You have a brilliant idea to advance medical teaching - but not the resources to implement it? 🙀 The Faculty of Medicine will award funding for the development of innovative teaching projects within the framework of the FILMED program. The grant will enable lecturers and project leaders to devote the time necessary to design, implement, and evaluate such projects. 👩🏫 🧑🏫 ▶️ More details (in German): ⏲️ Deadline for submission: April 30, 2025 Universität Bern Insel Gruppe Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD) AG
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern
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Beschäftigte von Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern
Uyen Huynh-Do, MD, MME
Associate Professor of Medicine and Nephrology
Andrew Chan
Vice Rector International and Academic Careers, University of Bern Professor of Neuroimmunology/Neurology, University of Bern Head…
Valentina Rossetti
Carole Bourquin
Director of the Institute of Pharmacology at University of Bern
Why the Universität Bern has to turn away two-thirds of its medical school applicants – even though there is a shortage of physicians in Switzerland. Switzerland needs to train more doctors and other medical professionals. Our Dean of Education, PD Dr. Roman Hari, explains in a recent article by Tamedia where the specific difficulties lie. 👉 It is by no means a question of money alone:
Early-career researchers from our Faculty: Apply now for the JDB Research Award and lay the groundwork for a peer-reviewed, competitive grant. 🚀 The Johanna Dürmüller-Bol DBMR Research Award recognizes a promising research project by an MD, PhD, MD-PhD researcher who is not a group leader and has not yet completed her/his habilitation. 🧧 The prize money of CHF 30,000 is intended to help the researcher pursue her/his research project and secure additional competitive third-party funding. 📨 Deadline for submission: April 15, 2025 Further details: Universität Bern Insel Gruppe Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD) AG
🍾 Congratulations to our three «Young Talents in Clinical Research» Grantees 2024: Philipp Aebi and Florence Winteler were awarded Beginner Grants, which will give them protected research time. Céline Laesser received a Project Grant to extend the expertise she gained with her 2022 Beginner Grant. Below, you will find more information about the supported research projects. The Gottfried and Julia Bangerter-Rhyner Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences SAMS launched the Young Talents in Clinical Research (YTCR) funding program in 2017 to encourage more young medical doctors to start out in clinical research. 🛎️ The next call for proposals will be launched by the end of March 2025. For all details about the YTCR funding program: 🎉 Dr. med. Philipp Aebi (bottom picture), resident at the Department of General Internal Medicine and the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), will investigate vaccination coverage in patients over 65 years of age. The aim of his study is to identify gaps in vaccination coverage among older patients visiting primary care practices in Switzerland. Through a cross-sectional design in primary care practices across Switzerland, this project will provide reliable data to improve vaccination rates in this population. 🎉 Dr. med. Céline Laesser (top left), research associate at the Department of Diabetes, Endocrinology, Nutritional Medicine and Metabolism (UDEM) and resident at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich, will investigate the impact of sex hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle on insulin requirements and glucose control in women with type 1 diabetes using an automated insulin delivery (AID) system. The aim of this prospective, observational study is to fill knowledge gaps concerning changes in glucose metabolism during the menstrual cycle and improve female-specific diabetes care. 🎉 Florence Winteler (top right), resident at the Department of General Internal Medicine, will analyze the performance of recent cardiovascular risk scores (SCORE-2OP, PREVENT) when used for older adults >70y. She will conduct an external validation and then try to improve the scores by adding frailty and comorbidities as predictors that might be relevant for this specific population. This will hopefully contribute to better cardiovascular risk prediction for older adults and help avoid over- and underprescription of preventive medication. BIHAM Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin Universität Bern Insel Gruppe
🎯 Strategic funding opportunity in patient-oriented and translational research: The 2025 call of the Faculty’s SF Board is now open! The project calls of the SF Board serve to implement the Faculty's Strategy 2030 in patient-oriented and translational research. This year, the Board is accepting project proposals on topics of “unmet clinical needs” from the following cross-cutting thematic priorities: 🔹 Rare Diseases (max. CHF 500,000 per project) 🔹 Investigator-initiated clinical trials (IICT) with primary clinical endpoints that have the potential to significantly influence professional guidelines and clinical practice (max. CHF 500,000 per project as matching funds) Project proposals can be submitted by university units of the Inselspital. Researchers who are employed at a faculty unit outside the Inselspital can apply as co-applicants. ⏲️ Deadline for submission: June 15, 2025 ▶️ More about this call: Insel Gruppe Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD) AG Universität Bern
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern hat dies direkt geteilt
SAVE THE DATE: Woche des Gehirns 2025 📅 10. – 13. März 2025 | 📍 Bern | Eintritt frei „Aktives Gehirn im Laufe des Lebens“ – Wie bleibt unser Gehirn fit? Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Fachvorträge, eine interaktive Podiumsdiskussion und eine bewegende Filmvorführung. Highlights: - Expertenvorträge zu Achtsamkeit, Bewegung & Demenzprävention - Filmvorführung: „Honig im Kopf“ im Kino REX - Podiumsdiskussion: Mythen & Wahrheiten über das Gehirn Seien Sie dabei und erfahren Sie mehr über die neuesten Forschungserkenntnisse! ℹ️ Mehr Infos & Sitzplatzreservation: 🔗 #brainweekbern #Neuroscience #Gehirngesundheit #Demenzprävention #Wissenschaft #BrainHealth Universität Bern, Insel Gruppe, Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern (UPD) AG, Schweizerische Hirnliga, FRAGILE BERN Espace Mittelland, BZ Berner Zeitung, Demenz Forschung Schweiz - Stiftung Synapsis,Schweizerische Stiftung für das cerebral gelähmte Kind, Roche
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 👩🔬🎉
#InternationalDayofWomenandGirlsinScience25 Chancengleichheit ist keine Worthülse auf dem Campus Bern! Am Internationalen Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft spricht der Dekan, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Lino Bassetti. In Lehre und Forschung wurde in den letzten vier Jahren viel erreicht: 👉 30 Prozent in der Fakultätsleitung und im Fakultätskollegium sind Frauen 👉 in den letzten vier Jahren mehr neue Professorinnen als Professoren berufen 👉 Chancengleichheit und Nachwuchsförderung in der Fakultätsleitung als strategische Prioritäten verankert, unter der Leitung von Vizedekanin Prof. Britta Maurer 👉 unter der Leitung von Prof. Britta Engelhardt wurde ein Plan für Chancengleichheit verabschiedet 👉 2025 wird eine Professur für Gendermedizin etabliert #Professorinnenberufen #Chancengleichheit #Gendermedizin
🚨 New study on stroke therapy: catheter therapy offers no advantage over standard treatment for stroke patients with smaller vessel occlusions An international clinical study co-led by Urs Fischer, Professor of Neurology at the Universität Bern and Director of the Department of Neurology at Insel Gruppe, and Marios Psychogios, Prof. Dr., Universitätsspital Basel (USB), has found that catheter-based therapy provides no added benefit over standard medication therapy for stroke patients with medium-sized or smaller vessel occlusions. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, these findings may influence current #stroke treatment practices. Professor Urs Fischer says: “These findings highlight the urgent need for new and effective treatments, as the prognosis for these patients is worse than previously assumed.” ▶️ To the original article:
Around one in ten diagnoses is wrong. Can AI help with this? 🤖 In an extensive study, a research team led by Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, and the University of Bern investigated whether an AI-based diagnostic system could improve diagnostic quality. The result is surprising: despite high expectations, the system that was tested showed no measurable advantage over conventional diagnostic processes. ▶️ To the media release: ▶️ To the original publication in The Lancet Digital Health (open access): Funded by the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF Universität Bern Insel Gruppe Wolf Hautz Thimo Marcin
Professor Britta Engelhardt received the 2025 Research Award of the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society. 👏 Many congratulations! 💐 The Swiss MS Society presents its CHF 100,000 research award on a biennial basis. The award honors individuals for their outstanding contributions to multiple sclerosis research. Britta Engelhardt, Professor of Immunobiology and Director of the Theodor Kocher Institute at the Universität Bern has been researching #multiplesclerosis since the beginning of her academic career. She is particularly interested in the blood-brain barrier, the structures that act as a boundary between blood vessels and brain tissue to ensure that nothing harmful enters the brain. It is known that this protective barrier does not function properly in multiple sclerosis. Why this is the case has not yet been fully understood. Britta Engelhardt will use the prize money for further research in this area. We wish her continued success! 🚀 ▶️ To the interview with Britta Engelhardt (in German): Schweizerische Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft