Our new survey is out! 💪 Share your experiences as a queer or cis-hetero person living in Switzerland and contribute to valuable research aiming to promote the health and integration of LGBTIQ+ people in Switzerland. 🤝🌈 👉 Take part in EN/DE/FR/IT and share it with your friends: https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ 🏳️🌈 Unsere neue Umfrage ist da! 💪 Teile deine Erfahrungen als queere oder cis-hetero Person in der Schweiz und trage damit zu wertvoller Forschung bei, die auf die Förderung der Gesundheit und Integration von LGBTIQ+ Personen in der Schweiz abzielt. 🤝🌈 👉 Fülle die Umfrage jetzt aus in DE/EN/FR/IT und teile sie mit deinen Freund:innen: https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ 🏳️🌈 Notre nouvelle enquête est en ligne ! 💪 Partage avec nous ton expérience en tant que personne queer ou cis-hétéro en Suisse et contribue ainsi à recherche visant à promouvoir la santé et l'intégration des personnes LGBTIQ+ en Suisse. 🤝🌈 👉 Participe en FR/EN/DE/IT: https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ 🏳️🌈 È arrivato il nostro nuovo sondaggio! 💪 Condividi con noi la tua esperienza in quanto persona queer o cis-etero in Svizzera e contribuite a ricerca volta a promuovere la salute e l'integrazione delle persone LGBTIQ+ in Svizzera. 🤝🌈 👉 Partecipa ora in IT/FR/EN/DE: https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ [ALT: A text graphic with a progressive rainbow squiggly line on the right side and a blue background. Text: The 2025 Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel Survey is out! Fill out the survey and share your experiences as a queer or cis-hetero person living in Switzerland. Participate now at https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ Link in bio. Available in English, German, French and Italian.] Tabea Hässler Léïla Eisner Universität Zürich | University of Zurich UZH - Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität (AGL) Zurich Pride Regenbogenhaus Zürich
Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikationsdienste
Wir liefern empirische Daten zur LGBTIQ+ Inklusion in der Schweiz und offerien Strategien zur grösseren Inklusion
Das Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel wird von Dr. Tabea Hässler (Universität Zürich) und Dr. Léïla Eisner (Universität Lausanne) geleitet. Anhand von jährlichen Umfragen analysieren wir die aktuelle Situation von LGBTIQ+ (lesbischen, schwulen, bisexuellen, trans, intergeschlechtlichen und queeren) Personen in der Schweiz. Über 3'000 Teilnehmende haben unsere Umfrage abgeschlossen. Anhand unserer Daten liefern wir empirische Belege für die Situation von LGBTIQ+ Personen in der Schweiz und zeigen Lösungen auf, wie die Inklusion von LGBTIQ+ Personen gefördert werden kann. Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie mehr über unsere Projekte und mögliche Workshops/Präsentationen erfahren möchten.
- Website
Externer Link zu Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel
- Branche
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Kommunikationsdienste
- Größe
- 2–10 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Zurich
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 2019
- Spezialgebiete
- LGBTIQ+, scientific evidence, consulting, workshops und diversity
Zurich, CH
Lausanne, CH
Beschäftigte von Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel
Our survey is in full swing and over 2’000 people have already participated – thank you for that! 👏 🎈 You’re not one of the 2’000 yet? Let your voice be heard and fill it out at https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ – the survey is available in English, German, French and Italian! Help us reach to the next big number soon and you’ll get to see another photo! 🤗 [ALT: A person lying on the ground surrounded by rainbow-colored balloons, holding a sign that says “2000” and smiling into the camera.] #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #QueerResearch Léïla Eisner Tabea Hässler
Over 1’000 people have already participated our survey – thank you for this great response! 😄 🌈 You haven’t filled it out yet? Do so at https://t.uzh.ch/1NQ (link in bio) – the survey is available in English, German, French and Italian. Help us get to 2’000 soon, and you’ll get to see the next photo! 🤩🎈 [ALT: A person wearing a pink baseball hat, holding up a yellow sign that says “1000”. They are surrounded by rainbow-colored balloons.] #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #QueerResearch
All our past reports – and soon, the next one will follow! 🤩 Our 2025 LGBTIQ+ survey will be released THIS WEEK and our next report will be based on the data from this survey! 😱😊 Are you ready for it? We certainly are and can’t wait to release the survey into the world – in four languages! [ALT: A collage of the cover pages of all past reports in front of a pink background. The reports are from the years 2019-2023.] #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #QueerResearch #PanelSvizzeroLGBTIQ #PanelSuisseLGBTIQ #SchweizerLGBTIQPanel Léïla Eisner Tabea Hässler
What exactly is the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel? 🤔 Our co-leaders, Tabea Hässler and Léïla Eisner, explain who we are and what we do in this video! Follow us here to stay updated on the latest news from our research and our upcoming survey! 😊🌈 #swisslgbtiqpanel #panelsuisselgbtiq #schweizerlgbtiqpanel #panelsvizzerolgbtiq #lgbtiqresearch #queerresearch
This week, we were able to present our work at the inaugural conference of the UZH Population Research Center during its plenary session. Check out Tabea Hässler's post about the interdisciplinary conference! 👇
I was honored to present our Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel, including our findings and outreach activities, at the inaugural conference of the UZH Population Research Center. This interdisciplinary conference has been a real eye-opener, and I want to extend my gratitude to the organizers for putting together such a stimulating program! - During the plenary session, we emphasized the importance of assessing LGBTIQ+ identities in national surveys to effectively track both commonalities and differences within this diverse community. - Given the wide range of sexual orientations, gender identities, and sex characteristics, as well as varying backgrounds such as ethnicity, religion, ability, and socio-economic status, it is crucial to acknowledge and consider this diversity in our research. - For those interested in expanding their understanding of the terminology used to describe the LGBTIQ+ community, I encourage you to explore our glossary: https://lnkd.in/guhDm9aj - While LGBTIQ+ people continue to face discrimination and structural inequalities that adversely impact their health, the presence of structural support—such as inclusive healthcare centers, community workers, and welcoming businesses and educational places—alongside personal support from families, friends, and colleagues, plays a vital role in fostering a supportive environment that promotes the well-being of LGBTIQ+ people. - Central stakeholders' decisions should be guided by scientific relevance. To this end, we have engaged with various Cantons and stakeholders and have made fact sheets available on our website regarding the ban on so-called "conversion therapies" and unnecessary surgeries on intersex children. If you have any specific questions or need assistance with anything, please feel free to reach out to either Léïla Eisner or me. #LGBTIQ+ #PopulationResearch #Science #Diversity #Interdisciplinary #ZurichPopulationResearchConference
We are more than happy to announce that the sixth wave of our survey from the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel is almost ready and will soon be available! Stay tuned and watch this space! 👀🌈 If you want to learn more about our work, check out our website: https://lnkd.in/gaVtEw9v 💜 [Text graphic on purple background with a rainbow squiggly line. Text: Coming Soon: 2025 Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel Survey. Available in a few weeks – stay tuned!] #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #QueerResearch #LGBTIQ Universität Zürich | University of Zurich
Yesterday, we presented our research at the BiblioTalk, titled "Wie geht es queeren Menschen in der Schweiz?", organized by the Equality Office of the City of Zurich. Tabea Hässler and Léïla Eisner discussed current research findings based on their Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel on the living conditions of LGBTIQ+ people in Switzerland and shared insights from their marriage equality study. The event offered valuable perspectives on the progress and challenges faced by the queer community. We also enjoyed engaging in discussions with participants during the aperitif. Thank you for having us, Fachstelle für Gleichstellung der Stadt Zürich! [ALT: Tabea Hässler and Léïla Eisner presenting their research in a library room] #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #QueerResearch
🌟 Einladung zum BiblioTalk der Stadt Zürich! 📚 Wir freuen uns, euch zahlreich zu unserem kommenden BiblioTalk der Stadt Zürich einzuladen! Nutzt die Gelegenheit, um spannende Einblicke in die Situation von queere Menschen in der Schweiz zu gewinnen und euch mit anderen Interessierten auszutauschen. Es gibt noch freie Plätze: https://lnkd.in/gmTwCxKE
🌈 BiblioTalk der Stadt Zürich: Wie geht es queeren Menschen in der Schweiz? 🌈 In den letzten Jahren haben wir bedeutende Fortschritte in der Gleichstellung und Akzeptanz der LGBTIQ+ Community in der Schweiz erlebt. Doch trotz dieser positiven Veränderungen gibt es weiterhin Herausforderungen, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Gemeinsam mit Léïla Eisner von der University of Zurich werde ich diese wichtigen Fragen im Rahmen des Bibliotalks der Fachstelle für Gleichstellung der Stadt Zürich diskutieren. Wir werden die Daten unseres Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel analysieren und sowohl Fortschritte als auch bestehende Probleme beleuchten. Wir freuen uns auf einen spannenden Austausch und anregende Diskussionen – und laden alle Interessierten ein, sich uns beim anschliessenden Apéro anzuschliessen! Wann: 16.01.25; 18.00-19.30 Wo: Stadthaus, Stadthausquai 17, 8001; Bibliothek zur Gleichstellung Anmeldung: Um Anmeldung bis zum 10.01. wird gebeten Lasst uns gemeinsam für eine gerechtere und inklusivere Gesellschaft eintreten! #LGBTIQ+ #Gleichstellung #Zürich #Diskussion #Inklusion
What a year! 🤩 Looking back on 2024, we’re proud of the strides we’ve made: Sharing knowledge through talks and workshops, helping to shape policies through consulting, and contributing to the academic community with impactful research. 💪 Here’s our year in review: 👉 We published the 2023 report and prepared for the 2025 Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel Survey, set to launch in early 2025. 👉 We published several papers, including studies on intersectionality (Stigma and Health), marriage equality campaigns (PNAS), reimagining LGBTIQ+ research across the world (Journal of Social Issues), LGBTIQ+ acceptance (Journal of Social Issues) and self-objectivation (Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity). 👉 We showcased our research at conferences and universities in Australia, Chile, England, Germany, and the USA. Additionally, we presented at the Lila Festival and Pink Apple Film Festival as well as at the UND Generationentandem-Generationentalk and had the opportunity to speak to the Australian Ambassador when she visited UZH. Finally, discussions and talks on LGBTIQ+ inclusion and sexual harassment took place at different Swiss institutions like HETSL - Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne in Lausanne and others. 👉 Our work reached wider audiences through media coverage in outlets such as RTS - Radio Télévision Suisse/SRF - Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Tagesspiegel, Libération , radioK, Tages-Anzeiger, the UZH Magazin, and UZH News. 👉 We advised on violence prevention in Geneva, supported diversity initiatives in Vaud, and contributed to national reports on conversion therapy. 👉 We bid farewell to some cherished team members and welcomed new ones. As we wrap up 2024, we’re taking a small break for the holidays before diving into the final development phase of the 2025 survey and preparing for its launch at the end of January/beginning of February. Thank you for following along, happy holidays and see you in 2025! ❤️🌈✨🥳 #SwissLGBTIQPanel #LGBTIQResearch #LGBTIQ Tabea Hässler | Léïla Eisner Universität Zürich | University of Zurich The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) American Psychological Association UZH - Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität (AGL)