Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien

Vernier, Geneva 5.522 Follower:innen

Reinventing Nuclear Energy


Transmutex is a pioneering company focused on reinventing nuclear energy from first principles. Their innovative approach addresses the core concerns of cost, safety, and proliferation associated with nuclear reactors. Transmutex's technology represents a significant advancement in carbon-free energy generation, aiming to create an entirely new sustainable and safe nuclear energy solution. We are capitalizing on research validated at CERN to conceive an entirely new approach using particle accelerators to induce transmutation and production of carbon-free nuclear energy. We have the ambition to accelerate the fight against climate change and reach industrial-scale within 10 years.

Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien
11–50 Beschäftigte
Vernier, Geneva


Beschäftigte von TRANSMUTEX


  • TRANSMUTEX hat dies direkt geteilt

    ⚛️ Studie: Umwandlung von Atommüll ist möglich SPRIND hat eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum Bau einer Transmutationsanlage beauftragt. Die vollständige Studie - rund 200 Seiten - steht hier zum Download zur Verfügung:     In einer von der SPRIND in Auftrag gegebenen Umsetzungsstudie bewerten Experten der TU München und des TÜVs den Bau einer beschleunigergetriebenen Transmutationsanlage am Standort eines ehemaligen Kernkraftwerks zur Produktion von Krebsmedikamenten und Fernwärme aus Atommüll. Die Anlage des Unternehmens TRANSMUTEX soll bis 2030 Marktreife erreichen und kann dann weltweit in Serie gebaut werden. In Amerika beginnt am Los Alamos National Laboratory bereits dieses Jahr der Bau des ersten Abschnitts.   ➡️ Gewinnbringendes Recycling Schon die erste Demonstrationsanlage bestehend aus elektrochemischer Abfalltrennung und Recycling, beschleunigergetriebener Müllverbrennung und abschließender Restmüllverglasung wäre laut Studie hoch rentabel. Sie würde die Investitionskosten von ca. 1,5 Mrd. EUR und jährlichen Betriebskosten von gut 115 Mio. EUR mit den erwirtschafteten Erlösen aus medizinischen Radioisotopen, der Entsorgung atomarer Abfälle und aus der Prozesswärme um ein Mehrfaches wieder einspielen. Die Baukosten würden sich bei Nachnutzung ehemaliger AKW-Standorte um ca. 30 % reduzieren.   ➡️ Mehrwert für Gesellschaft und Umwelt Neben der deutlichen Reduktion auch des bereits verglasten Atommülls bietet die Anlage weitreichende volkswirtschaftliche Vorteile: Wertvolle Rohstoffe wie Krypton, Rhodium, Ruthenium und Uran, die unter anderem für die Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie die Automobil- und Solarzellenindustrie benötigt werden, könnten recycelt werden. Zudem ermöglicht die Anlage die Entwicklung neuer Krebsmedikamente und leistet einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur CO₂-Reduktion – sowohl direkt durch Prozesswärme und Geothermie als auch indirekt durch Kreislaufwirtschaft statt Bergbau.   ➡️ Schutz künftiger Generationen Die nicht wiederverwertbaren Abfälle des untersuchten AKW ließen sich voraussichtlich innerhalb der Mindestbetriebsdauer der Anlage von 50 Jahren transmutieren. Nachfolgende Generationen würden so durch die Reduktion der Radioaktivität von 1 Million auf unter 1 Tausend Jahre geschützt. Alle für ein geologisches Endlager problematischen, wasserlöslichen Spaltprodukte würden nahezu vollständig in einem sicheren, umweltschonenden und proliferationsresistenten Verfahren vernichtet. Das Volumen der hochradioaktiven Abfälle reduziere sich so um knapp 90 %. Dies ermögliche weitere Kosteneinsparungen bei der Zwischen- und Endlagerung sowie die oberflächennahe geothermische Nutzung der Endlagerbehälter etwa für Wärmepumpen.   ➡️ Fazit der Studie Die Studie kommt zum Schluss, dass die Durchführung des geschilderten Transmutationsprogramms zahlreiche Nachteile und Risiken der aktuellen Endlagerpläne beseitigen würde und damit erhebliche Vorteile für die Menschheit hätte.

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  • Unternehmensseite von TRANSMUTEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    Transmutex announces the publication of a study funded by the German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND - Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen) conducted with the Technical University of Munich, TÜV NORD GROUP and POSSER SPIETH WOLFERS & PARTNERS . The study evaluates the technical, economic, and regulatory feasibility of a transmutation system using an accelerated neutron source to manage Germany’s high-level nuclear waste. Key Findings: • The volume of the most radioactive waste could be reduced 8.8 time. • Transmutation could lower the required containment period from 1 million to 830 years. • A demonstrator facility could be built for €1.5 billion, leveraging a recently decommissioned nuclear site. • While legislative updates are required, transmutation aligns with existing frameworks. Read the full study here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von TRANSMUTEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    Transmutex has been selected by ARPA-E’s NEWTON Program, which aims to transmute the entire US commercial nuclear spent fuel stockpile in 30 years. ARPA-E recognizes accelerator-driven systems as one of the most effective pathways for addressing nuclear waste at scale. We are collaborating with Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of Maryland, Viam and TechSource, Inc on this project. We also thank Professor Andrei Afanasev for his contributions to this effort. We are also proud to announce that Transmutex received the second largest grant after Argonne National Laboratory, underscoring the significance of our approach and strengthening our position in advancing nuclear waste management. Link to the NEWTON selected projects:

    Unternehmensseite von ARPA-E anzeigen, Grafik

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    Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) announced $40 million for 11 projects to pursue transmutation technologies that would reduce the impact of used nuclear fuel (UNF) in permanent storage facilities. ARPA-E'S Nuclear Energy Waste Transmutation Optimized Now (NEWTON) program will pursue transmutation technologies to significantly reduce the mass, volume, activity, and effective half-life of the existing stockpile of commercial UNF. NEWTON projects will develop a variety of approaches including advanced particle beam technologies, the design and processing of transmutable target materials, and comprehensive analyses to support efficient nuclear transmutation and waste reduction. This project seeks to enable the economic viability of transmutation of the entirety of the U.S. commercial UNF stockpile within 30 years. Find out more about this project below. #ARPAENEWTON

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    Interview by Andrada Coos from Verve Ventures of Franklin Servan-Schreiber, CEO, diving into Transmutex's technology and business model. A few key takeaways: "Our initial motivation remains central: to reduce the stockpile of long-lived nuclear waste." "Even in this scenario, we would have a business without any real competition for the next 200 years." "The United Arab Emirates, which has the same population as Switzerland but more than double the hours of sunshine annually compared to Zurich and infinitely more free space, isn’t solely relying on solar power. They have four nuclear reactors in operation and plan to build four more. This should make us think." Read the full interview here:

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    We are delighted to introduce our new Transmutex International Scientific Advisory Committee (TISAC) - a team composed of distinguished experts: -         Dr. Jean-Pierre Revol: President of TISAC, co-founder of Transmutex and iTHEC and former team leader in the CERN ALICE project. -         Professor Dr. Hamid Aït Abderrahim: General Manager of MYRRHA and former Deputy Director-General of SCK CEN. -         Dr. Giovanni Battista Bruna: co-founder of Calogena (district-heat SMRs) and former Scientific Director and member of the Executive Board of IRSN (French Nuclear Safety Agency). -         Dr. Frederick Bordry: Chief Technology Officer of Gauss Fusion and former CERN Director for Accelerators and Technology. -         Professor Emeritus Maurice Bourquin, former President of the Université de Genève and former President of the CERN Council. -         Dr. Donovan Maire, Chief Technology Officer of Transmutex and former Head of Research Group of IRSN. -         Dr. Massimo Morichi, VP at CAEN and former VP of R&D and Innovation at Areva Group (currently Orano). -         Dr. Tony Williams, Head of European Consulting Operations of NAC International and former Head of Fuel at Axpo Group. The mission of this committee is to review the technology, support the project management, and facilitate industry collaborations. Regular meetings scheduled throughout the year will maintain ongoing dialogue between the Committee and Transmutex management, enabling precise alignment with strategic objectives and securing expert guidance. We are grateful for their time and expertise. Learn more about TISAC:

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    The Transmutex Team wishes you an engaging and flourishing year 2025 ! We are looking forward to getting our hands on the bare metal in this coming year, in collaborations with some of the best labs in the world, from British Columbia to New Mexico, from Belgium to Italy and of course beautiful Switzerland. Come join us on this exciting journey, apply for our open positions:

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    Nuclear has the reputation of being much more expensive than renewables or fossil fuels, but on the ground if you compare nuclear/France to renewables/Germany or fossil/Italy then it is clear nuclear is cheaper. "So far in 2024, France's wholesale power prices have averaged around 25% less than those of Germany and The Netherlands, and 45% less than Italy's, according to LSEG (see graphics below)."

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  • Unternehmensseite von TRANSMUTEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    The European Union different funding sources are actively looking into #transmutation as a way to significantly reduce the nuclear long live waste stockpile while producing carbon free energy. Germany is also soon poised to look into Transmutation as a new safe source of carbon free energy, using a particle accelerator to keep the system sub-critical and able to stop in 2ms! #Bavaria's no. 2 Florian Herrmann, at the beginning of the weekly cabinet press conference, expressed support for #Transmutationreaktoren: “We see an opportunity in the transition from the third to the fourth generation of reactors, so-called transmutation reactors, which will or could be an alternative to conventional power plants. Of course, we want to be part of many other cutting-edge innovations. This means that we need to focus on the content, which we in Bavaria have been doing for quite some time, especially when it comes to nuclear fusion. But a legal framework is also needed, which is why the Atomic Energy Act needs to be amended at the federal level. YouTube : ( exactly at min 3:54). Below, Franklin Servan-Schreiber, CEO, and Guido Houben, administrative director and head of EU strategy, following a closed door meeting with the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), European Union policy directorate and #Euratom.

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  • Unternehmensseite von TRANSMUTEX anzeigen, Grafik

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    It is an immense pleasure to welcome in Geneva two great scientists from the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT) in Ukraine. Dr. Volodymyr Baidulin and Dr. Oleksandr Zhukov came all the way from eastern Ukraine by train, bus and plane, to share with our team their experience of building the first Accelerator Driven Subcritical Assembly that was successfully commissioned , before being bombed repeatedly by the Russian military and s subsequently shut down. Ukraine regulatory authorities had defined a separate path for the safety review of subcritical systems such at the KIPT installation, which could be applied to larger systems such as Transmutex. Many lessons to be learned from our Ukrainian colleagues. To learn more about the KIPT subcritical system, conceived with Argonne National Laboratory and financed by the DOE (as an incentive to return their weapons grade nuclear bomb material since they had nothing to fear from Russia...),simply search KIPT ADS CERN CERN #science #nuclear #research Visit Ukraine

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