At Stallergenes Greer, we’re inspired by the impactful work of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation and the contribution of renowned international experts like Dr. Alessandro Fiocchi, Director of Allergy at Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome. Don’t miss the Foundation’s latest video featuring Dr. Fiocchi’s thoughts on the latest edition of the Science Awards for Allergy and the vital role of encouraging innovation in food and respiratory allergy research. A big thank you to the Stallergenes Greer Foundation for fostering innovation in allergy care! #InnovationInAllergy #AllergyResearch #ScienceAwardsForAllergy
We had the privilege to sit down with Dr. @AlessandroFiocchi, MD, member of the Stallergenes Greer Foundation Scientific Board and Director of Allergy at the Pediatric Hospital Bambino Gesù in Rome, Italy. In this insightful video, Dr. Fiocchi shares his thoughts on the Science Awards for Allergy and his journey with the Foundation: “When I was invited to participate in the Foundation’s activities, supporting young researchers and enabling the publication of impactful reports, I was truly enthusiastic. The first edition of the Stallergenes Greer awards was an exciting experience for me (...) The foundation plays a crucial role in making researchers and clinicians feel supported and encouraged to continue advancing food and respiratory allergy research." At the Stallergenes Greer Foundation, we are dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting the next generation of researchers in the field of allergy care. Thank you, Dr. Fiocchi, for your commitment to advancing allergy research. Your expertise and dedication are invaluable to our mission. Watch the full video to hear more from Dr. Fiocchi #StallergenesGreerFoundation #AllergyResearch #ScienceAwardsForAllergy #SupportingResearchers #InnovationInAllergy