The Ontario Caregiver Organization

The Ontario Caregiver Organization

Non-profit Organization Management

Toronto, Ontario 3,170 followers

OCO supports Ontario’s 4 million caregivers; ordinary people providing physical/emotional support.

About us

If you support someone in need and feel anxious and overwhelmed with your caregiving responsibilities, you’re not alone. The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 4 million caregivers; ordinary people who provide physical and emotional support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour. We support caregivers by being their one point of access to information, so they have what they need to be successful in their role. Working collectively with caregivers, healthcare providers and other organizations, OCO draws on the variety of work that is currently being done to ease caregiver burn-out and improve the caregiving experience. We find ways to make existing services more broadly available so all caregivers, regardless of age, disease, diagnosis or location can access support. Where there are gaps, we work with caregivers and like-minded partners to find new and creative ways to fill them. The Ontario Caregiver Organization is inspired by caregivers, their stories and their unique experiences, and uses the caregiver voice to inform our work. Established in the Spring of 2018, the OCO is an independent non-profit that is funded by the Ministry of Health.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
11-50 employees
Toronto, Ontario


Employees at The Ontario Caregiver Organization


  • From the OCO family to Ontario’s four million caregivers, may the warmth of the season lift your spirit, and those of the ones you care for. At this time of year remember you aren’t alone. If you find yourself needing support as the activities of the season get underway, remember that the Ontario Caregiver Helpline is here for you at 1-833-416-2273. Happy holidays! ____ De la part de la famille de l'OSANO, nous souhaitons aux quatre millions de personnes aidantes de l'Ontario que la saison des fêtes réchauffe vos cœurs ainsi que ceux des personnes que vous aidez. En cette période de l'année, rappelez-vous que vous n'êtes pas seul(e). Si vous avez besoin de soutien face aux défis de la saison, sachez que la ligne d'aide aux personnes aidantes de l'Ontario est là pour vous, au 1-833-416-2273. Joyeuses Fêtes à vous !

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  • The holidays are a busy at the best of times, for caregivers even more so. In fact, 37% of caregivers say juggling holiday errands alongside work and caregiving duties is a major contributor to rising stress levels at this time of year. One of the keys to making it through? Creating new traditions that work with your current circumstance. Learn more about how OCO can support you during the holiday season on our website.

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  • De temps à autre, nous rencontrons des personnes spéciales dans nos vies. Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui a apporté une contribution remarquable à la résolution de problèmes touchant les aidants naturels en Ontario ? Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour les repérer. Vous pouvez proposer sa candidature dès maintenant pour un Prix Janet Beed Impact Award. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu'au le 15 décembre à minuit.

    Prix Impact Janet Beed  - L'Organisme de soutien aux aidants naturels de l'Ontario

    Prix Impact Janet Beed  - L'Organisme de soutien aux aidants naturels de l'Ontario

  • Created by caregivers, for caregivers, our "I am a caregiver" toolkit includes information to access free programs and services to support new or long-time caregivers. In collaboration with caregivers who identify as being part of the 2SLGBTQAI+ community, we adapted this toolkit to help better support them. Download your free copy here: This adaptation was made possible through funding from the Petro-Canada CareMakers Foundation

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  • Anyone interested in learning about the progression of dementia won’t want to miss our upcoming webinar, “Understanding the Progression and Stages of Dementia”. Jointly hosted by the OCO and Alzheimer Society of Ontario, join us Jan. 9 at 12:00PM EST to learn about the stages of the disease, along with tips for managing the evolving dynamics between a caregiver and the person living with dementia. Register Today.

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  • Join CEO of CHATS – Community & Home Assistance to Seniors, ChristinaBiz Bisanz and CEO Amy Coupal, M. Ed., ICD.D from the Ontario Caregiver Organization, as they discuss the journey of caregiving, how to connect caregivers with support, the importance of caregivers having a voice in the healthcare system, a National Caregiving Strategy, and resources available for caregivers. Listen now at the link below

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  • Feeling stressed and overwhelmed during the holidays is a common experience for many caregivers. If you’re anticipating challenges, listen to our webinar on reducing holiday stress with Dr. Patrick McGrath. You’ll hear about coping strategies along with guidance for navigating this busy time of year. In the meantime, always remember that the Ontario Caregiver Organization is here for you. Watch the video using the link below, or visit our website to learn more.

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  • Le rapport Pleins feux de cette année met en lumière, une fois de plus, l'augmentation de l'impact de l'aidance naturelle sur les Ontariens. Vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter le rapport pour découvrir ce que nous faisons pour améliorer la vie des personnes aidantes en Ontario, y compris nos quatre priorités principales: 1. Mettre en relation les personnes aidantes avec les ressources essentielles.  2. Intégrer les personnes aidantes dans la culture des soins de santé.  3. Co-créer des solutions pour relever les défis.  4. Faire valoir le point de vue des personnes aidantes. Visitez notre site web pour télécharger le rapport et en savoir davantage.

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  • This year's Spotlight Report once again reveals the increasing toll that caregiving is having on Ontarians.  You can read the report now and learn about what we’re doing to improve the lives of caregivers in Ontario, including our four key priorities:     1. Connecting caregivers with resources.   2. Integrating them into healthcare culture.   3. Co-creating solutions to address challenges.   4. Amplifying caregiver voices.     Visit our website below to download the report and learn more.

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