International Social Service Canada (SSI Canada) reposted this
Last week, Giovanna Ricciardi, ISS General Secretariat, and Sabine Benisch (ISS Frankfurt), represented ISS during a conference on Intercountry Adoptions in Bonn organised by the Bundesamt für Justiz, the German Central Adoption Authority. ISS presented its work on #searchfororigins and explained how ISS members help people searching for their origins using their long-standing expertise in cross border social casework. ISS also moderated a workshop together with Susana Katz from Ada e. V. and Markus Gross from the Landesjugendamt Rheinland. ISS was pleased to connect with the German Central Adoption Authority and is grateful for their support, in particular to the ISS International Reference Center for the rights of children deprived of their family. Finally, ISS would like to thank Dr. Sarah Gerling-Stock for the invitation! 🙏 #childrensrights #childprotection #socialworkers #crossborder #families #searchfororigins