Happy International Women Day from the SFITS women! ✨💁♀️🥰🌻 It is worth noting that in 2024, the top 3 participants, in terms of course attendance at the SFITS, were women. The first one got a total of 35 participations. Kudos! 👏😍 👭 And by the way… Since its creation in 2017, the SFITS has been more than well run by two women: Jelena Godjevac (CEO) & Fanny Keller (COO). As Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, « Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.» #happyinternationalwomensday #SFITSyou #SFITSDreams
SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS)
Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen
The SFITS, a unique, secured and fully equipped environment to organize face-to-face, online and blended surgical events
The SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS) is a modular training platform designed to simulate real-life conditions and provide a secured and fully equipped environment for continuous medical education to professionals of all surgical and interventional specialties. We host and organize training and events for private and public hospitals, medical associations and private companies. The SFITS is a Swiss non-profit Foundation based in the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) complex, in Switzerland.
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Externer Link zu SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS)
- Branche
- Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Geneva
- Art
- Bildungseinrichtung
- Gegründet
- 2016
- Spezialgebiete
- Training in surgery, Innovation in surgery und Research in surgery
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
Geneva, 1205, CH
Beschäftigte von SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS)
Maya Rikhye
Finance Manager chez SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS)
Chief Resident - Hand Unit (Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology surgery) at Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève
Caroline Subit-Richard
Event Coordinator / Program Manager
Carina Freire
Réalisatrice documentaire indépendante
Quel beau début de mois de mars, initié par les modules 1 & 2 du Parcours autour de l’arthrose du genou. 😍☀️🦵 📸 Retour en images sur ces 2 jours de cours organisés par le PD Dr. med. Hermes Miozzari. Module 1️⃣ : prothèse primaire du genou sur voie médiane et parapatellaire interne. Les infirmiers en formation IDDO se sont joints aux chirurgiens pour la théorie et les ateliers pratiques. Module 2️⃣ : prothèse totale du genou robotique avec les 3 sociétés sponsors Medacta International, Zimmer Biomet et Johnson & Johnson. Nous vous donnons rendez-vous les 12 et 13 mai pour les modules 3 et 4 sur la prothèse unicompartimentale du genou et la révision de prothèse. ℹ️ : https://lnkd.in/eU-CEDSj Un grand merci aux sponsors pour leur soutien pour ces 2 premières sessions ainsi qu’aux participants pour leur présence. HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève #SFITSyou #HUG #Geneva #formationchirurgicale #orthopédie #chirurgie #genou #PTG #SFITSDreams
COURSE ALERT 🚨👀 Registration open for the Advanced Microsurgery Course in Geneva 🤩 🪡 📅 : 01-04 July 2025 📍 : SFITS, Geneva 💸 : free for HUG residents // CHF 1'500 for external participants 📝 : send your resume + one-page motivation letter to inscription@sfits.ch > Participants will be carefully chosen on their application and their level. 👉 This advanced microsurgical course aims at providing a high-class training for advanced surgeons (5th, 6th or 7th year of residency) in several specialties. Experimented microsurgical faculties will assist you in developping your finest sense of touch and in increasing your precision and efficiency in #microsurgery. 🔬💪 HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Julien Haemmerli, Philippe Bijlenga, Jean-yves Jean-yves Beaulieu, Monnier Yan #SFITSyou #Geneva #HUG #microsurgery #handsurgery #neurosurgery #entsurgery #maxillofacialsurgery #plasticsurgery #surgicaltraining #SFITSDreams
FEBRUARY SFITS INSIGHT 💡🤓 Prof. Frederic Ris, associate Physician, at the HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) tells us more about patients with symptomatic levator ani avulsion. 🧐 Levator Ani Avulsion is a #commonpathology, occuring after delivery in 7% of the women population and up to 50% of forceps deliveries. This can lead to a wide variety of symptoms, with anal dyschesia or incontinence, urine incontinence, colpophonia (air from the vagina), pain during sexual intercourse, or loss/decrease of orgasm. It is often seen with a feeling of musculoskeletal unbalance and widening of the vagina. It is believed that this condition cannot be repaired by a classical urogynecological vision. 👉 We developped in our #ProctologyUnit of the HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève a new operation to solve this issue in symptomatic patients with improvement or complete resolution of the symptoms in most of the patients. This intervention aims at restoring the anatomy of the #pelvicfloor, and the balance without foreign body, just simple stiches. Complication rate is low and patient can go home after a short hospital stay. As a leading unit for this surgery, we tend to teach it in Switzerland or accross countries in Europe or to welcome patients from all over the world. 👏😍 Service de chirurgie viscérale des HUG #SFITSyou #SFITSinsights #surgicaltrainingcenter #levatoraniavulsion #surgery #proctology #SFITSDreams Ref: 🔗: https://lnkd.in/exPaGEG5 🔗: https://lnkd.in/eh_Pyguz
COURSE ALERT 🚨👀 Les inscriptions pour la 5e édition du cours d’arthroscopie du poignet sont ouvertes 🖐😊 📅 : 03.06.2025 📍 : SFITS, Genève 💸 : gratuit pour les internes HUG // CHF 700.- pour les personnes externes 📝 : https://lnkd.in/ekPWutdG 👉 Objectif de formation : enseignement des techniques de bases utiles dans le quotidien d'un.e chirurgien.ne de la main et entrainement des gestes diagnostiques et thérapeutiques les plus courant de la spécialité. HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Jean-yves Jean-yves Beaulieu - Nicolas Balagué - Flavien Mauler - #SFITSyou #HUG #formationchirurgicale #orthopédie #chirurgie #arthroscopie #chirurgiepoignet #SFITSDreams
On 21 & 22 February, we hosted the 2025 Fundamentals of Ophthalmic Microsurgery organized by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Thumann & Prof. Dr. James Schutz 👁️🪡 👉 35 participants took part of this 2-day event and got the opportunity to train their skills in #microsurgery with a focus on anatomic and physiologic bases of cataract surgery. The group was split into two parts to maintain high teaching quality, both in practical sessions and in seminar presentations. 🙏 We would like to warmly thank all the faculty members for their time and expertise, the participants for their motivation to learn and finally to all of our sponsors for their support : Astellas Pharma, Bayer, Bausch + Lomb, #InnovaHealth, Roche, Théa Pharma France, VON HOFF AG, ZEISS Group. HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Giorgio Enrico Bravetti - Ivo Guber, MD - David Tabibian #SFITSyou #HUG #Geneva #surgicaltraining #ophthalmic #microsurgery #cataract #SFITSDreams
COURSE ALERT 🚨👀 Registration are open for the next Surgical approaches in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery Course, directed by Prof. Paolo Scolozzi Paolo 👇😉 📅: 21-22 May 2025 📍: SFITS, Geneva 💸: free for HUG residents // CHF 1'200 for external participants 📝: https://lnkd.in/eYb7QXC6 ➡️ Course objectives : to grasp the main aspects of cranial anatomical dissection and cranio-maxillofacial surgery HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Giuseppe De Maria - Alessandro Rabufetti #SFITSyou #HG #Geneva #surgicaltraining #craniomaxillofacial #surgery #basiccourse #surgerytraining #SFITSDreams
Last week, we hosted the 28th Advanced Course on Coloproctology and Pelvic Floor Disorders, directed by Prof. Frederic Ris. 😍👏🏽 💥☝🏽 What a blast! +35 participants, great lectures, interesting exchanges, reknown national and international faculty along the week. This 4-day course brought together participants from all over Europe, resulting in an amazing group synergy. We warmly thank all the faculty members and the participants for their energy, and the sponsors for their support (Applied Medical, AbbVie, Biolitec, Medtronic, SCHMITZ medical Swiss AG) 🙏🏾☺️ HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Emilie Liot, Guillaume Meurette, Jeremy Meyer, Joan Robert-Yap, Roland Chautems, Cosimo Riccardo Scarpa, Antonino Sgroi, Boris Schiltz, Buchs Nicolas Christian, Marwan-Julien Sleiman, Laura Van Praet, Amram Marie-Laure, Léon Maggiori, Quentin Denost, Vincent de PARADES, Nadia FATHALLAH de PARADES, Marc Girardin, Dieter Hahnloser, Gabriele Naldini, Peter Onody, Matthieu Papillard, Michele Carvello #SFITSyou #HUG #Geneva #surgicaltrainingcenter #coloproctology #pelvicdisorders #surgery #fromthetoptothebottom #SFITSDreams
SFITS MARCH AGENDA 👀😍 📅 : 03.03.2025 👉 : Parcours autour de l’arthrose du genou Module 1 Prothèse primaire 🔗 : https://lnkd.in/ekBbrdSx 📅 : 04.03.2025 👉 : Parcours autour de l’arthrose du genou Module 2 PTG robotique 🔗 : https://lnkd.in/ePbgKcsi 📅 : Novembre 2024 à octobre 2025 👉 : Les jeudis du Cursus Chirurgical 🔗 : https://lnkd.in/eFRXxXAz 📅 : Mars à octobre 2025 👉 : Parcours Lunch&Learn en orthopédie septique 🔗 : https://lnkd.in/enFkNM99 HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève #SFITSyou #HUG #Geneva #centredeformationchirurgicale #SFITSAgenda #upcomingcourses #SFITSDreams
COURSE ALERT 🚨👀 Registration are now open : Multidisciplinary medical and surgical management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures organized by Dr. Dennis E. DOMINGUEZ, MD & Dr. Emmanuel Biver. 📅 : 19.05.2025 📍 : SFITS, Geneva 💸 : free for HUG residents // from CHF 200.- for external participants 📝 : https://lnkd.in/e5uYAZTD Course objectives : to increase the synergy between the medical and surgical teams, in specialties such as #BoneDiseases, #Orthopaedics and #MusculoskeletalTraumaCare, or #Neurosurgery. 👉 It is possible to either take part to the full course (theory & practical workshop) or to the theoritical parts only. HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Nicolas Lauper, Khalid Al Taha, Enrico Tessitore #SFITSyou #Geneva #HUG #surgicaltrainingcenter #surgery #orthopaedics #vertebralfractures #SFITSDreams