Women In Sustainable Finance International is proud to present an exclusive panel discussion on The Role and Impact of Women in Media, set to take place on March 4, 2025. This is an opportunity to engage in a forward-thinking dialogue on inclusivity, representation, and leadership in the media industry and address the current media coverage on sustainability.
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- Philipp Wehle will become a partner at Swiss Private Client Bank AG at the beginning of March 2025
- The Geneva-based asset manager Unigestion and the French financial services provider Kepler Cheuvreux have agreed a strategic partnership in asset management for institutional clients.
- CEO Laurent Gagnebin emphasized that clients, including many younger investors, appreciate the bank’s stability, advisory expertise, and solid investment performance. Rothschild & Co
- Le groupe suisse EFG International a déclaré mercredi qu'il avait enregistré un bénéfice net de 321,6 millions de francs suisses (356 millions de dollars) en 2024, soit une augmentation de 6% par rapport à l'année précédente, et qu'il était en train d'acquérir la banque privée suisse Cité Gestion Private Bank.
- Change is inevitable. Market dynamics shift, industries evolve, and businesses must periodically undergo transformations to maintain their competitive edge. Interesting contribution from Brigitte Kaps - Advisory
- Ces chiffres répondent à moitié aux attentes des analystes interrogés qui tablaient sur un bénéfice annuel de 436 ou 447 millions. BCV - Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
- Marc Pictet, Senior Partner of the Pictet Group, is satisfied with the results: ‘We achieved a solid result in 2024. The investment performance was excellent and, thanks to positive market effects, we were able to achieve an all-time high in assets under management.’
- The Danish Saxo Bank has been up for sale for some time. Will Bank J. Safra Sarasin now take over?
- One year after its annual profit halved, Swiss private bank Julius Baer has staged a rebound by doubling its bottom line in 2024.