Titelbild von TransparenTerraTransparenTerra


IT und Services

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Transparency as a Service: An AI and blockchain-driven ERP system for companies to assess and report on sustainability.


TransparenTerra is a digital platform for sustainable development founded in Switzerland, Lucerne. A cloud platform brings together experts, businesses, ESG investors, and conscious consumers to build Ultimate Trust for professional, personal, and social good. TransparenTerra reveals and proves the true value of companies for both customers and nature. Built-in DLT-based tools enable companies to measure and track sustainability progress and openly demonstrate reliability and eco-friendliness to partners, investors, and consumers. TransparenTerra gathers a professional network of sustainability experts to monitor and manage the resilience and eco-friendliness of companies and supply chains. The platform was developed by FCE Group AG. Technological products and developments have received their implementation in the TransparenTerra for the notarization of documents and certificates. The FСE blockchain acts as an independent notary to make the documents exchange and other interactions between platform participants transparent and trustworthy. The technology-based transparency and visibility of supply chains, document flows, and certificates, the open policy of companies, and cooperation make TransparenTerra a secure and trustworthy digital platform.

IT und Services
11–50 Beschäftigte
Zug , Zug


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