Titelbild von BalTec GroupBalTec Group
BalTec Group

BalTec Group


Pfäffikon, Canton of Zurich 1.157 Follower:innen

We are the leading machine manufacturer for cold-formed, joining solutions. Joining is our business - worldwide.


The innovative Swiss company, a technological trendsetter, is the world’s market leader for riveting machines. WHO WE ARE With its headquarters in Pfäffikon, Switzerland, the BalTec Group sees its core competence in the manufacturing of joining technology machinery, with a special focus on radial riveting technology, but also orbital riveting, roller forming and pressing. As early as 1968, BalTec (then still known as Bräcker) had already made radial riveting technology a familiar process in a variety of different sectors. Today we are the global leader in riveting technology, encompassing seven companies with over 70 direct employees and sales partners in more than 55 countries. WHAT WE OFFER We firmly believe that the high level of quality and customer satisfaction provided by BalTec can only be assured by a strong local presence. We support plant manufacturers and customers in both testing and service centers all around the world when it comes to determining the best joining technology or during integration of machines. This close personal support is provided by BalTec employees or our trained representatives. WHERE WE AIM TO GO Our position as a technology leader defines the direction we wish to take in future. We want to exploit this position, improving it on a sustained basis to ensure that our cooperation with our partners and customers focuses on finding the best solutions in joining technology. With the patented HPP-25, a process data management system with integrated and intuitive machine control, we have created a new benchmark in process monitoring. WE ARE BALTEC And what is our strongest asset? Beyond any doubt, it is our committed and motivated employees, many of whom have gained a wealth of experience over many years. Together, we pursue a single goal with absolute dedication: customer satisfaction.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Pfäffikon, Canton of Zurich
Riveting, Cold forming, roller forming, orbital riveting, servoriveting, feasibility studies, development, technical consulting, engineering, formtools, nietmaschinen, machbarkeitsstudien, automotive, hardware, feinmechanik, electronics, automation, kaltumformung, formwerkzeug, industrie4.0, maschinenbau, elektronik und roll forming


Beschäftigte von BalTec Group


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    I nostri colleghi di BalTec Italia parteciperanno alla fiera #MECSPE 2025 a Bologna. Visitate il nostro stand per provare l'ultima innovazione BalTec. Li troverete dal 5 all 7 marzo 2025 nello stand n. D17 del padiglione 30. ------------------ Our colleagues from BalTec Italy will attend the #MECSPE 2025 exhibition in Bologna. Visit our stand No D17 to experience the latest BalTec innovations. You will find them from 5 to 7 March 2025 in booth No. D17 in Hall 30 #MECSPE2025 #BalTecGroup #servoriveting #innovation #rivetingsolutions

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    People wear them. At school, at work, or on the beach. During sports or at work as protection. Many people use them 👓 but have no idea of the significance of the rivets used. 1️⃣ Connection technologies: Rivets are an expression of advanced joining technologies that affect the overall performance and longevity of eyewear. 2️⃣ Durability: Eyewear rivets are not only decorative, but also stand up to daily wear and tear, ensuring stability and structural integrity. 3️⃣ Material innovation: Modern rivets made of stainless steel, titanium and composite materials offer improved durability with minimized weight. Cold forming has proven reliable for permanently joining parts. Even for areas we can't see, but only notice when the connection is missing. 😎 And what glasses are you wearing? ------------------------ Menschen tragen sie. In der Schule, bei der Arbeit, oder am Strand oder beim Sport. Viele nutzen sie 👓, übersehen aber die entscheidende Rolle der verwendeten Nieten. Warum sind diese so wichtig? 1️⃣ Langlebigkeit: Nieten sind Ausdruck fortschrittlicher Verbindungstechnologien, die die Gesamtleistung und Langlebigkeit der Brille beeinflussen. 2️⃣ Belastbarkeit: Brillennieten sind nicht nur dekorativ, sondern sorgen für Stabilität. 3️⃣ Materialinnovation: Moderne Nieten aus Edelstahl, Titan und Verbundstoffen bieten verbesserte Haltbarkeit bei minimalem Gewicht. Kaltumformen hat sich für die dauerhafte Verbindung von Teilen als zuverlässig erwiesen. Auch für Bereiche die wir nicht sehen, sondern nur bemerken, wenn die Verbindung fehlt. 😎 Und welche Brillen tragen Sie? #eyeglassframes #riveting #eyewear #BalTecGroup #eyeglasses

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    We care about the quality of your products as much as you do. That's why we have developed our patented process control HPP-25 specifically for the radial riveting and roller forming process. 🔬 The process control by BalTec monitors force-displacement curves during forming processes using state-of-the-art sensors. With precise and reliable control devices, we enable you to maintain the quality standards of your products. Our patented HPP-25 process control offers a wide range of benefits. A crucial advantage of our process control technology is the dynamic rivet base detection, which leads to very precise results. 📈 How do you supervise your forming processes? ------------ Die Qualität Ihrer Produkte liegt uns genauso am Herzen wie Ihnen. Aus diesem Grund entwickelten wir unsere patentierte Prozesskontrolle HPP-25 speziell für den Radialniet- und Rollierprozess. 🔬 Die Prozesssteuerung von BalTec überwacht mithilfe modernster Sensorik die Kraft-Weg-Verläufe bei Umformprozessen. Mit präzisen und zuverlässigen Kontrollgeräten ermöglichen wir Ihnen, die Qualitätsstandards Ihrer Produkte zu gewährleisten. Unsere patentierte Prozesskontrolle bietet eine grosse Bandbreite an Vorteilen. Ein Vorzug ist die dynamische Nietanfangserkennung, die zu sehr präzisen Resultaten führt. 📈 Wie überwachen Sie Ihre Formprozesse? https://lnkd.in/dc9z3EYB #BalTecGroup #coldforming #IntelligentProcessControl #JoiningApplications

    BalTec Tutorial – HPP-25 Tools


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    Our expertise enables us to manufacture not only high-quality spare parts but also customized Machines. From the initial analysis to the detailed feasibility study, we carefully consider all parameters and requirements. Thorough quality control ensures the precision of the parts before they leave the factory. Your benefits? ✅ Feasibility studies: assess the feasibility of a project, taking into account technical, economic, and time constraints. ✅ Quality assurance: errors are detected and corrected early, avoiding costly rework and production downtime. ✅ Our Goal: Satisfied customers thanks to reliable connections. 🔍 Are you looking for a solution for your individual requirements? Our experienced engineers and technicians will be happy to support you. Contact us now at: https://lnkd.in/gC-Q4dNt ------------------------ Unser Know-how ermöglicht es uns, nicht nur hochwertige Ersatzteile sondern auch kundenspezifisch entwickelte Maschinen herzustellen. Von der ersten Analyse bis zur detaillierten Machbarkeitsstudie berücksichtigen wir sorgfältig alle Parameter und Anforderungen. Die gründliche Qualitätssicherung sichert die Präzision der Teile, bevor sie das Werk verlassen. Ihre Vorteile? ✅ Machbarkeitsstudien: bewerten die Durchführbarkeit eines Projekts und berücksichtigen technische, wirtschaftliche und zeitliche Rahmenbedingungen. ✅ Qualitätssicherung: Fehler werden frühzeitig erkannt und behoben und vermeiden teure Nachbesserungen und Produktionsausfälle. ✅ Unser Ziel: zufriedene Kunden dank zuverlässigen Verbindungen. 🔍 Suchen Sie nach einer Lösung für Ihre individuellen Anforderungen? Unsere erfahrenen Ingenieure und Techniker unterstützen Sie gerne dabei. Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt unter: https://lnkd.in/gaWTT5Ym #BalTecGroup #ServoRiveting #feasibility #coldforming #radialriveting

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    We want to thank all our customers, partners, and employees worldwide for their trust and loyalty in 2024, and wish you a great Festive Season 🎄✨ with lots of joy, peace, and success in the year ahead. 🥂 Cheers! ------------------ Wir möchten uns bei all unseren Kunden, Partnern und Mitarbeitern weltweit für ihr Vertrauen und ihre Loyalität im Jahr 2024 bedanken und wünschen allen ein tolles Weihnachtsfest 🎄✨ mit viel Freude, Frieden und Erfolg im kommenden Jahr. 🥂 Prost! #BalTecGroup #Thankyou #happynewyear

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    We rang in the Festive Season with a delicious Christmas dinner 🥂. Many thanks to the colleagues from HR who organized it and last but not least to the management for inviting us. Cheers! ------------------- Wir liessen die Festtage bei einem leckeren Weihnachtsessen einläuten 🥂. Vielen Dank an die Kolleginnen vom HR, die das organisiert haben und nicht zuletzt der Geschäftsleitung, die uns eingeladen hat. Prost! #BalTecGroup #FestiveSeason

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    📢 Breaking News! 📢 As BalTec Group we're thrilled to announce the inauguration of our new branch in Appdaca, Nuevo León, Mexico! 🎉 Our commitment to maintaining a local presence has led us to expand our global footprint. This new subsidiary brings us one step closer to our valued customers. BalTec Máquinas S. de R.L. de C.V, is dedicated to delivering our innovative solutions and first-rate services in cold forming right to your doorstep. Their focus will be on sales and providing exceptional customer service & support. Join us as we continue to bring the BalTec experience closer to you! --------------------- ¡Como Grupo BalTec, nos complace anunciar la inauguración de nuestra nueva sucursal en Apodaca, Nuevo León, México! 🎉 Nuestro deseo de tener una presencia local nos ha llevado a ampliar nuestra huella global. Esta nueva sucursal nos acerca un paso más a nuestros clientes. BalTec Máquinas S. de R.L. de C.V. se dedica a llevar nuestras innovadoras soluciones de conformado en frío y servicios de clase mundial directamente a su puerta. El enfoque está en las ventas y en proveer un excepcional servicio y soporte al cliente. ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro viaje para brindarle la experiencia BalTec! https://lnkd.in/dAuuYHCC #BalTecGroup #NewBranch #Expansion #Mexico #NuevaSucursal #Remachado #ConformadoEnFrio

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    🎉🎉 **Big News!** 🎉🎉 We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new subsidiary! A warm welcome to our dedicated team who will be leading the way in this exciting new venture in Mexico. 🚀 Our growth is a testament to the hard work, passion, and commitment of our entire organization. This expansion represents a significant step forward and a testimony in our mission to deliver exceptional service and value with closest proximity to our customers. 🌐 Here's to new beginnings, and a future filled with success! 🥂🎈 ----------- 🎉🎉 **¡Grandes noticias!** 🎉🎉🎉 Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestra nueva filial. Una cálida bienvenida a nuestro dedicado equipo que liderará este emocionante nuevo negocio en México. 🚀 Nuestro crecimiento es un testimonio del trabajo duro, la pasión y el compromiso de toda nuestra organización. Esta expansión representa un importante paso adelante y es un testimonio de nuestro empeño por ofrecer un servicio excepcional y lo más proximo a nuestros clientes. 🌐 ¡Por un nuevo comienzo y un futuro lleno de éxitos! 🥂🎈 #BalTecGroup #CostomerService #NewBranch #Mexico #NewBeginnings #NuevaSucursal

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