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Words of financial wisdom from Equitika! is the financial information provider, focusing on intuitive and cutting-edge financial tools to analyze companies, stocks and portfolios (Portfolio Creation and Tracking, Company Search and Personal Portfolio Email). Our aim is to lower the barrier to entry, allowing and encouraging everyone to participate in the stock market. Our simple but effective range of tools enables everyone to invest. We focus not only on lowering your risk in the market by providing intuitive financial information, but also offering the lowest trading fees in Switzerland.
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Words of financial wisdom from Equitika!
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐩 📍 Unser Fahrplan spiegelt unser unermüdliches Engagement für die Vermittlung von Finanzwissen an Schüler durch praktische Erfahrungen wider. Unsere Partnerschaften mit Gymnasien, weiblichen Finanzpromotoren und der IEO Association helfen uns, ein breiteres, bisher noch unversorgte Publikum zu erreichen und unseren Ansatz zu validieren. Auf dem Weg von unserem MVP zur vollständigen Einführung in der Schweiz werden wir unsere Plattform auf der Grundlage des Nutzerfeedbacks kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln. Durch das Hinzufügen von Budgetierungs- und Sparfunktionen werden wir ein umfassenderes Tool für die finanzielle Bildung anbieten. Die Investitionsolympiade im Jahr 2026 wird ein wichtiges Ereignis sein, bei dem die Fähigkeiten, die die Schüler mithilfe unserer Plattform entwickelt haben, unter Beweis gestellt werden. Und nicht zuletzt wird unsere für 2027 geplante Ausweitung auf die Märkte der EU und der USA es uns ermöglichen, die Finanzbildung weltweit zu beeinflussen. Bleiben Sie dran und verfolgen Sie unsere Arbeit zur Schaffung von mehr finanzieller Bildung für künftige Generationen! Folgen Sie uns Equitika - Finanzielle Bildung für alle
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐩 📍 Our roadmap reflects our unwavering commitment to engaging students in financial literacy through hands-on experience. Our partnerships with high schools, female finance promoters, and the IEO Association are helping us reach a wider yet unserved audience and validate our approach. As we progress from our MVP to a full rollout in Switzerland, we'll continuously refine our platform based on user feedback. Adding budgeting and saving features will provide a more comprehensive financial education tool. The Investment Olympiad in 2026 will be a landmark event, showcasing the skills students have developed through our platform. Finally, our planned expansion to the EU and USA markets in 2027 will allow us to impact financial education globally. Stay tuned for updates as we work towards creating a more financially literate future generation!
But it starts with saving…the goal is to pay your bills, pay your debt off, create an emergency fund to have enough “extra money” to invest. The growth on the return on investments has long exceeded the return on labor. Everyone should profit from the economy they are driving with their consumption.
"Discovering there was more to money than saving opened my mind to how much information there is that we’re not exposed to." #financialliteracy #morethananathlete Amobi Charlie
I've heard that the 3 big Financial Literacy questions on seem trivial. But for a great part of the population, they are not. That is why we are committed to getting financial literacy, saving, budgeting, managing debt, insuring and investing into all high schools. We use stock market games to trigger and engage. Join us to level the playing field. The prosperity of an economy belongs to all of the participants and not just some. ... sign up for our newsletter here
Be part of the movement. for all of us. Sign up for our newsletter Less than 2% of the populations in modern economies owns the majority of wealth because they own the economies as shareholders. To address wealth inequality, was created, focusing on #financialliteracy. Then, yeekatee emerged as an independent, unbiased financial data app connecting retail investors and those yet un-invested with a social network platform. Although yeekatee is now closed, its mission lives on. A dedicated group of IT and Finance professionals, inspired by these initiatives, is taking up the torch to continue this important work. A community is being formed for all followers of yeekatee,, and you to join and thrive together in this new grassroots movement. Equitika stands for #equity, #fairness, #inclusivity, #education, #community and #collaboration. for all of us. Sign up for our newsletter Join us in our mission to democratize finance and empower individuals through financial literacy. Be part of the change – connect with us today and help shape a more equitable financial future for all of us! for all of us. #finlit #wealthinequality #thebigthree #interestrates #inflation #dividends #drip #compoundinterest #diversification #myfourthpillar
Be part of the movement. for all of us. Sign up for our newsletter Less than 2% of the populations in modern economies owns the majority of wealth because they own the economies as shareholders. To address wealth inequality, was created, focusing on hashtag #financialliteracy. Then, yeekatee emerged as an independent, unbiased financial data app connecting retail investors and those yet un-invested with a social network platform. Although yeekatee is now closed, its mission lives on. A dedicated group of IT and Finance professionals, inspired by these initiatives, is taking up the torch to continue this important work. A community is being formed for all followers of yeekatee,, and you to join and thrive together in this new grassroots movement. Equitika stands for #equity, #fairness, #inclusivity, #education, #community and #collaboration. for all of us. Sign up for our newsletter - Join us in our mission to democratize finance and empower individuals through financial literacy. Be part of the change – connect with us today and help shape a more equitable financial future for all of us! for all of us. #finlit #wealthinequality #thebigthree #interestrates #inflation #dividends #drip #compoundinterest #diversification #myfourthpillar
It's a shareholder economy. Derrick Wesley, Robert Badal, Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE, Lesley Thomas #finlit can help close the #wealthgap
The message gets louder and louder. Why can't all employees be shareholders? The shift from a labor economy to investment economy has caused the #wealthgap to grow exponentially since the 80's. Why can't all driving the economy participate in its prosperity? We are building a new community for all followers of yeekatee,, and all like-minded individuals. We will be launching our new website (equitika) soon. Stay informed, stay connected and stay invested. Pete Buttigieg, Jon Stewart, Annamaria Lusardi, Efi Pylarinou, Dr. Martha Boeckenfeld, Barack Obama, Austan Goolsbee, Selina Lehner-Grimm, Reto Foellmi, Alessia Sconti #finlit is an important instrument in closing the #wealthgap
This is a big deal. When a director of a Central Bank gets shows interest spreading financial literacy, financial education, you know it is neither politically nor commercially motivated. Education is a public and common good. The better off each of us is, the better off we all are. Thank you Thomas Jordan!!! Alessia Sconti, Dr. Veronica Weisser, Aysha van de Paer #finlit
Danke Thomas Jordan. #finlit Annamaria Lusardi, this is also a tribute to your mission, evidence and influence. Thank you too. Selina Lehner-Grimm, Iconomix, Patrick Eugster, Dr. Marcel Stadelmann, Manuel Wälti, Lionel Guerraz, Efi Pylarinou,
Thank you Reto Zanettin. It is absolutely true that tax deferred retirement accounts by far do not have the best performance. However, as part of financial well-being, it is important to 1. pay your bills (including paying off debt) 2. pay your taxes 3. pay into you tax deferred retirement account 4. pay for your vacation 5. pay into your own emergency fund and if there is money left over make investments into the stock market, like an accumulating S&P500 ETF. So why is paying into your tax deferred retirement account a part of this plan? 1. there is a tax benefit 2. you get reminders to pay into the account. 3. you can't use the money for trivial or spontaneous consumption. These are 3 important components into changing your personal financial habits. They are not trivial. The greatest benefit for having a tax deferred retirement account is to change your behavior with regard to saving for the future.
Säule-3a-Konten werfen wenig ab. Der Weg zu wachsendem Alterskapital führt über den Aktienmarkt.
Wealth inequality isn't something that just happens. In the Middle Ages there were landowners and serfs, today there are shareholders and employees. Wealth inequality exists because financial literacy is inherited instead of being taught. Let's level the playing field with education. Education is the great equalizer! Annamaria Lusardi, Tim Ranzetta, Tim Kaiser, Alex Rodriguez, Roger Federer Foundation, Stefan Goldbach, Selina Lehner-Grimm, Cari E. Guittard, Efi Pylarinou, Dr. Martha Boeckenfeld #finlit makes a difference! The better off the least of us is, the better off we all are.