Join the waitlist now for our most requested feature to secure your discount!
In the last 2 years, our most common feature request has been "Can you turn specs into [various construction documents]?". Until now, the answer has been "not really". After more than a year of planning, designing, experimenting and building, plus billions of dollars poured into improving AI, the answer is finally "sort of". Humans will always be the most important part of construction, which is why I believe we shouldn't bypass the most important part of any project: knowing your specification. Instead, we should help people know their spec faster and better and allow them to share the correct information with the right people easier. With this in mind, today I'm opening the waitlist to our new tool: Our goal is to give people the help they desperately want to process hundreds of pages of specifications, while still keeping them in the drivers seat. You'll be able to create whatever documents you need: ITPs, Submittal Logs, Checklists, Procedures, etc. We'll be onboarding the first beta testers in a few weeks so let me know if you're interested or want a demo! Click "Secure Pre-Launch Pricing" at the link below to join the waitlist and get 50% off for your first 3 months!