Remember, when several major companies decided to take their supply chains into their own hands, chartered vessels and bought a crazy amount of containers, during the shipping crisis caused by COV19? I was among those, ridiculing the decision of Walmart, The Home Depot, Amazon and many others, to choose 53‘ containers for this endeavor… why? Because this standard is almost exclusively used in the US trade, using them for any other trade lane, or selling them off after their initial voyage, proofed to be rather difficult…. I used to joke, that during a meeting at any of those companies, when the topic of the „shipping crisis“ came up, an intern, just bringing coffee for everyone said „ heck… why don’t we just do this our selves? Let’s charter some vessels and buy our selves sone containers!“, the Idea was well received and „Bob“ tasked with to present a solution… of course bigger is better and he lived bext to a self storage facility full of 53‘ containers… the rest is history. Now, after seeing the devastation brought by the fires in California, I think, „Bob“ might hae been a genius after all (I hope they haven’t fired him)! Homes built out of containers are affordable, set up in no time and can be brought just about everywhere… if you work with some one operating a sideloder like the ones Hammar distributes, you won’t even need a crane to set them on the ground. Now I am not talking about any shantytown kinda arrangement, but fully suffocated homes like the ones provided by blokstudio ( or others… I have seen actual castles built out of shipping containers! So if any of the companies owning some of those thousands of 53‘ Containers resting all over the Port Areas, reads this and feels like making „Bob“ their hero after all, how about donating those boxes (surely would be tax deductible)and provide shelter to the many afflicted people, who just lost their homes? Maybe the local Logistics Industry could come up with a solution for the handling? (for some reason I thought of you Ian Weiland)…. Anyway I would be very happy to see containers being placed in the news features, praising „who ever feels like taking credit as long as it is done“ #containerhomes #supportfirevictims #calistrong
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So whilst Mr Trump President elect, apparently sides with the ILA against the use of Automation in West Coast Ports, the coming Department of Government Efficiency, states “Union bosses’ efforts to coddle workers by limiting innovation leaves the whole country worse off as a result“… So will the upcoming legislation be „pro“ or „against“ the use of „automation“? Interesting is also that the Port of Virginia, one of only two ports on the East and Gulf Coasts that use automated machinery, has grown and employed more union members in recent years…. ( So I guess we will see another strike starting January 15th for sure, unless maybe the discussion is moved towards specifying the actual means of „Automation“ that are to be implemented at hte ports, the question where they would be sourced, and how they would directly affect the number of union jobs at the affected terminals. Maybe greater coverage on the topic of „improvements in worker safety“ due to the usage of automated equipment would go a long way? What is your guess concerning the possible continuation of the ILA strike?
Evolution is unavoidable for just about everything… This count‘s for industries just as well as individual species… However the logistics industry has always been resilient to change, or rather adapted rather sluggish to it. But over the past couple years we have seen some rather interesting leaps of evolution in our sector. Since I have been jabbering about the development of the shipping container quite a lot, I won‘t focus on the new hybrids like the smart containers (AELER) or its foldable brothers (GenFlat Containers Navlandis Staxxon 4FOLD Containers Spectainer etc.). Instead I will take a look at something that used to be the „standard“ of future transportation…. Before they were literally blown off the board… Yes I am talking about Zeppelins or Airships… There have been several attempts to bring them back commercially in the last decade or so, but most projects ran out of money sooner than later… I got back into the topic when I had to work out a solution for an OOG delivery into the middle of Australia‘s outback. Roads were bound to be tedious especially during the rain season, there was no suitable airstrip that could take on a AN-124 anywhere…. And I said to my colleague „I wish there was an airship capable to just lift the unit“ Well there wasn’t at the time and still isn’t at the current, but I found an outfit that was promising for the future…. If you haven’t seen them yet, I highly recommend to look into Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd and their Airland Airships. Well the Airlander 10 and it’s max payload of 10t isn’t yet a game changer, but the next line in process the Airlander 50 and its 50t payload is getting closer…. Until there will be ones with payloads of 100t and above….( Let’s assume they will surpass all obstacles, imagine to safely deliver rotors, generators and such without the need of roads or even landing strips… Why do I bother you with a vehicle not even in existence yet? Because it’s a perfect example for what #boxleslogistics stands.. the mindset of „just because it can’t be done with standard equipment, doesn’t mean it is impossible!“ Take your problem, dissect it into separate components and look for solutions to the separate portions…. Always asking „so what would it take to make this feasible“ Well I hope you have been entertained #thereisnobox #nothingisimpossible #mindsetiskey
Don’t worry, I won’t explain what a Carnet ATA is, because if you don’t got this down yet, that’s a whole different story…. No I would like to point out the 3 rules that must be followed in order make sure these shipments make it through as intended.. 1. Check that all the signatures are in place and that every border that has been crossed, were processed at the correct designated boxes! It happens frequently that a driver or desk clerk forgets to have a document stamped by the respective customs department in charge… and if this isn’t caught your document becomes invalid… 2. always count all the pages involved in the document! You would be surprised, how often pages go missing, causing many issues when the document is returned ro the issuing entity! Imagine you have checked all the boxes, done all the right things and right before getting the document closed, you find out a page went missing… this can cause no end of issues…. So you need to require every one who handles the document, to confirm in writing, that all pages have been received! 3. always use a reliable courier service! Just as the case with original BOL etc. you must never send them by any other means than designated courier service! Don’t use regular mail, if it can be avoided don’t hand them over to drivers if not necessary, and never ever put the. Into a document pouch traveling with the cargo! You must have a solid paper trail covering every station these documents take… I know all 3 „rules“ seem rather obvious, but unless drilled into every one involved in your shipments, people tend to cut corners and this can become very expensive… #experiencematters #causioniskey
Let‘s talk about reducing CO2 emissions in shipping…. We talked about doing so by using foldable or smart containers, focusing on multimodal transports, so today something different. Choosing the right locations for your cargo distribution or project staging… There are actually quite a fee carbon neutral sites available to do so, for example the 6.8k square feet facility by the GREAT PLAINS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY in Parsons KS. ( I noticed this project first a couple years ago and have been in touch with Brad Reams ever since. If you take a look at its partners you will see at least one familiar name, since AELER is working with them. So what I wanted to impress was that with a little effort, you too can find such spots, decreasing your supply chains CO2 footprint even further… Going „greener is a marathon nit a sprint“. What are your takes on this topic? #experiencematters #greenerlogistics
Well always interesting to read up on the manifold possibilities by AELER smart container!
As global demand for flexitanks rises, TT Club has released essential best practices for safe handling and transport. At AELER, our robust, smart containers are engineered to protect every flexitank shipment, but achieving full cargo security requires a collaborative commitment to safety practices. With the right technology and the right methods, we can reduce risks, enhance efficiency, and elevate standards in liquid bulk shipping. Read the full document via the link in the comments 👇🏻
Ready or not, here comes the second part. I have mentioned the W.S.H.F Box in my last post…. “When S&@ hits the fan Box” of course I do recommend y’all use a more suitable name for it, but believe me, you absolutely should consider having at least one (better more) of them…. So what goes into the box?…. Well that strongly depends on what your basic needs are… what does your business need to survive the first 48-72 hours after an attack? Because you are going to be blind and most likely without access to all the pretty tools you are used to… but orders still must be fulfilled… deadlines met… of course everyone will understand that you are in a tight spot… but maybe your competition will offer to help your customers out… after all it’s business…. So these are some of the essentials I would add to any box: 1. A clean laptop = except the setup it was never used 2. A clean memory stick with essential document templates: a. Invoice template with company header b. Packing list template c. Excel Sheet for drawing continues Invoice numbers d. A inventory of your warehouse, to be pulled once per week (including the line indicating the location within the facility) e. An adress list, of all key partners and customers 3. Access details for an alternative email system: domains are cheap, buy one that is similar ir related to your usual one and use it for temporary email communication… after all you don’t want to infect anyone with what you got by accident… With these and other items you might add, you can keep things going, be it slowly and maybe not perfectly, but as my team proved back then, it is possible to deliver again within less than 24hrs! My advice is to be very open and honest with your customers and partners, you might depend on them to agree to wait longer than usual for payment, or to help stepping in with some procedures like customs documentation etc. Remember this can happen to anyone! So don’t be ashamed, but embrace the challenge… hopefully you will get out the other end stronger…. #preparationiskey #boxleslogistics #cyberattacs
Well Cyber Attacks are now just a part of our professional lives… I did a 3 pieces documentary about what to do after the lights go out, about a year ago, using #boxleslogistics, so I will be using sections from back then on these posts. Trying to shorten it doen to two parts. To be sure, I won’t go into any preventative measures, only reactive ones… It feels like yesterday, I got up in the morning as usual and before I hit the shower my phone goes off… my supervisor calling me to let me know that wehabe just been hacked…. “Don’t login to the company network or your laptop will get scrambled! Contact your team to make sure no one boots up their workstation…” Everything was gone… no network, SAP or access to the data on our servers…. Looking back, the first couple hours were the “make or break” phase, we didn’t know how long it will last… but we did know we had plenty of shipments on route, and orders to manage… After a short brainstorming with my debuty at the time (Katri Karjalainen that was a fun one), we scrambled together necessary actions to make sure we keep delivering…. 24 hrs later we delivered the first orders… we did so mostly blind, with paperwork patched together on MS Office, with customs documents one of our transport partners was issuing for us… and an excel sheet to keep track of what we were doing…. Cyber attacks are no novelty anymore, it can and will happen to everyone (sooner or later), the difference is how good are you prepared! Minimize the “chaos phase”, shake it off and go straight into emergency mode, this will decide how bad the commercial impact ofsuch an attack will be… Since that early morning call, I have been hacked a second time at a different company and, things went much smoother, since the key actions were already known and had only to be adapted to my new role…. I can only recommend to anyone, do Cyber Attack drills at your company! It will make all the difference! Preparation is key, so make sure that you have a detailed system in place to monitor your warehouse movements when the blackout comes! Once your warehouse system is back up online, you will have to enter every single move that happend during the offline period, otherwise there will be utter chaos in your stock keeping software… So you will have to go about it chronological from the moment the juice went off…. We ended up with a digital mirror warehouse (copy of the actual thing), which we used to run every operation we performed, and at the same time used the live version to avoid a shutdown of deliveries….. This sounds much easier than it was, because to figure out the details took us hours of brainstorming…. So this is definitely something you should already have worked out and put instructions into your W.S.H.F Box (when s… hits the fan box)…. More on this in my next post on the topic. This is a rather large topic, but I hope you weren’t too bored by it. #boxleslogistics #peparationiskey #cyberattack
Preferential origin, not to be confused with physical origin or place of manufacturing! Confused about the difference? Well basically the „preferential origin“ is the documented origin based on customs regulations, guided by international treaties. The „physical origin“ is simply the place something was assembled/produced/purchased and has no bearing on customs procedures! For example, a watch manufactured in Switzerland, might contains various parts imported from elsewhere, but due to the overall increase in value by the assembly in Switzerland in combination with the parts actually produced and/or processed here, the „preferential origin“ usually is Switzerland. Now in order to legally issue any „certificate of origin“ (the form to be used can vary based of the trade treaty with the country of destination), the manufacturer needs documentation on the „preferential origin“ off all parts contained, as a backup for said document. If the pre-documentation is faulty it might cause issues further down the road… because your customers will relay on your documents and should there be any disputes in the future, you will be required to provide your sources… As always when customs are involved, there is no „grey area“ every thing is strictly black and white, also precisely regulated down to the smallest grain! Should there be any doubt concerning the „preferential origin“ you might consider getting matters checked out externally rather than „just giving it a try“… Let me know should you need any introductions to suitable providers for such checks…. Well I hope this was not as completely boring as it felt, the topic can get overwhelming fast, so I tried to keep it simple… As usual #sharingiscaring prevails! #experiencematters #keepyourdocumentationstraight #detailsmatter