Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health, University of Toronto

Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health, University of Toronto

Public Health

Partnering with Indigenous peoples for wellness through research and education.

About us

At the Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health (WBIIH), researchers and educators from across the University of Toronto work with community partners and Indigenous peoples to address the complex factors that underlie disparities in health between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. The Institute is engaged in research, education, and service initiatives to overcome health challenges and evaluate interventions to prevent disease and improve health. Its scholars study health policy and administration to improve the delivery and quality of Indigenous health care, and educate Indigenous and non-Indigenous students so that each year more Canadians and citizens of the world can recognize, reduce, and eliminate health inequities. The Institute believes partnerships are the key to parity in Indigenous and non-Indigenous health, including those with Indigenous peoples, leaders, and organizations, with educational, public health and cultural institutions, and with all levels of government. Through partnerships built on respect, inclusion, and trust, WBIIH is laying the foundation for a sustainable future of wellness in Indigenous peoples—one policy, one community and one person at a time. Founding donors Drs. Michael and Amira Dan have been committed to righting the social and economic inequity of Indigenous peoples in Canada for many years. Dr. Michael Dan is a medical doctor with a diverse background that includes neurosurgery, medical research, and biotechnology, as well as philanthropy. He is also a social entrepreneur who works with Indigenous peoples to create sustainable wealth through hydroelectric power projects on Aboriginal lands.

Public Health
Company size
2-10 employees



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