

Herstellung medizinischer Geräte

RefluxStop™ restores the natural function of the esophageal sphincter without encircling the food passageway.


RefluxStop™ treats acid reflux without affecting the food passageway, a novel method that will possibly create a paradigm shift in acid reflux treatment. This ingenious device is a non-active implant and is placed on the upper part of the stomach through laparoscopic (key hole) surgery. CE mark approval was granted August 8, 2018, on the strength of a multi-center clinical investigation in which the safety and effectiveness of the device in patients was demonstrated. Acid reflux is the second largest treatment field in the world, with 400 million daily sufferers1. RefluxStop™ not only treats the symptoms of acid reflux but also eliminates the regurgitation of stomach fluid – unlike drug therapy. The clinical investigation supports that complication rates are reduced with RefluxStop™ compared to current surgical treatments. RefluxStop procedures are currently being performed in the following countries: UK Germany Austria Switzerland Spain Italy

Herstellung medizinischer Geräte
51–200 Beschäftigte
Gastroenterology, Acid Reflux, GERD, GORD und Reflux Disease


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