Library cards will have one of the following profiles or status types:

  • Unlimited: access to all circulating materials
  • Educator: access to all circulating materials except videocassettes and DVDs, for customers who live or work in
    the State of Ohio who use library materials in an educational setting and whose personal use cards do not exceed
    established fine limits.
  • Book Club: access to all circulating materials (except videocassettes and DVDs) for customers using library
    materials to support a bookclub and whose personal use cards do not exceed established fine limits.
  • Outpatron: access to all circulating materials for customers of the Library’s Outreach Services Department
  • Honorary: access to all circulating materials for honored members of the community and library retirees
  • Non-Resident Unlimited: access to all circulating materials for customers who purchase a library card
  • Limited Juvenile: access limited to Juvenile catalogued material, for customers under the age of 18, at the
    request of a parent or legal guardian
  • Limited No Video: access limited to any Juvenile, Teen, and Adult catalogued material except videocassettes
    and DVDs, for customers under the age of 18, at the request of a parent or legal guardian
  • Visitor: access limited to print materials for temporary/transitional customers
  • Visitor Juvenile Limited: access limited to Juvenile catalogued material for temporary/transitional customers
    under the age of 18, at the request of a parent or legal guardian
  • Downloadable-only: access to the Library’s downloadable collection, internet and all databases
  • Child-only: access to seven juvenile print or audiobook items at a time to children under the age of 13
  • Teen-only: access to seven juvenile or teen print or audiobook items at a time to teens between ages 13 – 17
  • Adult-only: access to seven print or audiobook items at a time for adults age 18 and older

The Library is unable to restrict access to digital content according to the limitations as outlined above. The various
status types do not apply to circulating content delivered digitally.

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