Congratulations to Trisha, one of our amazing Junior Board members!✨
From our School of Aviation: Get to know Seneca Business 2025 Winter Convocation Valedictorian Trisha Virdee During her time at Seneca Polytechnic, Trisha Virdee has shown a relentless determination to achieve academic excellence, improve the student experience and deepen ties between her peers and industry professionals. A graduate of the Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology degree program, she co-founded the Seneca Aviation Student Council and created a mentorship program. Trisha is deeply committed to service and advocacy. She is dedicated to serving Canada as a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces in the Royal Canadian Navy, while actively supporting the next aviation generation. She fosters diversity and mentorship and empowers women to pursue careers in aviation through her service with industry advocacy groups Elevate Aviation, the Ninety-Nines and the Northern Lights Aero Foundation. Congratulations Trisha, we are #SenecaProud of you! 👏🎓✈️ Watch all of Seneca Business' upcoming winter convocation graduation ceremonies (Feb. 28 - Mar 1) here: #SenecaAviation #SenecaBusiness #ThisIsSenecaPolytechnic