Pavel Luzin is a Non-resident Senior Fellow with the Democratic Resilience Program at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). Luzin holds a PhD in international relations (IMEMO, 2012).

He is also a visiting scholar at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation. Dr.Luzin is a contributor to the Foreign Policy Research Institute and to the Riddle Russia. He focuses on Russia’s foreign policy and defense, space policy, and global security issues. In 2017–2018, he was a consultant on the issues of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies, and the defense industry for Alexei Navalny’s presidential campaign in Russia. From 2016–2018, he was a consultant on Russia’s domestic politics for the “Nations in Transit ” project at Freedom House. In 2013–2014, Pavel Luzin was a research fellow at IMEMO. In 2013, he was an assistant to the editor-in-chief of the Security Index journal at the PIR Center. Dr. Luzin was also a lecturer and senior lecturer at Perm State University in 2 010–2017, a senior lecturer at Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics in 2011–2013, and a visiting assistant professor there in 2018–2019.