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Nonprofit Spelunking

Nonprofit Spelunking

Business Content

Calgary, Alberta 143 followers

About us

Nonprofit Spelunking is a collection of subscription-based content about the sector, started by Allison Rolle and Kirk Schmidt. Podcasts, instructional videos, webinars, and more!

Business Content
Company size
2-10 employees
Calgary, Alberta



  • Over the past few months, I have struggled to make any content. I simply don't have the bandwidth to do this on my own, and while I don't think this is the end of Nonprofit Spelunking, I think I need to shut it down for a bit to reassess what we can do with it. Thank you for your support.

  • You can register for the individual webinar here: You can become a member of Nonprofit Spelunking at

    View profile for Kirk Schmidt

    Fundraising Mathematician | Autistic | Nonprofit Operations

    Back in May I won a random non-profit 50/50 draw (Yay me!). But in typical Kirk fashion, I went... "What if I use this to play other 50/50s and do research on the state of charitable gaming" 40 raffles (not all 50/50s!) later, I've got lots of data including different experiences upon winning (7 so far...), different ways that raffles have been organized, executed, and communicated, as well as a whole lot of spreadsheets that actually track, predict, and project into the future. Does that sound interesting to you? In a month I'm doing a webinar called, "Breaking Charitable Raffles," that is going into all the experiences, the mathematics, and the observations (and recommendations) based on the raffles I played. This is a Nonprofit Spelunking webinar and available to all subscribers at the Webinars and More level. Link to webinar:

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  • Webinar is coming up this Friday Not only is this great for fundraisers, but funders and board members too.

    View profile for Kirk Schmidt

    Fundraising Mathematician | Autistic | Nonprofit Operations

    Cost Per Dollar is not a light bulb. A single 60W incandescent lightbulb produces about 800 lumens. An LED with about 9W can produce roughly the same amount of light. Ignoring the lifespan of these bulbs (incandescent is the worst anyway), objectively we can see that LEDs are way more efficient. But here's the thing. These lightbulbs require a single input: electricity. When we look at Watts per Lumen (in effect... costs per unit of output), we can see that LEDs are WAYYYY better than incandescent. So shouldn't the same type of measure work with charities? It would, if all inputs were normalized to a single unit. That is: time, resources, etc., all need to be quantified as cost. When two nonprofit produce the same output, but one has a staff that is underpaid and works more overtime, is that actually more efficient even though its cost per dollar is low? Not at all. It's an uneven playing field. In fact, there are MANY ways to hide the true cost of inputs, making cost per dollar really a way to get nonprofits to be as creative with accounting as possible. Cost per Dollar is INCREDIBLY useful, but not as an efficiency metric. In fact, I'm talking about it this Friday! Join me as I talk about "Why Cost Per Dollar Might Be the Most Important Metric" and look at how we can think about growth and impact within fundraising. #costperdollar #ctrad #fundraising #nonprofits

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  • Join the webinar next Friday on Cost Per Dollar Raised.

    View profile for Kirk Schmidt

    Fundraising Mathematician | Autistic | Nonprofit Operations

    Next Friday (July 26) I am talking about why Cost Per Dollar Raised is actually an incredibly important metric, including why it tells us that cutting fundraising simply because the cost per dollar is high is NOT a good strategy. Register here: Of course, if you want lots of videos about metrics, you can always subscribe to my Patreon. Then you could get metrics videos AND webinars! #fundraising #nonprofit #funddevelopment #nonprofitstrategy #nonprofitoperations #fundraisingmetrics

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  • What kind of information do you think would one learn by participating in over 40 charitable raffles? Guess what, we did it for you! Kirk Schmidt talks on August 28th about online charitable raffles based on two decades of experience on the operational side of charities as well as participation in a bunch of raffles. We'll go through the experiment (and how the idea even started!), what we learned, and how this could affect how rules and compliance may need to change in the future. You can register for the webinar at: Subscribers of the Nonprofit Spelunking Patreon at the "Webinars and More" level get automatic access to the webinars - no further registration required.

  • We have two upcoming webinars ‣ Why Cost Per Dollar Might be the Most Important Metric July 26 (Fri) at 10am MST Based on the original talk at NTC 2023, this is a critical look at how Cost Per Dollar can be used to promote growth within an organization, without using it as an efficiency metric. It affects how we decide what investment to make, and how to budget. ‣ Breaking Charitable Raffles August 28 (Wed) at 10am MST Over this summer, we will have participated in over 40 charitable raffles (over 25 already) to perform an experiment. At the end of August we're going to talk through the results, what it means for charitable lotteries, and how we can improve them to reduce potential abuse as online raffles become more prolific. *** Registration links for each of these webinars are below. Subscribers of Nonprofit Spelunking at the "Webinars and More" level will get free access to them, with the link shared on the Patreon page the morning of the webinar. Become a Subscriber: Registration for Cost Per Dollar: Registration for Raffles:

  • Nonprofit Spelunking reposted this

    View profile for Kirk Schmidt

    Fundraising Mathematician | Autistic | Nonprofit Operations

    Last year I did at talk at NTC called "Why Cost Per Dollar Might be the Most Important Metric" and I'm doing it again online at the end of July. Cost Per Dollar is not an efficiency metric nor should it ever be treated that way. But, you can use it strategically to promote growth. Come learn about how to think about it differently, how to look at spending strategically, and why "cutting your way to prosperity" will almost never ever work. This webinar is hosted by Nonprofit Spelunking

  • Quantiles give you gift buckets of equal size. Histograms give you gift buckets of equal size gift range. However, you CAN still do analysis when buckets are not equal size, and it's especially useful for when you've done an AB test on your ask strings to determine movement. It's one thing to look at number of gifts and total amount, but it's another to look at whether people select different amounts or write in their own at high frequency. Check out the video on gift buckets to see more, or our video on quantiles to look specifically that those. #fundraisingmetrics

  • Nonprofit Spelunking reposted this

    Over 3.5 hours of Fundraising Metrics content is available to subscribers of Nonprofit Spelunking, with an average of two videos *per month* talking about measurement and analysis of fundraising. Want to know more about Nonprofit Spelunking? Here's a quick FAQ How do you become a subscriber? Go to How much does it cost to subscribe? If you want the Fundraising Metrics videos, it costs $12 Canadian per month (I don't know what that is in US or UK but it would be less than 12 USD or pounds). This tier would be for ANY videos that we produce. Will the price go up? The plan is to eventually grow more content and more content creators, but to not drastically change the fee (and ideally not change at all). Who does the Fundraising Metrics videos? Kirk Schmidt does the metrics videos. He is a fundraiser, mathematician, and fundraising operations expert who has spoken at AFP ICON, NTC, and many other conferences over the years. Can I see an example? Sure. Kirk did a bit of a math experiment on vacation but made the video the same way as the rest of the fundraising metrics videos. You can see it here: Is it easy to cancel? Sure! The whole thing is run on Patreon, which is designed for being able to support content creators as long as you would like to. They make it easy to sign up and cancel. Anything else I should know? There's lots planned and in the works. Fundraising Metrics is the first part of what is hopefully a much larger and more engaging set of content and community.

  • Over 3.5 hours of Fundraising Metrics content is available to subscribers of Nonprofit Spelunking, with an average of two videos *per month* talking about measurement and analysis of fundraising. Want to know more about Nonprofit Spelunking? Here's a quick FAQ How do you become a subscriber? Go to How much does it cost to subscribe? If you want the Fundraising Metrics videos, it costs $12 Canadian per month (I don't know what that is in US or UK but it would be less than 12 USD or pounds). This tier would be for ANY videos that we produce. Will the price go up? The plan is to eventually grow more content and more content creators, but to not drastically change the fee (and ideally not change at all). Who does the Fundraising Metrics videos? Kirk Schmidt does the metrics videos. He is a fundraiser, mathematician, and fundraising operations expert who has spoken at AFP ICON, NTC, and many other conferences over the years. Can I see an example? Sure. Kirk did a bit of a math experiment on vacation but made the video the same way as the rest of the fundraising metrics videos. You can see it here: Is it easy to cancel? Sure! The whole thing is run on Patreon, which is designed for being able to support content creators as long as you would like to. They make it easy to sign up and cancel. Anything else I should know? There's lots planned and in the works. Fundraising Metrics is the first part of what is hopefully a much larger and more engaging set of content and community.

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