Die HCM-Studie, in Zusammenarbeit mit der SFOA - Swiss Single Family Office Association und als erste ihrer Art in der Schweiz, offenbart aufschlussreiche Einblicke in die Vergütungssysteme von Single Family Offices auf C-Level-Stufe, mit besonderem Fokus auf Höhe, Struktur und Design. Besonderer Dank gilt unseren Partnern Kurt Moosmann und Livio Gaido für ihre wertvolle Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit bei diesem Projekt. 🤝 Mehr zur Studie finden Sie auf der Homepage: www.sfoa.ch
Swiss Single Family Offices offer their C-level functions a wide pay range in terms of base salary and total compensation Attracting and retaining top talents, aligning the interests of stakeholders and executives, and fostering a pay-for-performance environment are crucial aspects in today’s corporate world. Compensation schemes play a significant role in addressing these objectives, particularly within Single Family Offices (SFOs), which are entrusted with managing and governing the wealth of single families. Exploring pay in this industry is even more compelling given that many of the recruited SFO professionals join from financial services, investment banking, law and consultancy firms which usually hold well-established compensation practices. This joint study, the first of its kind in Switzerland, draws upon HCM International Ltd.'s deep understanding of compensation and incentive schemes alongside the SFOA - Swiss Single Family Office Association to address the demand for enhanced transparency. This report aims to provide insights into incentive schemes for C-levels at Swiss SFOs. We are grateful to the author Stephan Hostettler and his HCM Team, and the SFOA Board Members Livio Gaido and Kurt Moosmann for jointly producing a compelling study on compensation schemes within Swiss SFOs. This new study, along with further information on our industry, can be found on our homepage (www.sfoa.ch). #singlefamilyoffices #familyoffices #familyoffice #executiverecruiting #generationaltransfer #familywealth #familybusiness #sme #wealthmanagement #sfoa #transferacrossgenerations