Anchor Asia (Anchor Taiwan)的动态

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Ecosystem & Venture Capital for Cross-border Innovation

Bonnie Tu, Chairperson of Giant Group 巨大集團, officially announced her retirement yesterday, marking a milestone of an extraordinary era. Her remarkable legacy will be cherished for years to come. We are deeply grateful for her unwavering support of Anchor Asia (Anchor Taiwan)’s initiatives to foster cross-border and cross-industry innovation in the bike industry through Bike Venture and beyond. - 2024年12月27日,我來到台中巨大總部。下午兩點,董事長杜绣珍 (Bonnie Tu) 透過公司人事公告正式宣布退休,其董事長職務由原執行長劉湧昌接任。當天下午舉行內部邀請制的新書分享會,晚上 Farewell Party。 . Bonnie 進入會場前,已經鮮少公開露面的捷安特創辦人劉金標戴著毛帽先到了。晚宴上,巨大前執行長羅祥安清唱「再回首」。台灣、甚至是世界的自行車產業史,像是從書裡、從前輩口述裡活生生走了出來。 . 多年後往回看,昨天或許不只對巨大,也是對整個產業翻篇的一頁 / 夜。我何其有幸,因為 Anchor Taiwan 透過 Bike Venture 等平台投入自行車產業的創新轉型與國際鏈結,得以躬逢其盛。 . Bonnie 說:想做的事若有能力做、又承擔得起,就立即行動、全力以赴吧 (If I can do it, I can afford it, I will do it)。 . 這無比貼切地描述了我創辦 Anchor 的心境,也是這些年遇到挑戰時,讓我得以跨越許多障礙的護身符與北極星。 . 這大概也是我將永遠感念 Bonnie 的原因之一。1949年出生的她身為家中獨生女,即使因為爸爸行醫、媽媽善於投資理財而家底豐厚,仍舊要面對身為女兒,小時候奶奶半夜捏她、不斷要和家人證明自己沒比兒子差的一生奮戰。 . 而今,Bonnie 用行動鼓舞了千千萬萬的人,她沒有浪費自己的資源與出身,用堅持與近乎偏執的熱情,創辦全球唯一的女性自行車品牌 Liv,在任期間寫下巨大集團一年920億的營收紀錄。 . 我將永遠記得,那個一身勁裝和我同台演講的 Bonnie、環島出發前送我們面膜的 Bonnie、講到譁眾取寵但不安全的設計會生氣的 Bonnie、不平則鳴總是勇於發問的 Bonnie、聽到 Anchor 的使命用行動支持的 Bonnie、親人告別式隔天仍舊敬業與我對焦兩小時的 Bonnie、75歲挑戰一天騎175公里腿軟也不上保母車的 Bonnie、旅居馬來西亞時讓飛機為她延後起飛的 Bonnie...... . 恭喜畢業,自此 Bonnie 不再是巨大董事長,Bonnie 就是 Bonnie。她在《勇敢與真實》的自序中說:「人生應如絢爛的煙花、詩意的櫻花,綻放時全力以赴,散落時瀟灑自在」。 . 書裡還說:「原來所有的傷口,都是為了要讓你長出翅膀。」 . 經過昨夜,彷彿有一些傷口被癒合,有一些過不去的坎被跨越。在只有少數賓客是外部朋友的晚宴上,我被感恩填滿,頓時發現自己得到的,已經比想像中太多太多。 . 看著穿平口禮服完全沒有掰掰袖的 Bonnie,祝福這個不耽平凡的靈魂、不乖的自行車教母,用自由、愛與行動破除限制的女人,持續冒險、持續顛覆、持續愛、持續真實與勇敢。 - #giantbicycles #捷安特 #giantgroup #巨大集團 #anchorasia #anchortaiwan #bikeventure

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CK Tseng

VP Sales North America at Arm, Board Member at Adlink, Curriculum Committee at NTNU and NTUST

1 周

Elisa Chiu Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story

Bonnie Tu’s retirement closes an incredible chapter in cycling history. Her leadership at Giant Group reshaped the industry, from launching Liv to driving Giant’s record-breaking success. At #BIN, we’re deeply inspired by her commitment to innovation and collaboration through initiatives like Bike Venture. Bonnie’s philosophy, “If I can do it, I can afford it, I will do it,” mirrors our own drive to create a global standard for bicycle identification and sustainability. Thank you, Bonnie, for your vision and courage. Your impact on cycling and beyond will inspire us for years to come. Wishing you new adventures in this next chapter! 🚴♀️✨

Ilon Huang

Broadcast Journalist at Radio Taiuwan International (RTI)

1 周

Thanks for sharing, Elisa Chiu. Great pictures with Bonnie Tu. I can imagine that she is a great inspiration to you. And I know, if one day you will retire, you also will have inspired many women (and not only women).

Judy Wu

Sustainability | Product Marketing | Tech Startups | ESG at YFY

1 周

Thanks for sharing her remarkable story. Like the book title 勇敢與真實!

Christine Nakamura

Vice-President, Central Canada Office at Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

1 周

Congratulations Bonnie! It was a pleasure to meet you in Taipei in November. I hope the next chapter of your life will be full of excitement and pleasant surprises!

Tony Hsieh

President 總經理

4 天前

很棒的Bonnie . 有緣一定會再相遇☺️

Teddy Tsai

Creating value through active stakeholder engagement

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Chih Wei Lai

Strategic account and products manager

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Roger Chang

Chief Operating Officer

1 周

Thanks Elisa for sharing and congratulations to Bonnie president for wonderful achievement.

