WATC Consulting AG

WATC Consulting AG


Zollikon, Zurich 288 Follower:innen

Improving Customer Centricity / Kundenorientierung


WATC Consulting is the leading European strategy consultancy in customer management. We enable leading companies to grow profitably by applying the latest methods and approaches in the field of customer data management. Since 2004, we cooperate with leading experts, researchers, and universities to be the No. 1 in customer management. We offer our clients excellent strategy consulting based on our comprehensive and longstanding international experience. Thereby, we support our clients in the areas of Smart Data, Business Models, Customer Management, Market Approach, Transformation, and Performance Management. WATC also stands out by offering innovative digital solutions (WATC Digital) and training services. Our recommendations are based on profound information about the customer, which have proved to be successful in numerous industries for both large enterprises and SMEs. We combine our unique approach on customer centricity with our powerful network of experts, researchers, and technology provider to reach a higher profitability for each of our clients. For more information, visit our website WATC, follow us on Twitter, or visit our blog.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Zollikon, Zurich
Customer Centricity, Strategy Consulting, Kundenorientierung, Strategieberatung, Customer Experience, Sales, Vertrieb, Smart Data, Customer Management, Pricing, Geschäftsmodelle und Customer Management


Beschäftigte von WATC Consulting AG


  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    CUSTOMER CENTRICITY demands continuous adaptation from any organisation that wants not only to become but to stay customer-centric ... and hence relevant. However, continuous adaptation requires that an organisation has the willingness and ability to change at any time; not only when external pressure is becoming too strong. Customer-centric companies see it as an inherent part of their business to adapt to an environment that never stops evolving. This way of thinking describes a learning organisation, that constantly monitors its environment, continuously gauges its own customer centricity maturity and adapts to new situations over and over again. Such a learning organisation keeps the need for dramatic shifts low and at the same time trains its staff in dealing with alterations. A learning organisation does not only tackle change when it cannot avoid it any longer. It sees transformation as a key element of its management and value generation processes. #transformation #changemanagement #change #businesstransformation #customercentricity #customercentric WATC Consulting AG


  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    Selbst die erfahrensten Unternehmensleiter/innen betrachten die Schaffung einer KUNDENZENTRIERTEN KULTUR als ihre grösste Herausforderung auf dem Weg zu mehr KUNDENORIENTIERUNG. Tatsächlich zeigt die Erfahrung aus der Arbeit mit Kunden in verschiedenen Branchen und in zahlreichen Ländern, dass viele Organisationen mit dieser Aufgabe zu kämpfen haben. Dieselbe Erfahrung lehrt auch, dass Unternehmen, die diese Aufgabe erfolgreich meistern, profitabler sind. Aber warum ist es so schwer, eine kundenorientierte Kultur zu haben? Was es so schwierig macht, ist, dass ein Unternehmen intelligente Entscheidungen auf bis zu fünf Ebenen treffen muss, um sein Ziel zu erreichen: 1) Auf Kundenebene: Wie können Kunden in die relevanten Aspekte der Wertschöpfung einbezogen werden? 2) Auf Mitarbeiterebene: Wie kann das richtige kundenorientierte Engagement und Verhalten erreicht werden? 3) Auf intra-organisationaler Ebene: Wie kann eine echte unternehmensweite Zusammenarbeit mit Blick auf die Kunden ermöglicht werden?  4) Auf inter-organisationaler Ebene: Wie kann eine kundenorientierte Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern sichergestellt werden? 5) Auf Infrastrukturebene: Welche Systeme und Werkzeuge sollten für den besten Effekt verwendet werden? Die meisten Organisationen scheinen sich auf die Ebenen zwei und/oder fünf der obigen Liste zu konzentrieren. Die anderen drei Dimensionen werden viel zu oft vernachlässigt. #culture #kundenzentrierung #kundenfokus #kundenorientierung #customerexperience #cx #unternehmenskultur #whataboutthecustomer

    • Selbst die erfahrensten Unternehmensleiter betrachten die Schaffung einer KUNDENZENTRIERTEN KULTUR als ihre grösste Herausforderung auf dem Weg zu mehr KUNDENORIENTIERUNG.

WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    IGNORE YOUR CUSTOMERS’ FEEDBACK AT YOUR OWN PERIL! Many companies invest a lot of effort into defining customer experiences that are then supposed to be delivered to their customers through a combination of all their channels and touchpoints. Most of these organisations also realise that they should measure the effect of their investment. Hence, a large proportion of companies have set up customer surveys that monitor execution and assess the effect customer experiences have on their customers. Unfortunately, many of these measurements are either largely ignored or – even worse – manipulated by company representatives who feel it is preferable to seem good rather than to become better. By doing so, they deprive their company of one of its most valuable assets: candid customer feedback. #customercentricity #customercentric #customerexperience #cx #customerinsights #whataboutthecustomer

    • Ignore your customers’ feedback at your own peril! 

WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    KUNDENZENTRIERUNG verlangt von einem Unternehmen stetiges Anpassen an eine unstete Umwelt. Diese Anpassungsfähigkeit setzt voraus, dass sich die Organisation nicht nur von Zeit zu Zeit – unter mehr oder weniger starkem Handlungsdruck – zu Wandel hinreissen oder zwingen lässt, sondern es als inhärente Unternehmensaufgabe sieht, sich laufend anzupassen. Diese Denkweise beschreibt eine lernende Organisation, die ihre Umwelt stetig beobachtet, ihren Kundenorientierungs-Status regelmässig misst und sich laufend den neuen Verhältnissen anpasst. Durch die stetige Anpassung an neue Gegebenheiten lässt das Unternehmen einerseits die Notwendigkeit von Veränderung nie zu einem kritischen Ausmass heranwachsen und versetzt die Organisation als Ganzes gleichzeitig in die Lage, besser mit Veränderung umzugehen. Eine lernende Organisation geht nicht in unregelmässigen Abständen Transformationsprozesse an, sondern sieht Transformation als integrierten Bestandteil ihres Managementprozesses. Wer mehr Informationen zum Thema möchte, findet diese hier: https://lnkd.in/eBWVY-Ug #transformation #changemanagement #change #businesstransformation #kundenfokus #kundenorientierung #kundenzentrierung #whataboutthecustomer WATC Consulting AG

    • Kundenzentrierung und die lernende Organisation

WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    The starting point of any transformation - including the one towards CUSTOMER CENTRICITY - is a deep analysis of the current situation inside and outside the company. It builds the foundation for prioritising the most important fields of actions and for setting up the target system of the transformation process. The key question is, of course, which areas to analyse to assess a company's customer centricity maturity and to lay open the most important issues to address. WATC Consulting AG's CUSTOMER CENTRICITY SCORECARD suggests seven fields of analysis. It has proven helpful both for guiding companies through the analysis phase and for setting up controlling routines to track performance over time. #customercentricity #customercentric #scorecard #transformation #cx #whataboutthecustomer

    • The starting point of any transformation - including the one towards CUSTOMER CENTRICITY - is a deep analysis of the current situation inside and outside the company.  --> Customer Centricity Scorecard
WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    I am often asked what it takes to be truly CUSTOMER-CENTRIC. There are many definitions of customer centricity and almost all of them have one thing in common: they don’t really help the practitioner. Based on multiple client engagements and extensive research, I came to the conclusion that there are four key prerequisites for customer centricity in commercial and non-commercial organisations. They have to do with the way the organisation makes decisions, how it is set up, how it creates and measures value and how it ensures development over time. In my daily work for clients, I use WATC Consulting AG’s Customer Centricity Canvas to help my clients assess their organisation, develop the best strategy for achieving customer centricity and manage transformation successfully. #customercentricity #customercentric #customerexperience #cx #marketingstrategy #whataboutthecustomer

A toolbox for practitioners
WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    Everybody is talking about CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES and CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT nowadays. However, few people seem to have a good concept of what it really takes to do it successfully and many organisations lack a unifying framework. At WATC Consulting AG, we use the following simple framework to align client representatives around the key prerequisites for success. We also use it for capability building in WATC Academy courses and seminars. The 6 steps of Customer Experience Management: 1) Understand your customers 2) Define relevant objectives 3) Design differentiating customer experiences 4) Build up internal capabilities 5) Structure customer relationships 6) Measure and adapt on a continuous basis #customercentricity #customercentric #customerexperience #cx #marketingstrategy #whataboutthecustomer

    • The 6 steps towards successful Customer Experience Management
WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    I am often asked what it takes to be truly CUSTOMER-CENTRIC. There are many definitions of customer centricity and almost all of them have one thing in common: they don’t really help the practitioner. Based on multiple client engagements and extensive research, I came to the conclusion that there are four key prerequisites for customer centricity in commercial and non-commercial organisations. They have to do with the way the organisation makes decisions, how it is set up, how it creates and measures value and how it ensures development over time. In my daily work for clients, I use WATC Consulting AG’s Customer Centricity Canvas to help my clients assess their organisation, develop the best strategy for achieving customer centricity and manage transformation successfully. #customercentricity #customercentric #customerexperience #cx #marketingstrategy #whataboutthecustomer

A toolbox for practitioners
WATC consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    Anyone who has ever tried to lead an organisation through a change process – for example, towards more customer centricity – knows how challenging change management is. In my consulting projects and in discussions with my students, I repeatedly encounter the same stumbling blocks. Here is a brief overview: 1. Lack of consideration for the human aspect: Too little recognition of the fact that resistance to change is to be expected and that any change manager should therefore be prepared for it. 2. Weaknesses in stakeholder management: No active creation of a sense of urgency and ownership among the people who are crucial for the success of the transformation. 3. Weaknesses in internal communication: No clear vision and no ongoing, inspiring communication of it. 4. Inappropriate management of the transformation process: Lack of foresight where the change process can stall, and therefore inadequate planning and too little support for key agents of change. 5. Underestimating the necessary patience: Celebrating overall success too early and failing to celebrate interim successes to keep stakeholders engaged. 6. Lack of institutionalisation of new behaviours: Insufficient anchoring of the target state in processes, structures, and cultural aspects. #customercentricity #customercentric #customersuccess #transformation #leadership #whataboutthecustomer

    • Checklist for Change Managers
WATC Consulting AG
  • WATC Consulting AG hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Patrick E. Koller anzeigen, Grafik

    Expert in Business Strategy, Customer Centricity and Customer Experience. Lecturer and Speaker. Top Management Advisor

    UNTERNEHMENSKULTUR und MINDSET gehören zu den wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren eines jeden Kundenorientierungsprogramms. Nach meiner Erfahrung sind wirklich kundenorientierte Unternehmen durch zwei Elemente gekennzeichnet: Erstens haben sie Angebot, Kundenerlebnis, Touchpoints, Prozesse und Organisation in einer Art und Weise gestaltet, die es ermöglicht beidseitigen Nutzen zu schaffen – also Wert sowohl für das Unternehmen als auch für seine Kunden. Zweitens verfügen sie über eine inklusive Kultur, die es ihnen ermöglicht, nahtlos über funktionale Silos hinweg zusammenzuarbeiten und Kunden in wesentliche Teile der Planung und Gestaltung von Kundenerlebnissen zu integrieren. In ihrem Bestreben, kundenorientierter zu werden, konzentrieren sich zu viele CEOs fast ausschliesslich auf das erste Element und vernachlässigen dabei die Anforderungen der Kundenorientierung in Bezug auf die Unternehmenskultur und die Denkweise ihrer Mitarbeiter. #customerexperience #cx #kundenfokus #kundenorientierung #kundenzentrierung #whataboutthecustomer WATC Consulting AG

    • UNTERNEHMENSKULTUR und MINDSET gehören zu den wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren eines jeden Kundenorientierungsprogramms.
WATC Consulting AG

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