Flight School
EFOS trains pilots since 1984 and made it possible for numerous pilots to start a commercial flying career. Former EFOS students fly in Europe and all over the world. Many of them are hired by Swiss Airlines, Belair, Edelweiss, EasyJet, SGA, Farner, Jet Aviation, REGA, Zimex as well as by different foreign airlines as flight instructors or bush pilots.
Up to this day numerous customers used our airtaxi service. Our prime necessity is an uncomplicated, precise and quick handling. We fly to more than 1000 airports all over Europe. We save time for our customers by bringing them closer to their final destinations.
Our Program
-Flight School
-Scenic Flights
-AIrcraft Rental
-PPL , CPL/IR to frozen ATPL.
-Night VFR.
-Single- and Multiengine / Type-Ratings / Taildragger.
-IR-Refresher, Revalidation and Proficiency Check SEP/MEP
-Simulator ATC-810
-Voice Refresher VFR and IFR
-Twin Refresher
-Technical ground courses of the EFOS-airplanes in performance,
-General Aircraft Knowledge and Power - Management
-JAR-FCL and JAR-OPS Seminar
-Fly-Aways and attended Flight Trips
-Pinch Hitter
-Advanced Integrated Flight Program (AIFP). Modular and integrated.
-Qualifierprogram (QFP)
-Maintain High Standard Program (MHSP): Consolidation of the training and type-rating for other airplanes
-Validation und accession of CH- and JAR-Licenses
-Introduction and transition. NAA and JAA Region
-Partner of Flight Schools in USA and Canada