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Pledges reporting for protected areas and 30% conservation status improvement targets

In May 2020, the European Commission adopted a new EU Biodiversity Strategy setting out a comprehensive package of actions and commitments to redouble Europe's efforts to protect and restore biodiversity by 2030. In this context, the strategy calls on Member States to

The Member States will report their pledges via the EEA's Reportnet 3.0 under ROD obligation 815 (protected areas) and ROD obligation 816 (conservation status improvements). This page provides the technical guidance documents as well as links to the codelists and other relevant material for the reporting.

1) Pledges reporting for protected areas target

Guidance documents and reporting template

Data dictionary and vocabulary (code-lists)

Helpdesk protected areas

If you have questions please contact the helpdesk for pledges on protected areas


2) Pledges reporting for the 30% conservation status improvement target

Guidance documents and reporting template

Helpdesk conservation status improvement

If you have questions please contact the helpdesk for pledges on conservation status improvement

