Emily Schiller

Emily Schiller is a registered dietitian who specializes in making nutrition information easy to understand and relevant to a variety of consumer and stakeholder audiences. As a Senior Community Manager, Nutrition &amp| Wellness at GolinHarris, she offers expertise in key areas including the development of healthcare professional outreach strategies, nutrition toolkits, presentations, strategic partnerships and media messaging. She also aptly tracks the latest in nutrition policy and scientific updates and translates the information to help her clients achieve business success. Emily is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition &amp| Dietetics and several of its subgroups including the Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition| Weight Management| and Dietitians in Business and Communications Dietetic Practice Groups. Emily completed her undergraduate degree in nutritional sciences at The Pennsylvania State University and completed a dietetic internship with an emphasis in community nutrition at Loyola University, Chicago.

Emily is a brand advocate. Their content on the California Avocado Commission website and/or blog is part of their partnership with our organization.

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