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Energies MDPI
Verlagswesen für Bücher und Zeitschriften
Basel, Switzerland 6.963 Follower:innen
An open access journal of scientific research, technology development, engineering and studies in policy and management.
Energies (ISSN 1996-1073; CODEN: ENERGA) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of related scientific research, technology development, engineering, and the studies in policy and management and is published semi-monthly online by MDPI. The European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA), Polish Society of Applied Electromagnetics (PTZE), and Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres (EUREC) are affiliated with Energies and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges. Subject Areas • Electrical engineering - Electrical power systems; - Power electronics; - High voltage; - Smart grids and microgrids; - Electric vehicles. • Energy and environment, sustainable energy - Bio-energy; - Distributed energy systems; - Carbon emission and utilization; - Clean energy; - The hydrogen energy chain; - Energy and climate change; - Sustainability analysis metrics: theory and applications. • Energy storage and applications - Advanced energy materials; - Batteries, fuel cells, and capacitors; - Micro- and nanoenergy conversion systems. • Energy Sources - Fossil; - Nuclear; - Geothermal; - Hydro; - Wind; - Solar, thermal and PV; - Other (OTEC, wave, tidal, etc.). • Energy fundamentals and conversion - Heat and mass transfer; - Thermodynamics; - Entropy analysis; - Exergy analysis. • Energy and buildings - Smart cities and urban management; - Phase change materials for energy storage. • Diagnostics and prognostics of energy conversion chains - Artificial intelligence in energy systems design and control; - Monitoring and control systems. • Chemical energy - Fuels; - Energy and combustion science; - Petroleum engineering; - New working fluids for energy applications. • Energy economics and policy • Energy use in industry
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Beschäftigte von Energies MDPI
Prodip K. Das
Associate Professor in Hydrogen Energy Systems
Ida Kubiszewski
Associate Professor at University College London in the Institute for Global Prosperity
Guglielmo Lomonaco
Associate Professor (Nuclear Plants)
Daniel Micallef
Associate Professor - Head of Department - University of Malta
✨ We are pleased to invite you to contribute a paper to the Special Issue "Advances in Modeling Methods for Battery Life Prediction and Performance Evaluation (Volume III)" edited by Prof. Dr. Md Sazzad Hosen from Vrije Universiteit Brussel! 🔗 https://lnkd.in/eU9VStxB Please feel free to contact Section Managing Editor Nicole Zhao (nicole.zhao@mdpi.com) or Guest Editor if you or your colleagues are interested in submitting a paper to this Special Issue. #BatteryCharacterization #LifetimeModeling #AgingPrediction #BatteryStateEstimation #DegradationStudy #BatteryModeling #SecondLifeBatteryModeling #Diagnosis #Prognosis #EmbeddedModels #Battery #Performance #energiesmdpi #openaccess #specialissue
🔋 Call for Papers – Special Issue on Battery Life Prediction & Performance Evaluation! 🔋 We are proud to share that Sazzad Hosen from our Battery Innovation Center is hosting the 3rd edition of the Special Issue on "Advances in Modeling Methods for Battery Life Prediction and Performance Evaluation" in Energies. This special issue focuses on state-of-the-art research in battery performance, life prediction, and modeling techniques, helping drive innovation in energy storage and electro-mobility. If you're working on cutting-edge battery research, we invite you to contribute! 📅 Submission Deadline: August 15, 2025 🔗 More details & submissions
Energies MDPI hat dies direkt geteilt
A great work has been published in Energies MDPI, to the Special Issue i am Guest Editing entitled : Energy Transition Targets in Future Energy Systems: The Role of Electric Vehicles, Storage Technologies, Smart Grids and Hydrogen Systems : https://lnkd.in/djkD7RDX. You can find the publication : Advancing AI-Enabled Techniques in Energy System Modeling: A Review of Data-Driven, Mechanism-Driven, and Hybrid Modeling Approaches : https://lnkd.in/djkD7RDX #Energies #EnergyTransition #AI
I am glad to share the publication of Energies MDPI: 📑 Title: Advancing AI-Enabled Techniques in Energy System Modeling: A Review of Data-Driven, Mechanism-Driven, and Hybrid Modeling Approaches 👥 Authors: Yuancheng Lin, Junlong Tang, Jing Guo, Shidong Wu and Zheng Li You can find the publication at the link below: https://lnkd.in/gb6DqZJC 🔊 This article belongs to the Special Issue "Energy Transition Targets in Future Energy Systems: The Role of Electric Vehicles, Storage Technologies, Smart Grids and Hydrogen Systems" by Dr. Eva Nanaki as Guest Editor: https://lnkd.in/g6bBDnvB 📆 The deadline for manuscript submissions is May 30, 2025 💡 We also welcome all to join in our Special Issue #Energies #Energy #EnergyTransition #EnergySystem #ElectricVehicle #EnergyStorage #ElectricStorage #SmartGrid #HydrogenSystem #SustainableMobility #Mobility #Automated #AutomatedVehicle #FuelCell #EnergyConsumption #EnergyForecasting #Hydrogen #Automation #RenewableEnergy #SustainableTransportation #GreenMobility #EnergyTransportation
Advancing AI-Enabled Techniques in Energy System Modeling: A Review of Data-Driven, Mechanism-Driven, and Hybrid Modeling Approaches
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: Recent Development of Heat Sink and Related Design Methods 👉 https://lnkd.in/g5Nu52vm 🖋️ by Jingnan Li and Li Yang from 上海交通大学 #HeatSink #HeatTransfer #StructureDesign #Optimization #energiesmdpi #openaccess
Recent Development of Heat Sink and Related Design Methods
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: Large Eddy Simulation of Rotationally Induced Ingress and Egress around an Axial Seal between Rotor and Stator Disks 👉 https://lnkd.in/geYarNFJ 🖋️ by Sabina Nketia, Tom I-P. Shih, Tom I-P. Shih, Richard Dalton and Richard A. Dennis Purdue University U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) #GasTurbines #RimSeals #RotationallyInducedIngress #Stator #Rotor #RotorBlade #LargeEddySimulation #LES #energiesmdpi #openaccess
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: Virtual Development of Advanced Thermal Management Functions Using Model-in-the-Loop Applications 👉 https://lnkd.in/eMAn6MPs 🖋️ by Jonas Müller, Nico Besser, Philipp Hermsen, Stefan Pischinger, Jürgen Knauf, Pooya Bagherzade, Johannes Fryjan, Andreas Balazs and Simon Gottorf RWTH Aachen University FEV Europe GmbH #AdvancedThermalManagementModels #ControlUnitFunctions #ModelInTheLoop #ModelPredictiveControls #HybridElectricVehicles #SystemsEngineering #Frontloading #ThermalManagement #HEV #energiesmdpi #openaccess
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: Hybrid Propulsion Efficiency Increment through Exhaust Energy Recovery—Part 1: Radial Turbine Modelling and Design 👉 https://lnkd.in/ejACP-ea 🖋️ by Emiliano Pipitone, Salvatore Caltabellotta, Antonino Sferlazza and Maurizio Cirrincione Università degli studi di Palermo The University of the South Pacific #HEV #Fuel #HybridVehicle #CompoundEngine #ExhaustGasTurbine #ExhaustEnergyRecovery #energiesmdpi #openaccess
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: Development and Applications of Thermoelectric Oxide Ceramics and Devices 👉 https://lnkd.in/ezBctTgp 🖋️ by Ping Zhang, Zhihao Lou, Lingyun Gong, Zhuozhao Wu, Xuanjie Chen, Weihang Xu, Yiqi Wang, Jie Xu, Zinovi Dashevsky and Feng Gao 西北工业大学 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev #Thermoelectrics #OxidesCeramics #ZT #ElectricalConductivity #PhononScattering #EnergyManagement #ThermoelectricMaterials #EnergyHarvestingTechnology #energiesmdpi #openaccess
✨ #HighlyCitedPaper: An Updated Review of Solar Cooling Systems Driven by Photovoltaic–Thermal Collectors 👉 https://brnw.ch/21wQJjR 🖋️ by Cong Jiao and Zeyu Li 华南理工大学 Guangdong Province Engineering Research Center of High Efficient and Low Pollution Energy Conversion #PhotovoltaicThermalCollector #SolarCooling #EnergySaving #PVT #Photovoltaic #Building #energiesmdpi #openaccess
An Updated Review of Solar Cooling Systems Driven by Photovoltaic–Thermal Collectors
Energies MDPI hat dies direkt geteilt
📢🔬 Estado da Arte do uso de Machine Learning para Estimação do Estado de Saúde (SoH) de Armazenamento de Energia 🔋🤖 🌍✨É com grande orgulho que apresentamos o artigo "State of the Art in Electric Batteries’ State-of-Health (SoH) Estimation with Machine Learning: A Review", publicado na revista Energies MDPI da Editora MDPI.🌍✨ 📄 State of the Art in Electric Batteries’ State-of-Health (SoH) Estimation with Machine Learning: A Review.📄 🔗 Link para o artigo: https://lnkd.in/dxPj-NgG 🔗DOI: https://lnkd.in/dmXWZQsc 🚀Autores:🚀 📌 Giovane Sylvestrin Ronei Sylvestrin (UNILA, GPEnSE) 📌 Joylan Nunes Maciel (UNILA, Laboratório de Computação Aplicada (LACA)) 📌 Márcio Luís Munhoz Amorim (USP) 📌 Joao Carmo (USP) 📌 José A. Afonso (Universidade do Minho) 📌 Sérgio F. Lopes (Universidade do Minho) 📌 OSWALDO HIDEO ANDO JUNIOR (GPEnSE-UFRPE, LabREI-UFPB) 🚀Instituições Envolvidas: 🚀 📌 Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA) 📌 Universidade de São Paulo (USP) 📌 Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) 📌 Universidade do Minho (Portugal) 📌 Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) 💡 Resumo: O trabalho apresenta um panorama completo sobre o uso de Machine Learning na estimação do Estado de Saúde (SoH) de baterias, crucial para aplicações sustentáveis como redes inteligentes (smart grids) e sistemas de IoT. Foi aplicada a metodologia ProKnow-C para sistematizar um portfólio de mais de 500 artigos. Destaca-se o crescimento do uso de algoritmos como LSTM e as possibilidades de Transfer Learning, além da relevância de datasets públicos como os da NASA.💡 ✨ Colaboração e Impacto: Este artigo e resultado de um esforço colaborativo entre pesquisadores de instituições renomadas Nacional e Internaciobal (Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Universidade do Minho e Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo), destacando o potencial e a excelência dos pesquisadores envolvidos e da P&D+I no Brasil.✨ 🌞Este é um exemplo de como a ciência colaborativa pode responder a desafios globais como o reaproveitamento sustentável de baterias de veículos elétricos (Second Used).🔋 🚀 Começamos 2025 com mais este excelente resultado, unindo tecnologia, engenharia, ciência de dados em prol da promoção da sustenabilidade energética! 🌱 🔗 Mais informações:🔗 📌Dr. Joylan Nunes Maciel: https://lnkd.in/dFWpXiNF 📌LACA: https://lnkd.in/dDeAMtrH 📌Dr. OSWALDO HIDEO ANDO JUNIOR: https://lnkd.in/dMGFn2vZ 📌GPEnSE: https://lnkd.in/duYw2Gya #MachineLearning #EnergiaSustentável #Baterias #EstadoDeSaúde #ProKnowC #ColaboraçãoGlobal #EnergiaInteligente #UNILA #USP #UFRPE #UFPB #UniversidadeDoMinho