It's simple, yet difficult to accomplish one might say! Nevertheless, there you have it! Thank you MJ! -- C'est si simple, par contre difficile à accomplir me direz-vous! Néanmoins, c'est ça qui est ça! Merci MJ! 🙏💜
Professional Training and Coaching
Montreal, Quebec 52 followers
Transform your life and other people's life by expressing the power of your inner creator.
About us
Our mission is to inspire and guide you to transform your life and others people life, by expressing the power of your inner-creator. In doing so, we will all contribute to a better world filled with wisdom and higher consciousness.
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External link for Stoa
- Industry
- Professional Training and Coaching
- Company size
- 1 employee
- Headquarters
- Montreal, Quebec
- Type
- Self-Employed
- Founded
- 2020
Montreal, Quebec, CA
Employees at Stoa
Wake up, Leaders!
CHO @ Stoa | Helping leaders and teams lead life and business with more clarity, love and inner peace via coaching & keynotes 💜
So many of you in leadership believe you must protect your employees and make the environment safe. In other words, you equally believe that they cannot protect themselves and survive in an environment that is not safe! We all need to ask ourselves are we that box in the mail with the big sticker on it that says: FRAGILE OR Have I done the work to be ANTIFRAGILE !? Kick me around, whatever happens, I'll be okay! Don't kid yourself, shit will hit the fan in your business and how people can show up for themselves is the turning point! Not the processes, the politics, the HR rules, the DEI stuff, etc... Be just this: CAN I HANDLE THIS! Experience has shown me that the culture in a business is a reflection of the leader's level of consciousness. If you lead with the statement at the top, you need to start doing the work yourself! Perhaps we could start working on making this happen for employees too. It's time to welcome spiritual teachings in the workplace. And it doesn't mean that you don't work on bringing a great work culture ;)... 🙏💜
Investigating ... the gateway to honest and conscious leadership! Let's explore this together in this MasterClass that I recorded on Conscious Leadership! I'm not a leader... that's not for me! WRONG! We are all leaders and this is the essence! Stop going after the how to's, quick tips, the pre-done formula! Explore the roots of it all! Find the MasterClass here 👉 🙏💜
Garder son centre Garder son équanimité Être en équilibre Les Stoïques m'ont grandement impactés. De maintenir une équanimité peut importe ce qui nous arrive est une des grandes leçons qui nous ont légués. C'est un aspect que j'ai beaucoup travaillé avec Donald (Donald Robertson un auteur Stoïques) avec qui j'ai travaillé 1:1 pendant quelques années. Dans le leadership... n'est pas une faculté qui est testée quotidiennement? Je vous invite à explorer le sujet avec moi dans mon tout nouveau MasterClass: Leader Consciemment. C'est par ici 👉 🙏💜
Nos désirs, nos préférences... Elles sont utilisées comme moteur d'action, de paix, de bonheur. On les chasse constamment dans l'espoir d'y retrouver ce qui nous rendra heureux et nous donnera du succès. D'un point de vue spirituel, ils sont vus bien différemment . Ils sont la source de nos souffrances. Cette pose alors une grande incompréhension... d'un côté la promotion des désirs, de l'autre ont les fait tomber! Donc je ne fais plus rien? C'est l'essence du non-dualisme! On continue à faire des choses, bien des choses, mais ça ne germes pas du même espace. D'un côté je fais les choses pour avoir xyz. De l'autre je les fais pour exprimer toute ma créativité et pour le plaisir de faire qqch. C'est la même chose dans le leadership de nos vies et en affaires! Je vous invite à écouter le MasterClass/Podcast si ça vous interpelle. C'est par ici 👉 Spotify: Apple: Youtube: 🙏💜
Leader Consciemment _ MasterClass
Il n'y a un seul désir qui compte point de vue leadership. Vous pouvez regarder et/ou écouter le MasterClass ici 👉 Spotify: Apple: Youtube:
From how to why in leadership! This is the intention with which I recorded this MasterClass. It's like none other that you've followed on leadership! But it's one with which you'll find so much resonance if your honest about your leadership journey! I hope you enjoy it. You can find it here 👉 Spotify: Apple: Youtube: 🙏💜
The Interior Posture of Leadership That's really where we should start this conversation about leadership! We make it into academic topic, courses, programs and a multitude of steps one needs to follow. That's not it's essence! When you focus on all that stuff, you haven't even start asking the fundamental question... Who's leading! And it's not what you think it is. Let's go back to the basics with this MasterClass that I recorded. If you are inspired by the subject, find it here 👉 Spotify: Apple: Youtube: 🙏💜