Witty Works

Witty Works


Zurich, Zurich 2.990 Follower:innen

Detect bias, recruit & retain better, foster inclusive corporate culture. With micro-learning, on the go, sustainably.


Witty is an AI-augmented digital assistant that detects bias whily you are writing. It supports your employees to choose inclusive language and trains inclusive behavior with micro-learning. Integrated into their daily tasks, in real time. Increase bias awareness in just 2 days; change towards inclusive behavior within 2 weeks only. Get 3x more applications from diverse talent; retain them more easily. Get analytics to understand where bias traps are in your organization. Scale it through the entire organization and beyond.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Zurich, Zurich
Diversity, Inclusion, inclusive language, inklusive Sprache, Diversität, Inklusion, employer branding, equity, marketing, communication, PR, People & culture, inclusive culture, Learning&Development, DEIB, Belonging, inclusive culture und HR


Beschäftigte von Witty Works


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    2.990 Follower:innen

    Please beware: Certain commonly used, generally accepted language in job ads can get you into legal trouble and generate fines. For example: 'young and dynamic team' Marko Verkic shares in this LinkedIn post (https://lnkd.in/dv6E-cQs) how his company had to pay €4,300 in compensation after a 51-year-old applicant claimed age discrimination due to a reference to a "young and dynamic team." Despite the position not being filled, the court ruled against the company. And here the legal abstract of the original case already in 2016 (in German only): https://lnkd.in/dtJcgdHW As one commenter noted, “Witty Works could have prevented this. Still, it’s a ridiculous ruling.” Another added, “Wow, this is a harsh reminder of how important every word in job ads can be. Terms like ‘young team’ can quickly become a legal issue in our regulatory environment—even without bad intentions. An expensive but valuable lesson many of us can learn from.” We do believe Marko Verkic that there was no bad intention behind the original wording, and understand his frustration. Still, it is a cautionary tale for businesses, emphasizing the legal risks of careless wording in job ads. This highlights that words matter—not just for attracting talent but also for avoiding costly legal consequences. With Witty you can make sure that such errors don't happen to you. So you don't get a costly fine. #AntiDiscrimination #InclusiveLanguage #Inclusion #Ageism

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  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Fully energized from achievements in 2024, what is our roadmap of 2025? 🚀 As we look forward to the new year, we’re excited to share what’s next for Witty and what we’re working toward in 2025: 🤖Bringing Witty GPT to more customers: We aim to integrate Witty GPT into your existing LLM tools, making it easier to ensure bias-free and inclusive AI outputs where you write. 🍧Smoother sentence rephrasing: Adapting alternatives to fit into your text can be time-consuming. In 2025, Witty will rephrase entire sentences for you—starting with French in Microsoft Word and expanding to all languages and integrations. 🤩Building a Witty Add-In for Outlook: Since many of you use Outlook daily, we’re working to bring Witty directly into your emails, just like we’ve done for Microsoft Word. 🇪🇸🇮🇹New languages: Italian and Spanish are on our roadmap. Italian, as one of Switzerland’s national languages, is particularly relevant for public offices, and Spanish has been on the wishlist for a while. 📊Introducing benchmarks: We want to help you measure your progress. Wouldn't it be nice to compare your use of inclusive language to industry-wide benchmarks? For example: What are the top 3 non-inclusive words across all Witty users? How do you compare? That's one of our goals for 2025. We can also change our minds! What would you like to see on our roadmap for 2025? #InclusiveLanguage #DEIAnalytics #2025 #NewYear #NewRoadmap

    • an inllustration of a person looking through a telescope point at 2025, on a rainbow colored gradient background
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Happy New Year to everyone!! May 2025 bring joy, luck, success and happiness. I am sure we're all in need for it in a world that is so volatile and experiencing sad backlashes. Nonetheless, let's keep pushing for a more inclusive world together. To get energized, we look at our achievements of 2024 before we check out our roadmap for 2025. Here they are: This year brought some wonderful recognitions: 🏆One of our highlights was winning the Microsoft Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact Award, celebrated with a pitch of Witty on the the Eiffel Tower. 🚀Since July, we're part of the LVMH accelerator from La Maison des Startups. During VivaTech 2024, Witty was selected as one of 18 finalists for the LVMH Innovation Award, chosen from 1,545 startups worldwide. 🇫🇷We were thrilled to win the the French HR Award, where we earned third place. 🔌Finally, we won the Transformation Award of Manpower. 🤝Alongside these milestones, we welcomed new global clients and supported existing ones as they expanded Witty across their teams. Your trust and collaboration mean a lot to us—thank you! On the product side, Witty made big steps forward: 🎉Witty is now available as an Add-In for Microsoft Word, making it easier to use right where you work. 🇫🇷We launched French, opening new doors for multilingual businesses and the French market. 🤖In Q4, we introduced Witty GPT, which works with tools like Microsoft Copilot to check AI-generated responses for bias and guide them toward inclusive language. What were your achievements of 2024? What are you proud of? Even fails count since we can also be proud that we learnt something out of an error. 😉 #2024 #NewYear #DiversityEquityInclusion #InclusiveOrganizations

    • an illustration of a person looking through a telescope and the number 2024 is in view, on rainbow color gradient
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Witty Works legt eine Pause ein bis zum 5. Januar. Wir hoffen, du auch. 😍 Oder mindestens ein paar Tage. Welche Tradition du auch immer feierst, möge dir das Neue Jahr Energie und Erholung bringen. Gemeinsam können wir auch 2025 zu einem Jahr der Inklusion und des Zusammenhalts machen. Lasst uns offen und neugierig füreinander sein und uns gegenseitig unterstützen, damit wir gestärkt in die Zukunft blicken können. #WrittenWithWittyGPT

    • a family on the sofa
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Jusqu'au 5 janvier, Witty Works prendra une pause. Nous espérons vous aussi. 🤩 Que cette période de fêtes, quelle que soit la fête que vous célébrez, soit l'occasion de se ressourcer et de se recentrer. Profitons-en pour cultiver la bienveillance, l'entraide et la curiosité, afin de construire ensemble une année 2025 riche en connexions et en opportunités pour tou·te·s. Prenons soin les un·e·s des autres et accueillons la nouvelle année avec optimisme et enthousiasme. Tout le bon pour vous! Et merci pour votre grand soutien! #WrittenWithWittyGPT

    • A family siting together on a sofa
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Heute ist der große Tag! Auf vielfachen Wunsch unserer Kundschaft hat unser Entwicklungsteam mit Leidenschaft daran gearbeitet, dies zu ermöglichen: 🚀Witty GPT!🚀 Was macht Witty GPT? 1. Du schreibst deinen Prompt wie bei jedem anderen LLM wie ChatGPT, Claude oder Microsoft Copilot. 2. Witty generiert einen Text entsprechend deinem Prompt. ❓Was ist das Besondere an Witty GPT ⁉️ Der erzeugte Text ➡️ ist direkt in inklusiver Sprache geschrieben und berücksichtigt 50+ Diversitätsdimensionen, da Witty im Hintergrund die Ausgabe des LLM überwacht. ➡️ integriert dein unternehmensspezifisches Sprachglossar und führt es im Hintergrund ein, bevor die Nutzenden das Endergebnis erhalten. Und das alles in Sekundenschnelle! Schau dir unser Produktvideo an 🎥 siehe Link in den Kommentaren. Das Beste daran? Witty GPT kann in GenAI-Tools integriert werden, die ihr im Unternehmen bereits habt. Damit nutzt ihr auch euer eigenes LLM. Warum solltest du Witty GPT verwenden? 💠Hoher Produktivitätsgewinn, da du mit einem LLM arbeiten kannst 💠Automatische Sicherstellung von inklusiver Sprache (Studien zeigen, dass ChatGPT und Copilot Sprache mit Bias nicht erfassen können. Dies ist besonders prekär in Deutsch und Französisch.) 💠Kohärente Umsetzung des Unternehmensglossars in der gesamten Kommunikation Kontaktiere uns, um darüber zu sprechen, wie Witty GPT in deinem Unternehmen integriert werden kann 👉contact@witty.works #WittyGPT #InklusiveSprache #InclusiveLanguage #CorporateLanguage

    • regenbogenfarbener Hintergrund mit Farbverlauf, Titel: today is the day! big announcement:, Kopf einer dunkelhäutigen Person mit blauen Haaren und Kopfhörern, im Pixeldesign, mit der Aufschrift 'Witty GPT is here!', einige Sterne rechts und links
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Today is the big day! According to popular demand, our dev team has worked with passion to make this happen: 🚀Witty GPT!🚀 What does Witty GPT do? 1. You write your prompt as you would on any other LLM like ChatGPT, Claude or Microsoft Copilot. 2. Witty generates a text according to your prompt. ❓So, what is the big thing about Witty GPT ⁉️ The text produced ➡️ is directly in inclusive language, taking into account 50+ diversity dimensions, since Witty monitors in the background the output of the LLM. ➡️ is integrating your corporate language glossary, introducing it in the background before the user sees the final result. All this in seconds! Check out our product video 🎥 see link in the comments. The best about this? Witty GPT can be integrated into internal GenAI tools that you already have, working with your own made LLMs. Why you should use Witty GPT? 💠High productivity gain as you can work with an LLM 💠Ensuring inclusive language automatically (Studies show that ChatGPT and Copilot do not catch biased language; especially precarious in German and French) 💠Ensuring corporate glossary in all your communication Contact us to talk about how Witty GPT can be integrated in your company 👉contact@witty.works #WittyGPT #InclusiveLanguage #CorporateLanguage

    • rainbow gradient background, title: today is the day! big announcement:, head of a dark skinned person with blue hair and headphones, in pixel design, saying 'Witty GPT is here!', some stars right and left
  • Unternehmensseite von Witty Works anzeigen, Grafik

    2.990 Follower:innen

    Aujourd'hui, c'est le grand jour ! À la demande de notre clientèle, notre équipe de développement a travaillé avec passion pour que cela se produise : 🚀Witty GPT!🚀 Qu'est-ce fait Witty GPT ? 1. Vous écrivez votre prompt comme vous le feriez sur n'importe quel autre LLM comme ChatGPT, Claude ou Microsoft Copilot. 2. Witty génère un texte en fonction de votre prompt. ❓Alors, qu'est-ce qui est si nouveau de Witty GPT ⁉️ Le texte produit ➡️ est directement en langage inclusif, prenant en compte plus de 50 dimensions de la diversité, puisque Witty surveille en arrière-plan le résultat du LLM. ➡️ intègre le glossaire de votre entreprise, en l'introduisant en arrière-plan avant que l'utilisateur·rice ne voie le résultat final. Tout cela en quelques secondes ! Découvrez Witty GPT dans notre vidéo 🎥 voir le lien dans les commentaires. Le meilleur dans tout ça ? Witty GPT peut être intégré dans les outils de GenAI de l'entreprise que vous utilisez déjà, travaillant avec vos propres LLM. Pourquoi utiliser Witty GPT ? 💠Gain de productivité élevé car vous pouvez travailler avec un LLM 💠Assurer un langage inclusif automatiquement (Des études montrent que ChatGPT et Copilot ne détectent pas le langage biaisé ; particulièrement précaire en allemand et en français) 💠Assurer un glossaire d'entreprise dans toutes vos communications Contactez-nous pour discuter de la façon dont Witty GPT peut être intégré dans votre entreprise 👉contact@witty.works #WittyGPT #LangageInclusif #CorporateLanguage

    • fond dégradé arc-en-ciel, titre : Aujourd'hui, c'est le grand jour ! Grande annonce:, tête d'une personne noire avec des cheveux bleus et des écouteurs, dans un design pixel, disant « Witty GPT est là ! », quelques étoiles à droite et à gauche

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