Media & Press Inquiries
We love the press! If you’re a member of the media and press, find contact information, creative assets, and executive bios, and more below. Any questions? Just reach out!
Media Inquiries
Contact: Ronald Robbins, Chief Executive Officer
Address: 383 Corona Street Suite 535, Denver, CO 80218
Phone: 720-772-8297
Creative Assets
Logos may be resized but they may not be cropped or modified in any other way. Logos are free to use for media related articles about Clicta Digital, Inc.
- Colored Logo (Square / Horizontal)
- White Logo (Square / Horizontal)
- Black Logo (Square / Horizontal)
Company Descriptions & Executive Bios
Find our company descriptions and executive biographies below. Inquire with our media team if you’d like to alter these in any way.