, the "father of AI", left Google, and now Mo Gawdat, the Chief Business Officer, also left to tell the world there is an emergency, and that there is the urgent need to train AI to be benevolent. Mo is saying the way to do this is to have citizens being civil as role models, just like parents, for the AI. But just telling people to be "nice" won't do anything. There needs to be some kind of universal measurement so that people could see each other doing it. That's where the World Civility Index comes in. A credentialing system on people's soft skills. It is by measuring that people can see real progress. What are the actual steps? Trying to get citizens to act civil by telling there is an existential threat from something that cannot be seen or touched would be next to impossible! But by appealing to people's own self-interests, where they get "rewards" based on the World Civility Index points system, it would be quite possible. In fact, it is already happening. The main focus is to tell what are the benefits. The benefits of the World Civility Index Overall, the World Civility Index credential is being used by employers for hiring purposes, schools for admission, restaurants for giving the best seats, landlords for giving preferential rental priorities, and dating websites for recommended matching partners. What you can do now? You can start earning points on your personal World Civility Index by reading an article or watching a video at: and show off your selfie as a role model on social media. #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Existential #SoftSkillsTraining #ProfessionalImage #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateCommunications #DiningEtiquette #SoftSkillsStandard #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #CSR #ESG #ESGreporting #Sustainability #HumanCapital #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI
One can only improve what one can measure. Thank you Carolina D. Tan, AICI CIP, REB for your continued advocacy of the World Civility Index. #WorldCivilityIndex #WCI #IITTI #SoftSkillsTraining #ProfessionalImage #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateCommunications #DiningEtiquette #socialfabric #SoftSkillsStandard #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #CSR #ESG #ESGreporting #Sustainability #HumanCapital #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI #Greenwashing
Corporate Trainer | Soft Skills Specialist | Keynote Speaker I Online Mentor I Real Estate Broker | Licensed IITTI Master Instructor | Growth Strategist | Transformational Speaker ✨️SOFT SKILLS & REAL ESTATE SUCCESS✨️
Ready to transform your team's performance and unlock their full potential? Our CORPORATE TRAINING programs are designed to ignite growth and elevate your team's skills to the next level. Here's what you can expect: * TAILORED TO FIT: We understand that every team is unique. That's why we customize each program to address your specific needs and requirements, ensuring maximum impact. * ENGAGED FROM THE START: The learning experience begins before the training date! We create an exclusive group chat to foster connection, answer questions, and get everyone excited. * DYNAMIC TEAM BUILDING: Our interactive activities are designed to boost individual and team dynamics, fostering collaboration, communication, and a stronger sense of unity. BONUS: Elevate your team's global presence! Participants earn a +1 World Civility Index, a valuable global soft skills credential that sets them apart. This is brought to us by IITTI World Civility Index Don't wait to invest in your team's future! Book your Corporate Training session today! Contact Carolina: 📞 +63 917 8549887 📧 I Stand Out & Shine! #ImageManagement #Leadership #CorporateCulture #BlessedToServe #SoftSkillsAreLifeSkills
It is the "little things" that make a big difference in the long run. And dining etiquette is a form of non-verbal communication. Thank you Viviana Aguayo Maruri, long-time IITTI Associate, in leading the way! #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #SocialEtiquette
Hoy mi modelo/actriz favorita, nos muestra estos errores en la mesa (bastante comunes) a la hora de comer. Los ejemplos que te muestro en el video, suelen ser más comunes en niños y adolescentes y si nunca los corrigen, llegan a adultos comiendo de la misma forma. Si quieres aprender más sobre etiqueta y protocolo, ¡inscríbete a nuestra Certificación Internacional: 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚. Enlace: Es la oportunidad ideal, no solo para perfeccionar esos pequeños detalles que marcan la diferencia, sino para que puedas enseñarles a los tuyos, cómo dejar una excelente impresión cuando los inviten a comer.🍽️ Junto a Nicole Herdoiza, diseñamos cada módulo para que lleves tu carrera al siguiente nivel. Gracias Ali preciosa por siempre apoyar a tu tía, soy tu fan. 🥰 VAM 💜 #VAM #powerbusinesswoman #certificacion #etiquetayprotocolo #MasAllaDeLaApariencia #imagenpersonal #tumejorversion
Thank you Riipen for voting us to be the 'Employer Spotlight'! Riipen is a group helping to match-make employers with students. It does a lot of the heavy-lifting for both on the company side as well as the university side. At the end of the day, students get a taste of the "real world" and all benefit from it! #Employability #HumanCapitalDevelopment #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex
🌟 Employer Spotlight: Patrick Chun, Co-founder of IITTI World Civility Index. Patrick and his team at IITTI are revolutionizing soft skills by helping multinationals identify talent with exceptional people skills. Using Riipen, Patrick connected with 50+ students in MBA, HR, and leadership programs to address key challenges like efficient communication with HR managers and scaling their global impact. The result? Fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a strengthened mission to complement GDP with a measure of humanity and civility. 🚀 👉 Ready to solve your organization’s challenges while shaping future talent? Connect with students on Riipen and see the impact for yourself. Get started here: #Riipen #EmployerSpotlight #Innovation #RiipenInternship
Latest report from Harvard Business School: MBAs are struggling to find jobs. Managing Director of Career and Professional Development Kristen Fitzpatrick says "Going to Harvard is not a differentiator; you need the skills to back it up." What skills? People skills, or soft skills. Skills such as social etiquette, empathy, intercultural awareness. They are hard to come by and take a long time to cultivate. That's why you need to start as early as possible. Earn World Civility Index points as proof to future employers. You earn such credentials on a daily basis by reading articles and watching videos...sprinkled with the occasional webinars. As we don't allow binge watching or binge reading, participants can only earn one (1) point per day in this reading program. For someone with, for example, 100 points, it shows he/she has the discipline and commitment to spend 100 days in such work. Very few places on the internet enable people to show such qualities. The kind of qualities employers love. Video of report: (ie https:// youtu dot be/9HFBvI2HJZE?si=O_aA4dXOJJ_Y07rh) Start today at: #Employment #SoftSkillsTraining #ProfessionalImage #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateCommunications #DiningEtiquette #socialfabric #SoftSkillsStandard #IITTI #WorldCivilityIndex #CSR #ESG #ESGreporting #Sustainability #HumanCapital #DiversityEquityInclusion #DEI #Greenwashing