ArtemiX Biotech hat dies direkt geteilt
A huge thank you to the wonderful people from Neighborhood, VCLS Innovation Center and Emmanuelle Voisin, PhD for inviting me to the Andera Partners cocktail ! What an amazing opportunity to meet some incredible entrepreneurs and investors in such a beautiful location and relaxed atmosphere, with the most famous monuments of Paris as our backdrop. Thank you Andera Partners for the great organisation. #Networking #Investors #Entrepreneurs #Innovation #Paris #Gratitude Soraya Sin-Monnot, PhD Sébastien Giraudier, PhD Yuexin Yu Joseph KARKAZAN Emmanuelle Deponge Anastasia Grabarz, PhD Gregoire Chevalier Decebal Bora Alexandre Lemoalle ArtemiX Biotech FONGIT CHUV / Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Western Switzerland (ISPSO)- University of Geneva Unitec Technology Transfer Office PACTT - Knowledge Transfer Office UNIL-CHUV