Drug toxicity is a significant factor in clinical trial withdrawals. #MachineLearning models hold potential for predicting toxicity profiles, but not without their challenges. Members of our team Antoine Moitessier and Nicolas Moitessier, and Dr. Suneel Kumar BVS from Atomicas, have written a #bookchapter, titled “Toxicity Forecasts: Navigating Data-Driven AI/ML Models: From Theory to Practice”, in the Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Sciences by Apple Academic Press. The chapter covers dataset collection, molecular featurization, AI/ML theory, validation, and evaluation metrics, and includes code examples. Get the book here: https://lnkd.in/gvdjJAab Congratulations Antoine, Nic, and Suneel! #bookpublication #research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Un facteur important d'abandon des essais cliniques est la toxicité des médicaments. Les modèles de #ApprentissageAutomatique peuvent prédire les profils de toxicité, mais ils présentent aussi des défis à surmonter. Les membres de notre équipe Antoine Moitessier et Nicolas Moitessier, et Suneel Kumar de Atomicas, ont écrit un #chapitre de livre, intitulé « Toxicity Forecasts : Navigating Data-Driven AI/ML Models : From Theory to Practice », dans l'ouvrage « Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Sciences » publié par @Apple Academic Press. Le chapitre couvre la collecte de données, la caractérisation moléculaire, la théorie de l'IA/ML, la validation et les métriques d'évaluation, et inclut des exemples de code. Le livre est disponible ici : https://lnkd.in/gvdjJAab Félicitations à Antoine, Nic et Suneel ! #publicationdelivre #recherche
Molecular Forecaster
Research Services
Montreal, Quebec 2,034 followers
Pioneers of Research-as-a-Service: bringing computer-aided drug design software and services to biotechs and pharmas
About us
We are a reliable, self-sustaining computational chemistry company. We offer our software and expertise to both smaller biotech companies and big pharma, either as a CRO or as licensed software, for use in the preclinical stages of drug discovery. Are you a biotech kicking off a new project, looking for rational computer-aided drug design (CADD) to accelerate your hit discovery? We use our own software tools and a structure-based approach to identify novel small molecules targeting any protein family. Do you need diverse comp. chem. expertise, but only employ a small in-house team, or no team at all? When you hire us as a CRO, we source our entire team’s experience in areas including structure-based design, chemoinformatics, quantum mechanics, and molecular dynamics. Do you struggle with third-party software, hidden license requirements, and missing features? We develop our own software for most applications, precluding the need to sign other agreements or to procure other tools. We can also adjust and enhance our procedures to accommodate different project workflows. Our software works on PC, Linux, and Mac and we will run demos and workshops. Are you looking for a long-term partner with flexibility in how you collaborate? We construct our agreements on FFS or FTE bases and generally do not retain IP on your projects. We conduct feasibility studies before spending time and money on projects that are unlikely to be successful. We will provide reports, communicate regularly, and return any generated data. James Talton, CEO of Alchem Laboratories says, “We reviewed multiple software packages and MFI ranked in the top 10. Adding in their service and expertise made them an excellent partner on our DOD project. We’re excited by the results thus far and will absolutely continue working with their team in the future. Contact us to start your project today! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @MolForecaster! Find our testimonials and references on our website!
- Website
External link for Molecular Forecaster
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Montreal, Quebec
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2010
- Specialties
- Molecular Modeling, Docking, Drug Design, Structure-based Drug Design, Virtual Screening, Library Design, Consulting, Workshop, Training, Software Licensing, Free Academic Software, Combinatorial Chemistry, Virtual Chemistry Laboratory, and Artificial Intelligence
2075 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2L1, CA
Employees at Molecular Forecaster
Earlier this week, our CEO Josh Pottel joined Thomas Fortoul, a McGill University computer science student and the creator of Thinking Tech, for the inaugural episode of his new #podcast. In their conversation, Josh shared insights into his journey, from the early days of Molecular Forecaster to the company’s evolution today. They explored key topics like the challenges and rewards of #entrepreneurship, what it takes to build a #startup, and the transformative impact of #AI on education and #biotech. We want to extend our congratulations to Thomas on the launch of Thinking Tech. As a company deeply rooted in our local community, we’re all about supporting fresh voices and bold ideas. Thomas is a fantastic example of how fresh perspectives can drive impactful conversations. This episode pairs perfectly with your weekend coffee. Hope you give it a listen! 📺YouTube:https://lnkd.in/egnwhwB2 🎧Spotify:https://lnkd.in/grBcdEBB 🍏Apple Podcasts:https://lnkd.in/g5baJK5h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ En début de semaine, notre PDG Josh Pottel a rejoint Thomas Fortoul, un étudiant en informatique de McGill University et le créateur de Thinking Tech, pour l'épisode inaugural de son nouveau #balado. Au cours de leur conversation, Josh a partagé ses réflexions sur son parcours, depuis les premiers jours de Molecular Forecaster jusqu'à l'évolution de l'entreprise aujourd'hui. Ils ont exploré des sujets clés tels que les défis et les récompenses de l'#entrepreneuriat, ce qu'il faut pour construire une startup, et l'impact de l'#IA sur l'éducation et la biotech. Nous tenons à féliciter Thomas pour le lancement de Thinking Tech. En tant qu'entreprise profondément enracinée dans notre communauté locale, nous soutenons les nouvelles voix et les idées audacieuses. Thomas est un parfait exemple de la façon dont les nouvelles perspectives peuvent conduire à des conversations impactantes. Cet épisode se marie parfaitement avec votre café du week-end. Nous espérons que vous l'écouterez ! 📺 YouTube:https:https://lnkd.in/gB7vf3Wh 🎧 Spotify:https:https://lnkd.in/gzVdseFn 🍏 Apple Podcasts:https://lnkd.in/g5baJK5h
#1 - Joshua Pottel: Revolutionizing Drug Discovery
[#Webinar] This Thursday, we are thrilled to continue the conversation about our recently announced $2M project under the Partenar-IA program. CQDM has invited Our CEO Josh Pottel to share the company’s experience with the program and highlight its impact during a webinar hosted by CRIM. We are honoured to participate and hope that our insights will inspire more companies to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. You can still register for the event here: https://lnkd.in/g7UVTWmi #artificialintelligence #AI #Innovation #BioPharma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#Webinar] Ce jeudi, nous sommes ravis de poursuivre la conversation sur notre projet de 2 millions de dollars récemment annoncé dans le cadre du programme Partenar-IA. CQDM a invité notre PDG Josh Pottel à partager l'expérience de l'entreprise avec le programme et à souligner son impact lors d'un webinaire organisé par le CRIM. Nous sommes honorés de participer et espérons que nos idées inspireront plus d'entreprises à profiter de cette incroyable opportunité. Vous pouvez encore vous inscrire à l'événement ici : https://lnkd.in/g7UVTWmi #intelligenceartificielle #IA
We’re thrilled to announce our involvement in a $2 million collaborative project aimed at accelerating the development of highly targeted, less toxic #cancertherapies using #artificialintelligence (AI). This initiative, supported by CQDM in partnership with IVADO, brings together three Quebec-based companies, including 9Bio Thérapeutiques, Aramis Biotechnologies, and us, Molecular Forecaster. Our role in this project will be to leverage AI to predict molecular interactions and generate #smallmolecules specifically targeting tumor cells. Thanks to this funding, we will also develop new technologies that will benefit our current and future partners in small molecule #drugdesign. We want to take a moment to thank CQDM, IVADO, and the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec (MEIE) for this incredible opportunity. At the heart of everything we do is the belief that patients deserve the best treatments possible, and this project is a huge step forward in making that a reality. Learn more about the project: https://lnkd.in/e5kFgxcp #AI #Innovation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer notre participation à un projet collaboratif de 2 millions de dollars visant à accélérer le développement de thérapies anticancéreuses hautement ciblées et moins toxiques grâce à l'#intelligenceartificielle (IA). Cette initiative, soutenue par le CQDM en partenariat avec IVADO, réunit trois entreprises québécoises, dont 9Bio Thérapeutiques, Aramis Biotechnologies, et nous, Molecular Forecaster. Notre rôle dans ce projet sera d'utiliser l'IA pour prédire les interactions moléculaires et générer des #petitesmolécules ciblant spécifiquement les #cellulestumorales. Grâce à ce financement, nous développerons également de nouvelles technologies qui profiteront à nos partenaires actuels et futurs dans le domaine de la conception de médicaments à base de petites molécules. Nous tenons à remercier le CQDM, IVADO et le Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie du Québec (MEIE) pour cette incroyable opportunité. Au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons, se trouve la conviction que les patients méritent les meilleurs traitements possibles, et ce projet est un grand pas en avant pour que cela devienne une réalité. Pour en savoir plus sur le projet : https://lnkd.in/e8QYkqYT #IA
Our updated website is live! We heard your feedback and hope you'll find it easier to navigate and clearer in its message. Please keep letting us know! https://lnkd.in/ddvhdJjq
[#OBIO2025] D – 5 to the #OBIO Investment Summit (Feb 5-7)! For those going to Toronto next week, you can catch our CEO, Josh Pottel, talking about our #CADD solutions for early-stage #drugdiscovery during the Early Technology Showcase ! We are excited to connect with Canadian and global #investors and #entrepreneurs and share our vision of #innovation in the #lifesciences community. Thank you to Conscience for giving us the floor as emerging #healthscience company! #investment #partnering
[#UserReport] Our #metabolism software #IMPACTS was recently used in the study “The Use of a Penta-Deuterophenyl Substituent to Improve the Metabolic Stability of a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor” published by a team of the Universitat Ramon Llull. The team investigated ways to overcome the metabolic instability of a compound presenting a good antitumor activity for the squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. (https://lnkd.in/dRjWFYXj ) They used IMPACTS to better understand how their compound was metabolized and ultimately improved the stability of that compound using the insights garnered from IMPACTS. #MetabolicStability #deuteration
[#OBIO2025] This year, we are proud to be participating in the #OBIO Investment Summit February 5-7 in Toronto! Canada’s premier health science investment event connects #investors and #entrepreneurs to boost Canadian #LifeScience companies. You will find us at the Early Technology Showcase during which Conscience will present their projects with the greatest potential for commercialization. Our CEO Josh Pottel will be presenting our #CADD solutions and how we use our technology to accelerate early-stage #drugdiscovery. #innovation #leaders #investment
[#Fêtes] Alors que nous nous apprêtons à faire une pause pour nous détendre et profiter des vacances d'hiver, nous voulions souhaiter à nos #clients et #partenaires de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année de façon traditionnelle, en leur écrivant des #cartesdevœux ! En raison des retards postaux au Canada, deux membres de notre équipe, Justin Buschman-Dormond et Benjamin Weiser, sont allés livrer en main propre les cartes de Montréal en début de semaine. Merci, Ben et Justin, et à nos clients et partenaires géographiquement éloignés, nos cartes de vœux finiront par vous parvenir ! Nous souhaitons à tous de joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !