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Northern Lights Aero Foundation

Northern Lights Aero Foundation

Airlines and Aviation

Markham, Ontario 2,218 followers

Women. Aviation. Aerospace.

About us

The Northern Lights Aero Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to recognize outstanding Canadian women in the aviation or aerospace industry. The Foundation’s national award program, the Elsie MacGill Northern Lights Award, is the pinnacle aviation and aerospace award that recognizes, promotes and inspires past, present and future generations of Canadian women in the industry. Established in 2009, the annual award program honours up to eight women each year in the categories of Flight Operations, Government, Business, Education, Engineering, Pioneer and Rising Star.

Airlines and Aviation
Company size
11-50 employees
Markham, Ontario
Elsie MacGill Northern Lights Aero Awards, Speakers Bureau, Scholarship Program, Sponsorship and Donations, and Mentorship Program


Employees at Northern Lights Aero Foundation


  • Congratulations to Trisha, one of our amazing Junior Board members!✨

    View organization page for Seneca Business


    From our School of Aviation: Get to know Seneca Business 2025 Winter Convocation Valedictorian Trisha Virdee During her time at Seneca Polytechnic, Trisha Virdee has shown a relentless determination to achieve academic excellence, improve the student experience and deepen ties between her peers and industry professionals. A graduate of the Honours Bachelor of Aviation Technology degree program, she co-founded the Seneca Aviation Student Council and created a mentorship program. Trisha is deeply committed to service and advocacy. She is dedicated to serving Canada as a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces in the Royal Canadian Navy, while actively supporting the next aviation generation. She fosters diversity and mentorship and empowers women to pursue careers in aviation through her service with industry advocacy groups Elevate Aviation, the Ninety-Nines and the Northern Lights Aero Foundation. Congratulations Trisha, we are #SenecaProud of you! 👏🎓✈️ Watch all of Seneca Business' upcoming winter convocation graduation ceremonies (Feb. 28 - Mar 1) here: #SenecaAviation #SenecaBusiness #ThisIsSenecaPolytechnic

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  • Congratulations to Trisha, one of our amazing Junior Board members!✨

    View organization page for Elevate Aviation


    Congratulations to Trisha Virdee, one of this year’s successful applicants for our Rene Cutforth Pilot Bursary. We wish her all the best in her future aviation journey and are proud to have been a part of it! ✈️ A huge thank you to our incredible sponsors and supporters who make these bursaries possible, helping to break barriers and open doors for the next generation of aviation professionals. 💙 Learn more about our bursary program and this year’s winners: #BursaryWinners #WomenInAviation #FutureOfFlight

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  • 🌟Meet Captain Erin Edwards, 2024 Elsie Government Award Winner! ✈️As Canada’s first Astronaut Coordination Officer, Erin provides vital support to the Canadian Astronaut Corps in Houston, Texas. She’s also the first non-astronaut to serve as Deputy Branch Chief for Crew Operations at NASA. Before joining NASA, Erin flew CH146 Griffon helicopters with the Canadian Armed Forces, becoming one of the few women to qualify as an aircraft commander in Special Operations Aviation. 💬 "I think by making sure I’m making room for the people I work with to be their best every day." 📣Do you know an outstanding woman who has contributed significantly to aviation and helping others? Nominate them today for the 2025 Elsie Awards! Visit our website to learn more. #ElsieAwards2024 #GovernmentAchievement #WomenInAviation #Trailblazer #NASA #CanadianArmedForces

  • ✈️ Coming soon! A total of eight Captain Judy Cameron scholarship recipients for 2025 have been chosen, four funded by Air Canada and four funded by CAE. 🌟 Successful candidates have been notified. Look for the exciting details of their aviation journeys on our website in early March. Thank you to all who applied! 🛩️ À venir! Au total, huit récipiendaires de la bourse d’études Commandante-Judy-Cameron de 2025 ont été sélectionnées: quatre financées par Air Canada, et quatre par CAE. 🌟 Les heureuses candidates ont été avisées. Restez à l’affût des détails palpitants de leur parcours dans le domaine de l’aviation sur les médias sociaux en mars. Nous remercions toutes les candidates!

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  • 🌟Meet Terri Super, our 2024 Trailblazer Elsie Award Winner! ✈️Terri is the Chief Flight Instructor and Director of Operations at Super T Aviation in Medicine Hat, Alberta. With an incredible career dedicated to shaping future aviators, she’s truly a trailblazer in Canadian aviation. 💬Reflecting on her achievements, Terri shared: "It’s been a roller coaster of emotions, but also rewarding to look back and realize I’ve done a lot. I’m very happy to be recognized and to have paved the way for future female aviators." 📣Do you know an outstanding woman who has contributed significantly to aviation and helping others? Nominate them today for the 2025 Elsie Awards! Visit our website to learn more. #ElsieAwards2024 #Trailblazer #WomenInAviation #AviationLeadership #SuperTAviation

  • ⁉️ What did Maj (ret’d) Micky Colton do next? Find out on Episode #4 of the Blue Skies Podcast, now available on Spotify, YouTube and Apple Podcasts ✈️ From groundbreaking moments in her career to the challenges she faced along the way, Micky shares personal stories, leadership lessons, and insights into the evolving aviation industry. She reflects on a powerful moment of reconciliation that shaped her perspective. 🎙️Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with resilience and a deep passion for aviation with our 2018 Elsie award recipient! ——— ⁉️ Qu’a fait ensuite le Maj (à la retraite) Micky Colton ? Découvrez-le dans l’épisode n°4 du podcast Blue Skies, désormais disponible sur Spotify, YouTube et Apple Podcasts. ✈️ Dans cet épisode, nous nous asseyons avec le Maj (à la retraite) Colton pour explorer son incroyable parcours dans l’aviation. Des moments marquants de sa carrière aux défis auxquels elle a été confrontée tout au long de son parcours, Micky partage des histoires personnelles, des leçons de leadership et un aperçu de l’évolution de l’industrie aéronautique. Elle réfléchit également à un moment puissant de réconciliation qui a façonné son point de vue. 🎙️Connectez-vous pour une conversation inspirante remplie de résilience et d’une profonde passion pour l’aviation avec notre lauréate du prix Elsie 2018!

  • 📣 La Northern Lights Aero Foundation est heureuse d’annoncer que la période des candidatures pour des Prix Elsie MacGill est maintenant OUVERTE! Les candidatures sont acceptées jusqu’au 31 mars 2025. ✈️ Chaque année, notre fondation nationale rend hommage à huit femmes canadiennes distinguées dans les secteurs de l’aviation et de l’aéronautique au Canada pour célébrer leurs réalisations et incitent d’autres femmes à saisir les occasions offertes dans ces industries. 🏅 À l’issue d’un processus de nomination et de délibérations, les lauréates sont désignées et récompensées chaque année lors du Gala des prix Elsie MacGill de la Northern Lights Aero Foundation qui se tiendra dans la région de Toronto à l’automne 2025. 📝 Pour soumettre la candidature d’une femme exceptionnelle, cliquez sur le lien dans notre bio ou visitez notre site web. Nous vous encourageons également à regarder notre vidéo avec des conseils pour soumettre une candidature, que vous pouvez trouver dans notre bio ou sur notre chaîne Youtube!

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  • 📣 The Northern Lights Aero Foundation is excited to announce that the 2025 Northern Lights Elsie Awards nominations are now OPEN! The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2025. ✈️ Each year, our national not-for-profit foundation honors eight incredible Canadian women who have made a significant contribution to aviation or aerospace and continue to pave the way for other women to enter or excel in these industries. 🏅 The 2025 recipients will be selected by a judging panel comprised of industry experts and veterans and will be honored at the Elsie MacGill Awards Gala, which will be held in the Toronto area in the Fall of 2025. 📝 To nominate an outstanding woman, click the link in our bio or visit our website. We also encourage you to watch our video highlighting nomination application tips, which you can find in our bio or YouTube channel!

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  • ✨🎄 Where are they now? This is a special holiday feature! Meet Kathleen Chisholm, one of our 2021 Elsie MacGill Rising Star award recipients. ✈️ Winning an Elsie Award has opened so many doors-connecting with mentors, industry professionals, and giving her new opportunities. Today, she continues to pay it forward by involving herself in opportunities to help, such as the Jazz Aviation LP ‘Searching for Santa’ Flight! 🌟 Nominating someone for an Elsie Award? Kathleen highly recommends it - it’s an honor that can truly change lives, just like it did for her. Stay tuned for announcements when nominations open in the new year! #ElsieMacGillAwards #WomenInAviation #RisingStar #Mentorship #AviationImpact #InspiringWomen ALT TEXT for thumbnail: Blue graphic with gold stars, featuring text: Northern Lights Aero Foundation 15th Anniversary. Where are they now? Holiday Feature. Kathleen Chisholm (Legge).

  • ✨ Happy Holidays from the Board of Directors and the Junior Board of the Northern Lights Aero Foundation! 🎁 During this very special season, we wish you and your loved ones lots of laughter and success! ✈️ We hope that 2025 brings you closer to your goals, and we look forward to continuing to work with our esteemed sponsors and supporters! 📩 Check your email for a special holiday newsletter from our team!

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